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Site improvement ideas

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Forum » Support » Site improvement ideas 34 posts - page 3 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » May 21, 2019 5:26pm | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

Reviving this post, an improvement I would love to see is change the order of things in the build creator.

  • Just like we have in mobafire, would be nice if we could change the order of things in god builder like in the following image (mega advanced edition made with the most advanced image editor :v):

Basically, copy and paste mobafire codes :v

Just FYI, currently it is not possible to re-order entire builds on MOBAFire. You can move purchase orders around pretty easily though.

As Wayne and others have said, the infrastructure for the two sites are wildly different, so unfortunately it's not a simple matter to port features from one site to another. Improvements to the builder are always on the table of course, but it's not always as easy as it might seem.

As a guide author myself, I had to deal with remaking builds from scratch a number of times before the new MOBAFire builder came in, so I definitely understand the desire for tools to make that process simpler. The devs have to juggle a lot of different projects so I'm not sure if/when that might happen, but Wayne and I can bring it up as a change that the community requested. It always helps to hear what kinds of changes you guys are hoping for.

xmysterionz wrote:
  • A pop-up asking for people vote positive or negative in the guide. Most people come, read the entire guide and forget to vote at the end, so make a pop-up window in the end of the guide appear asking for a vote.

This is actually already on our list of features to add! :)

Regarding Kriega's comment, of course it would be preferable if every reader voted after testing (or at least reading through) each guide, but in most cases that isn't what happens. Increasing the overall number of votes is still useful, especially if we get more votes from users who actually spend more time on the guide page instead of just voting immediately upon seeing the cheatsheet.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » May 21, 2019 5:30pm | Report
Hey PSIGuard, glad to see you on here! I have a concern. I believe the guest voting should be abolished. What's to stop me from going into incognito mode and massively upvoting an intentionally bad build?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 21, 2019 5:36pm | Report
Guest voting should definitely be removed. Another suggestion is that any builds that was updated from a PREVIOUS (or even before that) Season should have it's upvotes/downvotes removed and have a blank state. Currently there's a an awful Kukulkan guide for season 6 that was recently updated from like 2 seasons ago, and it has a bloated number of upvotes that are very much not deserved in the builds current state.

Lots of the guests voting on Smitefire are people who know next to nothing about the game in the first place and therefore cannot have a reasonable judgement on how good a guide/build is.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » May 21, 2019 5:54pm | Report
Gonna expand a bit on Kriega's concern. Other people who start seeing guides inflated with upvotes are going to get a false impression that the guide is really good.

Also, I think votes speak louder than comments. Yes, an intelligent user will also check comments to see the discussion. They will see the regular users are clearly pointing out all the flaws of a guide inflated with upvotes. However, don't you think the common user/guest will accept a guide is good by the number of votes? Without even bothering to check the comments?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » May 21, 2019 7:26pm | Report
boogiebass wrote:

I believe the guest voting should be abolished. What's to stop me from going into incognito mode and massively upvoting an intentionally bad build?

We have protections in place to prevent the same guest from voting on a build multiple times, as well as using tools to circumvent those protections. No system is completely foolproof, but the devs have added some improvements and new tools recently that make tracking and dealing with guest votes much easier.

Kriega1 wrote:
Guest voting should definitely be removed. Another suggestion is that any builds that was updated from a PREVIOUS (or even before that) Season should have it's upvotes/downvotes removed and have a blank state. Currently there's a an awful Kukulkan guide for season 6 that was recently updated from like 2 seasons ago, and it has a bloated number of upvotes that are very much not deserved in the builds current state.

Lots of the guests voting on Smitefire are people who know next to nothing about the game in the first place and therefore cannot have a reasonable judgement on how good a guide/build is.

The problem with resetting votes every season is twofold. Firstly, it sucks as an author to lose all your progress/support whenever a new season starts. Secondly, resetting all votes creates a lot of chaos in terms of readers looking for a reliable source of information and seeing a lot of guides with no voting data.

Carrying over votes from previous season isn't perfect, but it's still better than nothing. I think in the majority of cases, a good guide from a previous season will still be a good guide when it's updated for the new season. If a guide publishes an update but the content is still outdated, a mod or admin can deal with that on an individual basis.

I checked the Kukulkan guide you mentioned and it currently has 25 votes and a relatively average score. That guide can easily be passed by another by being downvoted a couple times or another guide being upvoted/updated. For example, if xmysterionz updates his guide, it'll be #1 with its current score. I don't think 25 votes is nearly high enough to be considered bloat from guest votes.

The site could use more voting activity in general, which is one of the main purposes of guest voting. Allowing everyone who uses the site to contribute to guide ratings, rather than just the minority who register for an account, gives readers more reliable data than just having guides with a handful of member votes each.

boogiebass wrote:
Other people who start seeing guides inflated with upvotes are going to get a false impression that the guide is really good.

Also, I think votes speak louder than comments. Yes, an intelligent user will also check comments to see the discussion. They will see the regular users are clearly pointing out all the flaws of a guide inflated with upvotes. However, don't you think the common user/guest will accept a guide is good by the number of votes? Without even bothering to check the comments?

Sheep voting (when people upvote the top guide without much thought) is definitely a real problem in any democratic voting system. The way votes are weighted and the decay system helps to offset the problem by making scores of top guides more malleable by smaller numbers of votes. Even if a stale guide has 1000+ votes, a few downvotes can still meaningfully affect its score because of vote decay.

You're correct that most users won't read the comments for criticism before voting on a guide. In fact, a lot of users won't read the guide in its entirety either. This happens on any site with a similar voting system (like redditors upvoting a thread based on the title without actually reading the article or comments). It's just the price of having a scoring system tied to community votes, and there isn't really a way around that without sacrificing that core principle. The MOBAFire Network is a group of communities where everyone is treated equally and can contribute comments, votes and guides regardless of rank. To fully remove some of these problems, we'd have to switch to a manually curated system which goes against the spirit of the network.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 22, 2019 3:21am | Report
It's incredible how people in this site like to complain about vote system. It is pretty ok but people insist on the same old arguments.

Just hope we at least could rearrange items order or the build order.

About codes, relax people it was a joke about the copy and paste :v


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » May 22, 2019 5:20pm | Report
I got that you were joking from one of your other comments, just wanted to provide some context in case people were curious why it isn't that simple. :P


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Spankgank » September 16, 2020 3:00am | Report
Great suggestions. Another improvement is allowing people to see what they're typing and chill with the massive sized ads?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » September 16, 2020 7:34am | Report
We really need a more mobile friendly option.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 16, 2020 9:07am | Report
Mobile site adaptation is on the cards. Just don't know when it will happen.

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