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Bluestone Pendant is an essential item for skill based damage ADCs, provides you power, mana sustain and hp sustain.
Morningstar will evolve into Transcendence.
Golden Shard it is always the best choice because will provide you of Golden Gooseberries passive so you will have a really good early push!
Bluestone Brooch gives you a lot of power and stacks damage with your main push and damage skill Suppress The Insolent.
Transcendence always build this item with skill based ADCs, it gives you power, CD and infinite mana sustain.
Jotunn's Vigor provides you of 20% CD that fits perfectly in a skill based build like this one and also of a good ammount of power and mana sustain for not much gold and the passive will help you a lot during late game fights with the lifesteal!
The Crusher is essential because when you are using any of your skills, the passive will give you an extra 30% damage to enemies/minions.
Heartseeker gives you penetration, good power, mana that will increase your power thanks to the Transcendence passive.
Fail-Not provides you with CD, crit chance, power and penetration, the perfect item for any ADC.
Temporal Beads provides you with immunity to cc and cooldown reduction.
Aegis of Acceleration provides you with immunity to damage that will help you peeling yourself and avoid enemies' ultimate skills or big damages.
Mantle of Discord is a defensive item with cc immunity, and a really good choice against full engage set ups. You should build it instead of Fail-Not if you go for it.
Titan's Bane If you are losing hardly the game and you don't have enough gold, go for this item instead of Heartseeker. Will give you much penetration for a low cost compared to Heartseeker.
Phantom Shell is a strong option when the enemy team has an auto attack jungler like Mercury, Kali or Bakasura... instead of buying Aegis as second active (mitigations will save your life while you can use autos).
Brawler's Beat Stick in case they have bought lifesteal or have much healing gods you should always look to buy this item, ideal for power and antiheal instead of buying Jotunn's Wrath.
Soul Eater fits perfectly with skill damage gods because you will lifesteal when using skills.
Tap each threat level to view Neith’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Neith’s synergies
Hey, this guide is brought to you by TottiGR! I started playing Smite on PC in February 2014. I have been playing competitive since 2016 and I have been a professional Smite player between March 2020 to July 2023. I have played in different teams like JustF6, Gilded Gladiators or Tartarus Titans this last year in the Smite Pro League (You can always check the SmiteVod Youtube Channel where there's my proffesional games recorded). I have peaked 3500 MMR GrandMaster/Masters in Ranked Conquest on PC plataform every season since 2017 (SEASON 4). I also made Smite Masters (LAN) 4 times in 2022 so I really think I have the knowledge in guiding about the ADC role in SMITEGAME. I hope you find this guide as a useful learning resource for playing Neith as an ADC.
Here are my socials:
Passive - Broken Weave
Broken Weaves are created at locations where enemy deaths occur, as well as when Neith uses Backflip. Always be aware of where your weaves are. They provide enhanced function with Neith's Spirit Arrow and Unravel, and can also be used as zoning tools, as enemies may be afraid of stepping into the area range of a weave. |
Ability 1 - Spirit Arrow
Neith's main wave-clear ability, as well as her most straightforward poke. It can be used as a standalone ability, but whenever possible, you should always try to combine it with a Broken Weave for maximum damage and the area root. For stronger clear in the early game (laning phase), use Back Flip in the midst of the minion wave to create a Broken Weave, then hit all minions with Spirit Arrow for double the damage. If an enemy is within range of a Broken Weave but is not aligned with your shot, aim for the weave, as it is stationary and can more easily guarantee damage is dealt. The ability doesn't fire immediately, and has an average travel time, so learn to lead enemies that are on the move when looking for a direct hit. |
Ability 2 - Unravel
This is Neith's self-healing ability, and can be used on minions and gods. When at lower health, combine with a Broken Weave for increased healing effect. When boxing, use this for the attack speed debuff against basic attacking enemies to gain a temporary advantage. This ability will heal you based on the amount of enemies you hit, maxing out at 3. It'll heal you more if you target a god, and will always prioritize the bigger heal from gods if you also happen to target minions. |
Ability 3 - Backflip
This is Neith's primary escape ability, and should often be saved when threat of enemy engagement is nearby. This are some examples of how to use Backflip in different situations: Chase: With a relatively quick travel time, this can be used to chase a retreating enemy, though it is awkward to use since she moves backward from the direction she's facing. Gank: Use this to surprise an unsuspecting enemy, especially when they are already engaged with your teammate. Approach them from behind, preferably from their side of the map, to apply a movement slow and a Broken Weave. Their retreat will be threatened by the threat of the weave. Teamfight: When committing to a teamfight, use this to hit multiple enemies with the large cone for the slow and the Broken Weave, and follow it up with Spirit Arrow. |
Ultimate - World Weaver
Neith]]'s ultimate skill, it is a global ultimate and can hit any enemy god on the map, no matter where they are. I recommend you to use this anytime to spot exactly where enemies are, which is a great addition to placing wards. Whenever you do this, you don't need to fire your World Weaver, you can always cancel it without any penalty. In fact, this ultimate is most popularly used as a setup to a gank or to secure a kill for you and your teammates. It shouldn't only be used to finish off an enemy, as they may also have means to avoid the damage. You can also use this ultimate for peeling your teammates if you know teammates are in trouble and are trying to escape, use this on the attacking enemy for the stun. Warning: The damage can be blocked by Aegis Amulet and specific enemy abilities, such as Change's Moonlit Waltz. Enemy teammates can also step in front of the attack and block it. Leveling Priority |
Backflip > Spirit Arrow > Basic Attacks > Unravel > World Weaver > Basic Attacks (in case the target is not death yet)
World Weaver > Spirit Arrow > Basic Attacks > Unravel > Basic Attacks > Back Flip --> You can use it for chasing enemies or just play safe in case you are getting ganked by enemies.
Backflip (To gank the enemies ADC) > Spirit Arrow > Unravel > Basic Attacks > World Weaver for securing the kill if he is escaping.
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