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Site improvement ideas

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Forum » Support » Site improvement ideas 34 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » August 31, 2017 7:07pm | Report
So in order to improve the quality of our site, I propose these 3 topics:

  1. Higher quality guide ratings.
    • What's to stop someone from creating multiple accounts and upvoting or downvoting someone's guide?
      New accounts created need to wait 30 days before they are allowed to vote on a guide. This might, to some extent, discourage trolls from quickly changing the rating of a guide. New accounts are allowed all other privileges.

    • We can also improve the quality of votes by making a tab on the guide that shows which users upvoted/downvoted, the date of the vote, and the reason for upvoting/downvoting (when voting, make it mandatory to give an explanation). This will remove the anonymous status we have, but it might be a necessary step to ensure better security and eliminate trolls. This will allow viewers reading a guide to determine if the guide deserved to be upvoted or downvoted.

  2. Higher quality comments
    • Yet another counter measure against trolls.
      Someone can keep changing their comment on a guide, and no one will know about it. Maybe do what facebook does? If the comment is edited, mark it as an edited comment. Give a history on the comment as well.
      To summarize: if someone keeps changing a comment on a guide, other users will know the comment has been edited and can view the history.

  3. Better representation of the rating bar on a guide

    A rating bar like this may cause some confusion. Clearly outline how many upvotes and downvotes a guide has instead of just showing the total number of votes.

So yea. Agree? Disagree? Anything you guys would like to add on to these suggestions?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » September 2, 2017 10:53am | Report
Ideas exactly like these have been called to attention numerous times.
Nothing ever changes, though...
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
#ffcc33 #ffff33 #ccff33 #99ff33 #66ff33 #33ff33 #33ff66 #33ff99 #33ffcc #33ffff #33ccff #3399ff
#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
#664d00 #666600 #4d6600 #336600 #1a6600 #006600 #00661a #006633 #00664d #006666 #004d66 #003366


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 2, 2017 11:12am | Report
Repetition probably means they're solid ideas. Never hurts to have others emphasize the same ideas.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » September 2, 2017 1:11pm | Report
This may stop those Apollo incidents...
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

<Meat Shield>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lopix69 » September 2, 2017 1:14pm | Report
This is the second time I see you writing about that Apollo thing, what happened lol


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » September 2, 2017 1:18pm | Report
Eh it happened a while ago. Basically there was this guy who made an Apollo guide. I believe it was still during the time that the S4 guide contest was running. To promote his own guide, he created fake accounts to upvote his own guide, all the while he used his own and some of his fake accounts to go to other guides, mainly opposing Apollo guides, to downvote them and spread negative comments, without any actual constructive criticism to back it up.

Such incidents are very rare though, don't worry about it too much, all in the past.

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Lopix69 » September 2, 2017 1:24pm | Report
Oh, like the Thanatos guy a week ago. Now I understand


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 2, 2017 2:17pm | Report
I do want to say that it's difficult to prove that the people in question created alternate accounts...they possibly could have gotten their friends to upvote their guides too, and that's not strictly forbidden.

Our best case is, if you feel knowledgeable enough, to read, review, and vote on as many guides as you're willing. The obviously good builds/guides will rise to the top, and the others will at least have enough comments pointing out issues with the build to make it clear there's work to be done.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » September 2, 2017 7:44pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Repetition probably means they're solid ideas. Never hurts to have others emphasize the same ideas.

Repetition might also mean that it's clear what needs to be done, and nobody is doing it.
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
#ffcc33 #ffff33 #ccff33 #99ff33 #66ff33 #33ff33 #33ff66 #33ff99 #33ffcc #33ffff #33ccff #3399ff
#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
#664d00 #666600 #4d6600 #336600 #1a6600 #006600 #00661a #006633 #00664d #006666 #004d66 #003366


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 2, 2017 9:17pm | Report
I think that's pretty obvious. Regarding not doing anything about it, there are probably reasons we don't know. Could be difficult to implement, or have other reasons we haven't thought of...or just resources are limited and that's low on the list.

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