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Unfamilier Role

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Forum » New Player Help » Unfamilier Role 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » July 28, 2019 6:41am | Report
Hello Guys

I hope it's okay to create a new Thread for a new Topic / Question. If not, i can use a Thread i created before next Time. :)

So here's my newest Thing. Yesterday, i was Midlaning as Anubis and our "jungler" instalocked Samedi. I was already thinking in the God-Selection that this is weird but okay.
Turns out he was "sure" that he is the Midlaner. So ... i don't wanna start Discussions during the Match and avoid Toxicity, so i thought to myself go on jungling.
Now this is yet a very unfamiliar Role for me, i am a new Player and still about to learn enough Gods. I tried Assassins (who are good Junglers as far as i know) but i can't really play well with them i think.

It turned out that i could do not that bad as Anubis in Jungle in Terms of Minioncamps-Clearing and Surprise-**********er-y in the Lanes (thanks to the Ultimate ofc). So ganking was okay too so far.

My Question is now: if the System "forces" me into an unfamiliar Role, is it better to pick up "a Trollpick" (a.k.a. Mage in Jungle for example), or not?
Because at least, with the Trollpic i am familiar with the God, and not with both (God and Role), or is it better to just try your best with a Random Assassin (like Kali or something) and hope for the Best?

Thanks again
and Greetings.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » July 28, 2019 9:38am | Report
If the guy you're talking about picked Samedi when he had jungle, I think that's a reportable offense for not playing his assigned role. Anubis can work as a jungler, not the best but he can work. When I get forced into one of my weaker roles, I go with a standard pick, especially if it's Support since that's one of my worst roles.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 28, 2019 9:40am | Report
If someone steals your role when the game already gives you a role in match (the one shown in lobby), then report that person if they steal your role. As for picking Anubis in jungle, don’t, instead learn at least 1 or 2 gods you can play in jungle.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » July 28, 2019 9:43am | Report
sure, i wasn't planning on playing anubis in jungle but i had no choice. I can report him ofc, yet he may have been made a mistake. He just kept insisting so i went with it.

My Problem is, i am learning a few Gods but i can't learn all at the same time. in the Meantime, i need to take a God i am completely unfamiliar with, in a Role i'm totally not used to be. =/
but i will look after it. Dunno why the game keeps gettin me into this one of 2 Roles i can't.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 28, 2019 10:21am | Report
Anubis historically has been played as an off-meta Jungler, and my/Daelinn's guide has a build for that role: And his big strength is being able to surprise people in lane and just overpowering them with his ability damage potential. I'm not surprised it worked out okay for you. FYI Blink Rune is a common pickup when playing Anubis Jungle.

That said, he's never been a super strong choice in that role, works better in casual, and with the recent nerf to Gem of Isolation, I'd do as Kriega suggests and not pick him for Jungle.

That said, it sounds like that's not what you did. You assumed you were mid (sounds like that role was the one assigned to you?). So you chose Anubis. And if that's the case, the Baron didn't play to his assigned role, and sometimes there are just people that are like that.

If you were the one that made the mistake, well, just do what you can with it. No matter the god, when going Jungle, get Assassin's Blessing, and you want to build more aggressive/offensive.

Everyone selects 2 roles. However, that doesn't mean you always get those roles. What if everyone chose Mid and Solo? The game can't assign the same thing to everyone. So it tries to fit you into your preferred role, but sometimes based on matchups, you won't get it. You basically have to accept that fact. Just do what you can to get the basics down for that role. You're playing casuals. Don't worry too much, just play, learn, and have fun.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 28, 2019 1:15pm | Report
I wonder what penalty people get from not playing their assigned role. I kinda find it weird it was an option as role swaps can happen (and then you can report someone that swapped and just played bad cause bad game). Although I can see it for people intentionally stealing.

Also sounds like samedi insta locked and didn't look at his role. Maybe he did after locking or not. Smite doesn't make it as clear as LoL (which spends 5 seconds for this). Not saying they have to change it, since instalocking a god is a bad habit and this punishes people.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CafPow » July 29, 2019 3:15am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

That said, it sounds like that's not what you did. You assumed you were mid (sounds like that role was the one assigned to you?). So you chose Anubis. And if that's the case, the Baron didn't play to his assigned role, and sometimes there are just people that are like that.

yeah. Since memory fails often (we all know that) i will not exclude that I may have done a Mistake, happens. That's why i don't want him reported. But i know that he instalocked himself and i thought while i was looking fĂĽr my God that it's strange to pick Baron for Jungling.

Branmuffin17 wrote:
If you were the one that made the mistake, well, just do what you can with it. No matter the god, when going Jungle, get Assassin's Blessing, and you want to build more aggressive/offensive.

Everyone selects 2 roles. However, that doesn't mean you always get those roles. What if everyone chose Mid and Solo? The game can't assign the same thing to everyone. So it tries to fit you into your preferred role, but sometimes based on matchups, you won't get it. You basically have to accept that fact. Just do what you can to get the basics down for that role. You're playing casuals. Don't worry too much, just play, learn, and have fun.

I always choose Support or Mid, but as Hel i am also fine with Sololane.
I am okay with Hel, Odin, Nike, Anubis and Kukulkan so far. I "can" play Medusa, Apollo and Hou Yi but the Carry is a Problem for me since i am bad at aiming (need to learn).
That leafs me with Guardians and Assassins. One deals not enough damage, the other takes to much, that's why i like Warriors. Still i am yet to learn so i kinda have to deal with the Situation and try my best, as you said. It's just the Play and i like to have fun and trying as good as i can.

Devampi wrote:

I wonder what penalty people get from not playing their assigned role. I kinda find it weird it was an option as role swaps can happen (and then you can report someone that swapped and just played bad cause bad game). Although I can see it for people intentionally stealing.

Also sounds like samedi insta locked and didn't look at his role. Maybe he did after locking or not. Smite doesn't make it as clear as LoL (which spends 5 seconds for this). Not saying they have to change it, since instalocking a god is a bad habit and this punishes people.

ikr? I mean, Mistakes happen, and i also saw that it "kinda worked out". In the End, i am Aware of the fact that a) other People might be noobs like me and b) Mistakes can happen.
If i have the Feeling that this happens intentionally, i would report. But during the God-Selection i always tell People that i am unfamiliar with jungling and will try my best. Or i say that i am flexible with Hel that i also can switch roles with someone else. I really try so everybody is in his "strong Role".
9/10 Times, nobody is responding during God-Select and completely ignoring my offers. And it rarely happens that somebody flames me afterwards but meh... i tell them they could have said something when they had the chance, i don't care anymore. ^^

could you guys say what Assassin could be good for me?
i already tried Kali once "for real" but i can't really. Ratatoskr or Bastet or Fenrir or Pele might be another Option to get into for me.


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