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Struggling to make Amaterasu

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Forum » New Player Help » Struggling to make Amaterasu 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JunpeiHyuga » June 18, 2017 10:04am | Report
Hey guys. So i'm a new player about lvl 15 who is struggling each game. Some game I do alright but most of the time I'm being carried. Generally I don't get complaints about that but it's a drag for me and I'm sure it's a drag for others as well. As shown here:

I've tried to play Amaterasu and getting to know her better but I find myself lacking the ability to do enough damage. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, I don't know...

My current setup is this:

So any tips? I'm having fun playing the game, I just don't want to be a burden for my team.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheZodiacWolf » June 18, 2017 10:42am | Report
Ammy isn't about winning lane. You just abuse her healing, and farm. You havr to play passive for the most part. Once late game hits , you will destroy
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 18, 2017 10:49am | Report
Mystical Mail is always good. But overal your build seems pretty legit. Im not a good ama though :p
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 18, 2017 5:09pm | Report
What modes?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 19, 2017 3:04am | Report
Like BME said the build is pretty legit. However it doesn't need to be the build that's the problem but the play style (and sometimes even the shotcalling)

Also statisticly speaking after a win streak the chance you will lose the next game gets higher too.
Oh and there is a thing called tilled which can make losing streaks even bigger.

a better description would also be great


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JunpeiHyuga » June 20, 2017 11:44am | Report
Duotem wrote:

What modes?

Conquest and Joust. Mainly Conquest though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JunpeiHyuga » June 20, 2017 11:45am | Report
Devampi wrote:

Like BME said the build is pretty legit. However it doesn't need to be the build that's the problem but the play style (and sometimes even the shotcalling)

Also statisticly speaking after a win streak the chance you will lose the next game gets higher too.
Oh and there is a thing called tilled which can make losing streaks even bigger.

a better description would also be great

A better description of what exactly? My playstile?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 21, 2017 4:46pm | Report
You play passive in lane for the most part unless someone really screws up. In teamfights you have two things you can do: Focus the backline and force them back, or Ult the frontline and lock them down to keep your carries safe.

For the first option you generally want to dash into the mage in order to silence them and delay their damage. After that I like switching to the adc and activating my two to allow me to tank it better then shooting it in their face. Ulting when you need to for CC immunity and keeping enemy DPS down.

The second option you generally immediately ult onto the frontliner causing the most trouble in your backline, then applying you passive and silencing them out. This is generally a more defensive option.

As far as the build goes your generally getting more useful damage over time maxing cooldowns, applying your passive and counterbuilding. You don't really want Qins cause it doesnt give you that much in terms of useful stats for you.

With your start you want multi-pots instead of mana pots because with bluestone and bluebuff regen you have more than enough. Warrior Tabi, Breastplate of Valor, Shield of Regrowth, Spirit Robe, Winged Blade, and then situational is going to be a good standard build until you learn counterbuilding better. It maxes her cooldown on a very cooldown dependant character and between regrowth, spirit robe, and winged blade you'll be very hard to lock down. You can also sell breastplate for Mantle of Discord in the late game.

With the situational item defensive items like Pestilence or Midguardian Mail are decent picks, but if you do want damage here Masamune or Shifter's Shield would be decent choices


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JunpeiHyuga » June 24, 2017 3:21pm | Report
Duotem wrote:

You play passive in lane for the most part unless someone really screws up. In teamfights you have two things you can do: Focus the backline and force them back, or Ult the frontline and lock them down to keep your carries safe.

For the first option you generally want to dash into the mage in order to silence them and delay their damage. After that I like switching to the adc and activating my two to allow me to tank it better then shooting it in their face. Ulting when you need to for CC immunity and keeping enemy DPS down.

The second option you generally immediately ult onto the frontliner causing the most trouble in your backline, then applying you passive and silencing them out. This is generally a more defensive option.

As far as the build goes your generally getting more useful damage over time maxing cooldowns, applying your passive and counterbuilding. You don't really want Qins cause it doesnt give you that much in terms of useful stats for you.

With your start you want multi-pots instead of mana pots because with bluestone and bluebuff regen you have more than enough. Warrior Tabi, Breastplate of Valor, Shield of Regrowth, Spirit Robe, Winged Blade, and then situational is going to be a good standard build until you learn counterbuilding better. It maxes her cooldown on a very cooldown dependant character and between regrowth, spirit robe, and winged blade you'll be very hard to lock down. You can also sell breastplate for Mantle of Discord in the late game.

With the situational item defensive items like Pestilence or Midguardian Mail are decent picks, but if you do want damage here Masamune or Shifter's Shield would be decent choices

Thanks for the tips, Duotem. They really helped. I've started to play more passive and focusing more on farming the lane and generally forcing a stalemate until the other guy screwes up. I can hold my own very often in the solo lane now and don't feel i'm being carried as often.

I also do OK in mid lane but I'm getting better and better.

In teamfights I find myself ulting the frontline for some reason. It just happens automatically but in general it works out fine.

For my build I generally just follow what you said, except, for when I feel I can gain a lot of momentum by getting Winged Blade early. Basically right after I've maxed out Warrior Tabi and Breastplate of Valor. It might be stupid but it has worked the times I've done it altough it is seldom.

For relics I tend to switch a lot between Aegis Amulet, Blink Rune, Heavenly Wings, Sundering Spear and Teleport Glyph.

I still need to learn counterbuilding but I'll get there in time.


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