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Skin Idea Thread

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Skin Idea Thread 178 posts - page 17 of 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DucksRock » April 6, 2016 10:13am | Report
Daelinn wrote:

Sooo, what would you think about Guan Yu skin inspired by Polish cavalry from XVI-XVIII centuries- I thought he would really match such theme:

Winged Hussar

It would be a tier 4 skin, with slightly altered animations, when using Taolu Assault instead of spinning his blade he would make some fast sabre attacks, his normal hit chain would also be changed to be more fit for a one-handed weapon style.

(I believe it would look unnatural, aspecially on Cavalry Charge attacks if he was wielding a lance as a main weapon)

More like a tier 3 then, slightly altered animations make it to only a tier 3.

I'm DucksRock, But you can call me Ducks.

Kuzenbo rights advocate, guide-making delayer and passionate pop music fan.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CakeSlapping » April 6, 2016 11:34am | Report
Stuke99 wrote:

@CakeSlapping, I would like to play this game. It looks fun and mostly because of this skin.

IT'S ****IN' DIO!

It's a brilliant game, and fairly easy to get into. well worth looking at.

And practically every single thing in the game, be it a basic attack, special move, recolour, stage background etc, is a reference to a film/game/anime/comic etc.
It's even fun to play it just to see how many references you can catch


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Loukasarts » April 9, 2016 5:47pm | Report
chef Vulcan
giant spatula, a pair of sauce bottles on his back, his 3 ability is already called the meatball bu the community and he is already wearing an apron!
just give him that chefs hat and an ironic apron that says "best looking chef!" (in reference to his lore).
his one ability fires a stream of pasta
his 2 ability puts down a toaster that fires toasthis 3 ability fires a huge spicy meatball
his ult squirts ketchup and mustard from his sauce bottles!
someone make this happen please!


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheLivingDaylights » April 15, 2016 2:42am | Report
That Chef Vulcan idea would actually work, lol. 400 gems sounds reasonable for that one.

I'm surprised that Thanatos doesn't have a skeleton themed skin yet - one that actually fits the popular image of the Grim Reaper. 400 gems would be fine, in my opinion.

Zeus needs a good skin. Maybe a rocket/dynamite-themed skin? 600 gems if it's good, otherwise a 400 gem version would still be better than those ****py Almighty and Stormbringer skins we have for him right now.

Hel could get a Yin and Yang skin, or a love-and-hate themed skin.

I wouldn't mind the next Tier 5 being a Chronos skin who starts as either an old man or a child and gets progressively younger/older throughout the game.


Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Digital Hazard » April 21, 2016 7:28pm | Report
This skin is a very weird inside joke.

Guano, for.. Guan Yu.

Dress him up kinda like Batman, and sparkle like the vampires in Twilight. Instead of using a horse, he rides a giant bat.

Digital Hazard

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by XenithSolace » June 7, 2016 2:27pm | Report
Not my idea, my friend kept telling me about it, thought it should go up here. A Donald Trump skin for Ymir. Because of the wall. Make Smite great again.
IGN: XenithSolace (XB1)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » June 17, 2016 12:48pm | Report
Anything with a voicepack by Gilbert Gottfried would be amazing. Maybe a pirate skin for Chang'e that replaces the rabbit with a parrot? What's "Gank middle lane" to "It's a shoehorn on a stick!"
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Digital Hazard » June 24, 2016 8:40am | Report
I'm on a Digimon kick as of late, and was inspired to think of a skin for Khepri based on Kabuterimon. Here's an article for those who aren't DigiManiacs like I am.

So basically make Khepri look like a big blue rhinoceros beetle that shoots electricity instead of solar power.

Digital Hazard

Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fuzzydogg1976 » July 24, 2016 4:16pm | Report
I would love a Bacchus beach theme. Topless with a tan and a golden speedo. Instead of a wine jug he'll have a mini keg with a tap. Instead of a big leg as a weapon he'll have a bouy. When he does his belly flop he'll yell "Cannonball"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Suggs55 » August 19, 2016 7:06pm | Report
I always thought Raijin said "Bubblegum" as he leaps/teleports. Made me think, I'd love to see a bubblegum themed Raijin where he actually says "Bubblegum". His ult could shoot giant pink gum bubbles!!!


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