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Janus Revealed - Upcoming Patch Notes and Stream Recap

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Forum » News » Janus Revealed - Upcoming Patch Notes and Stream Recap 53 posts - page 4 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » May 23, 2014 8:13am | Report
So it seems that Bastet was still overpowered even after the "nerf" from the previous patch. Funny thing how she had the same cc-breaking ability before the rework and no one ever complained... Same ability after the rework and all you could read was "bastet op!!!111". Makes me wonder about the longevity of the reddit complainers in Smite.

Zeus with no stun is just not Zeus anymore, I'll really miss him.

What I really don't understand is Wukong nerf. I mean, he's got a lot of nerfs over time. Master's Will was a huge part of his peeling ability. But of course Monkey is over powered when people never bother to buy BEADS or MAGI'S! Of course he was over powered when people were using ultis on his decoy so that it needed to have one of the longest cooldowns in the game. Unfreakingbelievable.

I'm not even mad, I'm just straight-faced when I think about it, coming along with a feeling of disgust over all the complainers that filled Reddit or whatever stream chats with "nerf this, nerf that". What I really wish Smite now is hi-rez to grow some balls and take their own decisions instead of doing whatever crybabies think 'NEEDS to be done".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MaysJedi » May 23, 2014 8:43am | Report
festive1 wrote:

I play Odin support a lot, does that make me the scum of smite? I think the real scum of smite are those that rage at people for enjoying what they want to do.

Did I say you were a scum? Do you generally play Odin cause you like him or enjoy his skills or they are skills you enjoy? If you do, then you're not part of the problem. Next time, learn the meaning of what I'am saying. I didn't say "all people who play warriors are terrible people" I said "tons only played them cause it was the only class they could play due to their longevity and 1v1 op superiority." Noticed how I said "lots" and not "most". So I don't think most people who play warriors don't play them for the purpose I said earlier. Next time, while reading, try to actually know what people mean instead of thinking of what I actually didn't actually say and twisting my meaning. If keep doing that, you would be perfect as a Fox News interviewer.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MaysJedi » May 23, 2014 8:48am | Report
Firraria wrote:

they nerfed gods who were already not very good, and buffed ones who were already just fine.
Get your toxic attitude out of here, no one likes it, you're acting like a parasite.

Yes, they nerfed the gods who were banned most in competitive and could go as tanky as Ymir and Geb but deal damage like Bakasura, yes, they totally did not need nerfs. *facepalm*
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » May 23, 2014 9:34am | Report
Agni - Nerf is good. Wasn't needed, but good nonetheless.

Aphrodite - Nerf is okay. She doesn't do much damage anyway, and I think the insane damage on Back off was supposed to compensate for that, but oh well.

Bastet - Nerf is fine. I don't really see any reason to complain. She can still jump back, it's just that she can't do it while CC'd. Can any other god do that?

Cupid - I like this change. I'm wondering if it decreases the total damage though.

Hun Batz - I don't get this one. He seemed pretty balanced to me.

Poseidon - I'm glad about this. No more Poseidon rockets! :)

Ullr - I think he was pretty balanced already, no need for changes, but oh well.

Zeus - Finally.

Zhong Kui - Good, he needed a buff.

Now for warriors.

Chaac - They didn't need to do this, it was good before.

Guan Yu - wtf. seriously. He was in a really good place, not op, not up, this change is seriously gonna hurt him.

Hercules - There was no need to buff him at all, he was in a perfect place. If anything, his ult could've used a nerf. RIP all warriors 'cept Herc.

Nemesis - Finally they did this.

Odin - I can see why they did this.

Sun Wukong - Sucks, cause he's my favorite god, but he was pretty op. I don't think the problem was his damage though, it was how easy it is for him to escape.

Tyr - Took you long enough, Hi-rez.

MaysJedi wrote:

Yes, they nerfed the gods who were banned most in competitive and could go as tanky as Ymir and Geb but deal damage like Bakasura, yes, they totally did not need nerfs. *facepalm*

That's a huge exaggeration. Do you really believe that?
I never said they didn't need nerfs, so please, just quit while you're ahead. I get that (most) warriors were op, but they went too far.

You're acting like a child, and it isn't welcome.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 23, 2014 9:44am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 23, 2014 9:53am | Report
Thus sensor **** o.o... ***bakharba and Janus

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » May 23, 2014 10:01am | Report
Zeus no longer has stun....

Zeus no longer has stun....

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » May 23, 2014 10:58am | Report
Agni: Effective nerf, not sure if needed. We also now know HiRez actually WANTS us to use the ragequit combo.

Aphrodite: Screw you, DMBrandon.

Bastet: From trash tier, to god tier, to now competitively-viable tier. Now stop touching her, HiRez - we don't want another old Hel.

Cupid: On the right track, but not good enough yet - two basic attacks isn't a real big difference.

