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How to not suck with Cronos?

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Forum » New Player Help » How to not suck with Cronos? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » February 17, 2020 9:28am | Report
So I have been having difficulty playing with Cronos as ADC and I need some help with how to best use his abilities in the game, particularly his 4.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 17, 2020 10:05am | Report
Hey Rev,

So uh...give us an idea of your typical build for him...we can comment on that.

As for how to use his abilities, his 4 is mostly just something you're going to pop when you're don't want to wait too long or they might kill you before the ult actually activates, so keep that in mind. You can, at your discretion, pop it right after using your 3 (and maybe right before/after your 2 runs out) so you can immediately use them again...the 1 has such a low CD that you wouldn't really use your ult for that purpose.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » February 17, 2020 1:02pm | Report
You use his 4 when you're being dived and getting bursted, or if you're badly out of position and likely gonna be bursted down so you can use it to reposition. You can also use it offensively to get your cooldowns back up.

Use Accelerate on section II early game to help with the mana refund when using Time Rift and Stop Time for wave clear. Mid to lategame when you have some items online use Section IV of Accelerate cause it adds extra power scaling to your auto attacks to turn you into a ADC.

Use Stop Time to setup your Time Rift + auto attacks on an enemy.

Here's a demonstration of his basic combo:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » February 17, 2020 1:50pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Hey Rev,

So uh...give us an idea of your typical build for him...we can comment on that.

As for how to use his abilities, his 4 is mostly just something you're going to pop when you're don't want to wait too long or they might kill you before the ult actually activates, so keep that in mind. You can, at your discretion, pop it right after using your 3 (and maybe right before/after your 2 runs out) so you can immediately use them again...the 1 has such a low CD that you wouldn't really use your ult for that purpose.

So I go Bancrofts>Magi Boots> Demon ring>telkhine ring>Hastened ring> Hecate ring> sell boots for Rod of Tahuti

I mean, the build is good it's just that I find myself getting killed quickly depending on the matchup (Ex. Medusa) and not having time to react.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » February 17, 2020 2:14pm | Report
I'd go with Shoes of Focus instead of Shoes of the Magi since the latter lost its flat pen in return for some power, which won't really won't help all that much; at least not as much as having 10% CDR and extra mana will.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » February 17, 2020 2:25pm | Report
Revenant7755 wrote:

So I go Bancrofts>Magi Boots> Demon ring>telkhine ring>Hastened ring> Hecate ring> sell boots for Rod of Tahuti

That build isn't very good. Needs a little extra pen and has way too much attack speed, on a Mage ADC who has an attack speed steroid and benefits from high power. Also Hecate is just plain bad on anyone that isn't Freya or maybe Ao Kuang. Magi shoes aren't in a good spot either.

Go: Shoes of Focus, Bancroft's Talon or Pythagorem's Piece, Demonic Grip, Telkhines Ring, Charon's Coin (or Spear of Desolation against squisher teams, or Typhon's Fang), Rod of Tahuti.

Revenant7755 wrote:

it's just that I find myself getting killed quickly depending on the matchup (Ex. Medusa) and not having time to react.

Unless they're doing it round a corner/wall, if the Medusa is ulting you in lane you have enough time to turn 180 degrees so she can't stun you with her ult (make sure you're running higher that default x/y sensitivty if on console), or you can just ult as she casts her ult and it hasn't finished casting yet allowing you to negate both the stun and damage.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 17, 2020 4:38pm | Report
There's also Purification Beads if Medusa does surprise you. That will give you space to use your 3, retreat a bit, and she shouldn't latch onto you with Lacerate by that point...plenty of time to get your ult off in that situation.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » February 19, 2020 12:31pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

That build isn't very good. Needs a little extra pen and has way too much attack speed, on a Mage ADC who has an attack speed steroid and benefits from high power. Also Hecate is just plain bad on anyone that isn't Freya or maybe Ao Kuang. Magi shoes aren't in a good spot either.

Go: Shoes of Focus, Bancroft's Talon or Pythagorem's Piece, Demonic Grip, Telkhines Ring, Charon's Coin (or Spear of Desolation against squisher teams, or Typhon's Fang), Rod of Tahuti.

Huh funny that the build I follow originally came from one of your builds on him.

I'm not understanding why Hecate is bad, as It was created with the purpose of giving magical ADC's lifesteal via Basic Attacks.

Oh and thanks for the tip on Medusa, I am playing on console and using regular sensitivity
So no wonder I get killed instantly!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » February 19, 2020 12:53pm | Report
Revenant7755 wrote:

I'm not understanding why Hecate is bad, as It was created with the purpose of giving magical ADC's lifesteal via Basic Attacks.

Because the power is meh, the lifesteal is meh especially compared to bancroft's early game, it's 2600 gold, and the extra attack speed only benefits someone like Freya who scales well with attack speed with her base kit.

You only want Demonic and Telkhines most games on Chronos.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 19, 2020 1:43pm | Report
Rev, I'm guessing you got the core build from Kriega's guide, but there's no way it included Hecate, since that's a new item for S7. And the other consideration why that build is less effective is due to the S7 changes to multiple magical items.
  • Shoes of the Magi was a solid pick in S6, but it lost its 10 flat pen for S7, and there's almost no reason to pick it up right now.

  • Charon's Coin is a new item for S7, and with Ob Shard getting changed and Charon's having the same general % pen, it's the better choice right now.

  • Pythagorem's Piece also got 10% pen (lost 10% CDR though).

  • Typhon's Fang also got 10% pen (straight buff).

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