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How to not suck with Cronos?

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Forum » New Player Help » How to not suck with Cronos? 11 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Revenant7755 » February 19, 2020 3:19pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Rev, I'm guessing you got the core build from Kriega's guide, but there's no way it included Hecate, since that's a new item for S7. And the other consideration why that build is less effective is due to the S7 changes to multiple magical items.
  • Shoes of the Magi was a solid pick in S6, but it lost its 10 flat pen for S7, and there's almost no reason to pick it up right now.

  • Charon's Coin is a new item for S7, and with Ob Shard getting changed and Charon's having the same general % pen, it's the better choice right now.

  • Pythagorem's Piece also got 10% pen (lost 10% CDR though).

  • Typhon's Fang also got 10% pen (straight buff).

I know, I altered the build to keep up to date :P

I did forget about the nerf to Magi's, I just was too busy with other builds.


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