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In conclusion, Apollo is a great and viable adc that shines in the late game, but has a bit worse early, he also is one of the best boxers in the game, so use that to your advantage and i hope you can find some success when playing him.
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Death's Toll
Warrior Tabi
Poisoned Star
Sell Death's Toll & replace it with Wind Demon
Do you find this a viable build? Because nearly every Apollo ADC I've played with or against since Patch 3.15 has been building this exact build.
but there's a couple of problems with that build.
1) dont keep ichi. it's an early game boxing item, replace it with exe.
2) Poisoned Star is an overkill on Apollo, a hunter who probably has the best boxing utility in the entire game.
3) the lack of qin's makes this worse since qin's is a direct counter to all health items ever and it deals more consistent damage.
so your build this patch should look like this:
Death's Toll
Warrior Tabi
The Executioner
Qin's Sais
(sell Death's Toll) wind demon
(sell Ichaival) Deathbringer.
Death's Toll
Warrior Tabi
Qin's Sais
Wind Demon
sell DT Deathbringer
sell Ichaival The Executioner
(and finally...if preferred and you get that far in the match, sell Warrior Tabi for Ninja Tabi)
tank items are getting cheaper every patch, and it dosent really matter.
edit: and Apollo has the passive. so no Ninja Tabi for him.
1) dont keep ichi. it's an early game boxing item, replace it with exe.
(sell Ichaival) Deathbringer.
Doesn't mean it isn't worth overcapping. Esp. on Apollo. Itemisation means the damage in passive will generally be higher with lower AS, but remember that your passive triggers from auto's hit, so a higher non-passive attack speed = shorter time between passive bursts.
Apollo's average AS at 20 with no AS is 1.58, so assuming you hit each auto it's 9.5 seconds for 10 autos + 5 passive autos OR 7.9 seconds between procs
Apollo's average AS with 1.56 AS is 1.87 over 8 seconds (6.4 secs between procs)
Apollo's average AS with 2.08 AS* is 2.22 over 6.7 seconds (4.8 secs between procs)
Apollo's average AS with overcapped AS is 2.5, passive doesn't do anything (except finger pew pew) and just 6 seconds for those 15 autos
*Emilitoo's Apollo build in the Smite Masters tournament was 2.08AS before passive. (GBow, Boots, Soul Eater, Qins, Titans, Obow)
just something to think about.
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The 'douchebag vibe' is fine, as long is it doesn't detract from the information being given in the guide. It's just a few little quips here and there, not as if it's completely vulgar.
Makes the guide more fun to read.
thanks cake, that comment was incredibly accurate.
I know that's just your style, but it kind of bothers me. Smite is rated T, not M. If you don't want to, that's fine, but please consider cleaning up your language. There might be kids reading.
idk. iil have to think about it, it kinda ruins the douchebag Apollo vibe of the guide...
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I don't have any right to tell you how to write, and I should have probably sent you a PM instead of calling you out like that. Sorry.
@Ducks - Rock on. +1
Nah seriously, good job on this guide.
The penetration question would still remain on the second build though.