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Zilby's Blog
Blog Posts: 51     Views: 129623     Comments: 622
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September 03, 2015

Beginning College :o

Views: 2122 Zilby
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college!  |  learning!  |  reprieve  |  school!
So as some of you know I'm now entering college on 9/5/15. Being that I'm just starting my first year, I'll probably be relatively inactive on smite for at a minimum of a few weeks. Maybe more! Maybe less... Maybe I can find people to play with at school :3

I'll still be around the site, but probably not as much as in recent weeks. Just a heads up to those that play with me or see me around.


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August 25, 2015
Now that I've finished qualifiers with the sad score of 3-7 I've come to some conclusions from my experiences.

1) You'll lose 3/10 games because of disconnects. It's going to happen. You can't carry a 4 man. Just cry yourself to sleep now.

2) You cannot carry as any god that does not have a high damage output. It's not going to happen. You will not have a high enough impact on the game. No one with you has any idea how to basic attack or use Purification Beads. No amount of guide writing to try to educate the masses will help this. They're without any hope.

3) You cannot carry as any late game god. You will not get to late game. Your team will let you burn in the fires of hell before you get there and by then it's too late. You'll be lvl 18 defending the Titan alone while the other team has taken 3 phoenixes down, a fire giant buff and a 10k gold difference.

4) If you support you might as well surrender at 10. Your ADC is ****. Give up now.

5) If you happen to get paired with som…
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August 23, 2015

Won a Tourney! *Woot*

Views: 1397 Zilby
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amazing  |  Huzzah!  |  much wow  |  You Iz Rockstar!
So I entered into this tourney on team 5 out of 7 (teams here, Blueboop got swapped after first game for Scylla'sAjax). Game was played on Demises' twitch channel. After winning our first and second games we went into finals, lost the first game but won the last two! (I also got free gems! *woot*)

Link to the full tourney video is HERE

Played support the whole time lol. Wrecked with Geb, Sobek and Ymir. My Athena could've been better though :/

Sooooo that's that. Won a tourney, still haven't played ranked. :3

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August 18, 2015

Beginning Ranked

Views: 7048 Zilby
+Rep | Report
>w<  |  help D:  |  Much Wow  |  That took awhile
I've now finished all of my prerequisites that I set up for myself before beginning ranked. I'll look to start ranked games either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for all your tips!

Original Blog

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July 15, 2015
+Rep | Report
amazing  |  comedy  |  Kukulkan  |  meta  |  Z's Comedy Club
Do you ever feel like you're not living up to your full potential? Do you ever think to yourself, I'm an AOE mage... but couldn't I be more..? Do you ever wish that you could be as swift as a coursing river while still having all the force of a great typhoon?

Well you're damn right that I have the solution.

As you all know, Kukulkan or KKK (not to be associated with racist whitefolk, perhaps we should call him Kulk? Triple K? Khan Noonien Singh?) is a very large AOE, burst heavy mage. But this doesn't have to be all that he is! Oh no, no, no. The great Ghengis Khan can be so much more than that and all you have to do is look at this little thing here.

Ohhhh... yes

So you may be thinking to yourself... An auto-attack mage Zilby? What are you thinking?!? This can't possibly work, what do you think you are? In the '90s?

Well sir, put down your Bop-It, because damn right

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