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Nasty arachne arena build

4 0 12,175
by Tojisresurrection21 updated January 24, 2024

Smite God: Arachne

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Build Summary

Arena crit build

Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item Qin's Sais Qin's Sais
Build Item Malicious Deathbringer Malicious Deathbringer
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Crimson Claws Crimson Claws
Build Item Asi Asi

Extended Build

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Branmuffin17 (400) | January 24, 2024 11:11am
Hey Toji,

Some points for potential improvement:
  • Slight lack of penetration. You do have (situationally) 20% after the Demon Blade procs a crit, but more isn't bad, especially since given the time, you can not only kill squishies but also tanks.

  • Killing tanks is not only better when you have more pen, but also Qin's Sais. Since Arachne's attack progression is shorter than average, she takes advantage (like Kali) of Qin's procs.

  • Death's Embrace may be generally ok for health sustain, but it's also better the closer you get to the max 2.5 AS limit. Not sure I'd go for this, and fact is, Death's Toll is pretty weak, and in arena, you're only getting Embrace in the last few minutes. I'd prefer just getting a different item.

  • If going crit, I'd get Demon Blade before Malicious Deathbringer, especially due to the price but also that it provides AS and some pen.

  • I don't like Odysseus' Bow with crit items. Crits increase in damage based on base damage + power from items. O-Bow has 0 power, so while you're hitting faster, you're not hitting harder. If you want O-Bow, I'd consider dropping crits, grabbing Exe, Qin's and maybe Dom for high pen and AS.

  • Crimson Claws might be interesting but not sure how often you'll get that bonus shield. I'd probably default to Asi for the boost in LS when you're trying to finish off an enemy in a fight.

  • Atalanta's Bow is...okay I guess, but I'd probably go for other items.
In the end, I think Exe and Qin's should be in the build. I think Embrace and either O-Bow or crits should be out though I'm sure crits are fun. I'd grab Asi over Crimson.
Tojisresurrection21 | January 24, 2024 7:00pm
You the best thank you!
Tojisresurrection21 | January 24, 2024 7:01pm
I see what you mean thanks pretty new to the game I appreciate any tips def getting better learning all the items but know most of them.
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Nasty arachne arena build
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