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Dev's gods classed by game state

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Dev's gods classed by game state 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 15, 2020 4:58am | Report
So I felt like trying to make a "tier" list partly to test my knowledge (and how rong it can possibly be). So this Tier list is gonna classify the type of gods within their class/role at which point in the game (early, mid, late) and why I think that.
however first a small explanation of how I define the game states.

Early game:
So for a lot of people the end of this phase can be a bit hard to classify and everyone has different classifications for it. With early game I am of course talking about laning phase. Normally this phase ends around the time the first tower goes down. The thing in casuals is that this can happen really quickly sometimes and people keep laning. So to classify it somewhat easy normally this phase ends around the ~10 minute mark or in item language after finishing or starting your 3rd item (assuming if you got a blessing after boots and the item. So for people classifying early game as the lvls before your ultimate you're wrong in this ranking.

Mid game:
This game phase also known as the grouping phase, is quite variable as it can be dependent on snowballing and things. This normally start after the first tower drops and lanes start to rotate more towards neutral objectives and the other tier 1 towers and farm on the map. The end of this phase normally ends around the time most towers have fallen and people start knocking on your phoenix line. Fire giant fights kinda mark the beginning of late game. Giving it a time is harder, however in terms of items we're talking around 5 items (it can be 4 or 4,5 items)

late game:
Better known as the teamfight stages. The stage of the game where most people tend to be grouped and start fights as a 5v5 unit that can decide the game. Marked by fire giant attempts and attempts to break into the phoenix line. also the point around which builds and lvls start to finish.

we also have hyper late game or long game, I am not considering this phase that much as it can be best determined as the point you mostly get pots or swap out tier 3 items that could have been better. This whole phase will be counted towards late. In most games games won't reach this as quickly. (this is the point around which you get speed pot to swap boots and after. The point at which teams equalize and 1 teamfight wins the game. Pretty much marked by enhanched FG buff and the likes.

for people that don't fully understand it and can translate LoL to smite terms this mobafire guide can maybe give you a better insight in the Moba game phases.

So up to the tier list do keep in mind that I will classify gods only once as the lane does not matter much for a gods better power spikes. The "mage adc" are put under adc though.





I will be adding the other classes over the course of the coming weeks as I don;t want this to take my whole day today.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 15, 2020 5:15am | Report
Izanami is not lategame she’s early game. She’s awful lategame and is only half decent if you can snowball in lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 15, 2020 5:29am | Report
Izanami definitively is an early game god. Just like Ullr, she totally depends of a snowball to be really relevant late game. Although her basics can really hurt because well, she is an ADC, her only strong point against other adcs are the clear wave + tower push, both not so useful late game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 15, 2020 5:33am | Report
I also would say Chronos is late game. Everything on his kit is more deadly at late game rather mid. I, in my very few time I played with him, felt it's more like this:

EG - You do nothing
MG - You start to do damage and do something
LG - You easily carry the game

He would be a hyper late game if you'd have included it, IMO of course.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 15, 2020 9:40am | Report
I think I understand Dev's idea about Iza late. I can agree with what he's mentioned, being the "unblockable" autos. I've been a recipient of that, trying to use my tank as a shield and getting nailed behind him. But that's also quite situational. I don't think her late-game is bad, though. Her steroid makes her just as dangerous as most other hunters (and doesn't carry the weird out-back mechanics), she's got a similar line ability to AMC, etc. But I also agree she's got the largest advantage early-game.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 16, 2020 12:07am | Report
Gotta say for Iza that I may overvalue the AoE AA damage potential. Mostly because I have seen "AoE" adc being able to decide teamfights within 3 seconds in both Dota and LoL. Will probably shift her after playing her a bit more. And well her ult can be seen a bit like AMC it's also a small (pretty far range) AoE with pretty huge burst.

Still my reasoning stays that, altough she may have an advantage over others early in waveclear giving her more pressure over most adcs, she will pretty much be hitting one target after and unless she uses Sickle Storm her AA damage is slightly worse unless both hit. The waveclear advantage also drops of already after adcs finish there first item as most other adc own waveclear at this point clears decently fast. This is the exact reason her midgame is worse as at this point she becomes more reliant on the auto's and boxing isn't a strong point for her and fighting in a small group people tend to be better aware of their spacing.
Late game this awareness drops in a lot of games and your team will see more setup making AoE damage a lot stronger. put this on the dps part of a dps god and it can dominate fights ( Rama and Jing Wei have the same potential, Xbalanque too, however his AoE only hits for 30%)

It could be I remember Chronos his damage output wrong, however I believe that the moment he grabs Demonic Grip (which I assumed as 3rd pickup although it could be 4th if he makes use of thyphons) his potential skyrockets harder than during the other item grabs. After ~3 items his steroid provides him with around 80-100 AA damage (at full health). So I felt like chronos comes online mid game and "late game" started for him there. and well I see a bit less value in the risk of using his ult late game, since burst potential is high and you can be mispositioned by it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 16, 2020 1:18am | Report
updated the OP with ~half of the guardians


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