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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » October 16, 2013 12:07pm | Report
Daheri wrote:

Okay so, not my QQ per se, but absolutely HILARIOUS.

I was playing 1v1 as Hel(rank 5, 6 total mastery) vs Chronos (rank 1, 12 total mastery). I immediately started chuckling cause I had a feeling I would lose, like usual, to Mr. OP-Speed-Mc-Speedster-Pants. Once game started, I did my normal opening buy, got to lane, and had a nice long tug-of-war till I was able to push him out of lane and return to buy. This repeated several times, until I got a kill on him. After that, I got 2 more kills, and he surrendered at 12:00 with me going 3-0.

In the lobby, I said my usual "gg" and he replied "no bg. Only reason you won was OP god". Of course I BURST out laughing, since this was a Chronos who obviously was not used to losing. I told him "This coming from a Chronos XD" To which he replied "no you noob Chronos UP" which just made me laugh harder. So, trying not to hurt his feelings, I told him "Maybe you should try building to counter, like I did"(I built F Void, Idol, GoI, and was planning on Creeping Curse) and of course he said "no, hel OP you noob" and after that he just kept spamming "noob". I couldn't resist throwing a few insults in at him before he finally left :P

All in all, easily one of the funniest games I've had so far XD

Some people just can't take that there are people better than them, and that you can't win them all.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » October 21, 2013 4:43am | Report
Daheri wrote:

After easily winning a 1 vs 1 with Freya vs chromos yesterday the guy said "You know I hate people who play the cheapest god out there" .Never got the chance to answer since he immediately quit the lobby but how in the world is Freya the cheapest god when Chronos is that specific god .

Anyway , Mercurymanaged to enter on my blacklist this week after the not=necessary buff he just god .He is just way too overpowered , not even Loki or Bakasura can 1 vs 1 this guy .What was Hi-rez thinking giving this guy so much damage output and alomost global ultimate + disorient .I really hope he will get a serious SERIOUS nerf this patch ....insert rage words here ....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » October 24, 2013 8:28am | Report
Chronos takes more skill than Freya. Chronos has to manage his passive, lead his skills, etc. Freya is press 1, 2, spam left click (PENTAKILL). fraking... *ahem*
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » October 26, 2013 12:19am | Report
Hercules needs a nerf. Holy ****ing ****. He has the durability of a tank and can still put out stupid amounts of damage. He shouldn't be able to heal from the damage he takes. That's just ridiculous.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Creationism » October 29, 2013 11:24am | Report
Sirsir94 wrote:

Chronos takes more skill than Freya. Chronos has to manage his passive, lead his skills, etc. Freya is press 1, 2, spam left click (PENTAKILL). fraking... *ahem*

freya has to aim. Chronos will just stun you. However, you can't "1-2 pentakill" Unless you 2 shot every god. Possible only if you're all mages and grouped up very tightly. Even then an ult to follow maybe.

As for Rage. Jesus man Ymir pissed me off today. he isn't overpowered per say, but between him and Ares building for cool down, we had no chance. Ares ulted we beaded, 54 seconds later he ulted again. Ymir would follow with an ult and they would just annihilate our ********s with damage after that. He Bo was their mage too TT.TT


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 29, 2013 12:27pm | Report
Freya is powerful, but she's squishy and a Winged Wand will make you be able to dodge her shots fairly easily. Also, no escape.

Chronos is the master of cheap everything. He takes almost no skill to play, and I can guarentee it, because I've played him. It is stupidly easy to stun from point-blank range before spamming your skills. He gets a 2-second stun as an ability.

They should make it that anything that would break the stun would also break the slow.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » October 29, 2013 12:30pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

They should make it that anything that would break the stun would also break the slow.

And vice-versa
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 29, 2013 12:53pm | Report

I meant break slow = break stun. My bad, that sounded a bit ridiculous.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » November 1, 2013 7:53pm | Report
What. The. **** matchmaking...

My team in domination was a god rank 7 anhur, a god rank 1 chronos.

The enemy team was a god rank 7 Loki and ao kuang, a god rank 4 zeus, and a god rank 6 ra. Ra Zeus and loki were gold.

The whole game was simply an exercise in frustration. I had half my teams kills. I had 2. We never had 2 towers. And i get that sometimes something similar happens, a slight edge in god ranks, its not that big of a deal. But for ****s sake why can i never (and i mean literally never, no exaggeration whatsoever) get a decent team in dom. I dont remember the exact god ranks but they crushed us there too.
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SuperTibzz » November 3, 2013 2:35am | Report
Some people..... one game recently I got stuck with a Tyr who went for solo lane but start spamming for help almost immediately when the match started cause he was up against 2 enemies. I was the jungler so after a few levels I popped over and double killed his lane, but as soon as I left he started crying for help again and was constantly pushed up against his tower. The enemies he was against were awful and I was able to double kill them or almost immediately push them all the way back whenever I came over, but as soon as I left, he started crying for help and hugging his tower again.

When it eventually became clear that we were losing, everyone blamed me for "not helping Tyr enough," including the 2 guys on the other lane who both had 0 kills, multiple deaths, and were about 5 levels lower than me (and most of the enemy team too). Meanwhile I was 6-0 and the only player on my team who was at about the same levels as the enemy team. When I pointed out that I had double killed Tyr's lane twice he explained that I had "simply stolen kills." Some people......


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