Hun Batz: ...and what were you guys trying to accomplish with this?

Ullr: Not sure where he was before, but I think now he's either balanced or strong. At least nerfed enough for Apollo to reclaim his spot of best ADC.

Poseidon: With the previous passive change, this was needed.

Zeus: Stun -> slow, too much. Either make it a strong, short slow, or change it to a mez.

Zhong Kui: You guys still haven't salvaged him, ya know.


Chaac: By nerfing his support potential, they obviously wane us to play him in other lanes than duo.

Guan Yu: I see your reasoning... but ouch. If you're keeping this change, revert the protection shred back to 30 at level 5.

Hercules: His problem before was that he didn't really fit into the meta, in any role. However, he now looks to me like a strong support tank in the upcoming post-apocalyptic, non-warrior supports metagame.

Nemesis: Good. Now change Thor back into a bruiser.

Odin: Like Guan, I see your reasoning, but this will hurt him HARD. I would recommend giving his 2 its 7-second duration back, and his 3 its original slow back. Maybe some more slight buffs.

Sun Wukong: Jinglebang now useless, Master's Will change is highly interesting. First glance, it's a nerf, but it's a 1-second knockup vs. a 3-second slow. Someone do the math; this might close more distance overall.

Tyr: Ding-****, Rushed is at your door, HiRez. Bring a gun - you'll probably need it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » May 23, 2014 12:42pm | Report
I'll just go over a few things I think gone under the radar and to clarify my position. Everything that I don't mention has already been mentioned (and you probably know how I feel about those things as well).

Hun Batz - Nerf wasn't the right one. Did the crits really matter? We all know that the big thing about him is his ultimate. Maybe just slightly increase its casting time, or make it fear & damage every .5 seconds instead of .25, or just reduce its radius. Also, make Somersault slow for 30/35/40/45/50% instead of flat 50%.

Warriors: They were overall harmed quite a lot. I think it was too much. Much like Sub mentioned, it should have been more of a buff to Guardians rather than a nerf for Warriors, but I do still think that they deserved a nerf. Despite, I do think that some changes are to be made.
Odin - I'd just like to see a reduction of overall buff effectiveness rather than a removal of buffs. Make the protections buff less substantial (3/6/9/12/15 seems fair), the passive power less effective (2/4/6/8/10). I do think that the ring should not give protections to allies.

Guan Yu - Let's talk. Reduce the base damage on Taolu Assault to 15/22/29/36/43, make it buff his protections again and make the overall debuff be 6/7/8/9/10 protections per hit. His entire essence and niche is that protection thread. Please, let's focus on that. Also, reduce the base power on Cavalry Charge. Just look at its max damage. Reduce the overall base damage and increase the scaling. This ability scales less than Taolu Assault. I say 60/80/100/120/140 +30% of physical power. Oh, and while we're at it, reduce the stun from a flat 1.5 s duration to 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds. Also, Increase the slow on Warrior's Will from a flat 20% to 22/24/26/28/30%. Increase its cooldown from 14 s to 15 s.

Now, let's go over somethings that have gone off our radar. I'm talking about the items balances. I freaking love 90% of them.

Devourer's Gauntlet - Amazing. Perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Now it could contest the other stacking items, mainly Heartseeker. You can now actually start with Cursed Gauntlet from the start and get 20 physical power and 10% lifesteal and finish it very, very quickly. Actually, now that I think about it, it might have been a little too much. I would have taken the reduced price on Spiked Gauntlet in satisfaction and went home. But I guess time will tell.

Bloodforge - It's a pure lifesteal item with some power, I think the price is fair, could have been even less, seeing as how decourer's gauntlet got buffed, but I guess Bloodforge is for when you don't have the time to stack.

Malice - I like the buff, but, as Subzero mentioned in the past, seeing a passive which includes a guaranteed ciritcal hit on your next successful basic attack with a cooldown of about 15-20 seconds, in addition to the current passive, fits the item better. And istead of the crit chance add some flat penetration. Then, I won't mind having its price increased to 3100. But, as of now, it's a very worthy buff.

Draining Blade - I can see why. It now increases the overall value of Asi. I like it.

The Executioner - Seems like a really, really good item. Especially on gods with high attack speed, mainly Kali, Osiris, Mercury and Artemis. It can now provide up to 24% + 18 reduced physical protection to a target. And there's a slight attack speed buff, which I like.

Rage - I don't really mind.


F**k this, I have to say it. ZEUS NERFS!!!

And I've got no idea for about Janus. Can't tell until I see his video because, quite frankly, I din't understand **** of what his abilities say.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jo3Y0 » May 23, 2014 4:18pm | Report
can someone please explain to me why nerfing zeus was necessary? because without a good explanation i may not play this game anymore. which sux because i really like this game.


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