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Create -A-God(dess) Results of July 1rst! Congratulations!

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Create -A-God(dess) Results of July 1rst! Congratulations! 93 posts - page 3 of 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BandicutZz » July 2, 2014 2:03am | Report
I'm sorry to say the above is right.
The 2nd one is incomplete, boring and almost as **** as you're judging.

I demand a 2nd opinion by someone else.


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PandarianFury » July 2, 2014 2:04am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BandicutZz » July 2, 2014 2:05am | Report
I don't think its worth taking part in these competitions when I work long and hard to make my post complete and then an incomplete post gets 2nd place.

Just admit you were wrong Pika. You talk about immaturity/childish. Now be a mature human and admit you were wrong and take responsibility for you're action


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 2, 2014 2:20am | Report
Alright, you ****ers. To FaTaLiTyFiReFly, BandicutZz, PandarianFury, FederalFedora: Shut your filthy ***** mouths you sons of *****es, and listen up!

You might be angry. And that's to be expected. You probably worked very hard on your god idea, poured your heart and soul into it, and now this guy on the internet is rating your idea below this nobody's.

That's fine. It's natural to be angry at that. But the reason why I'm wirting this isn't you being angry at losing. It's you insulting and raving at Aphnex for losing.

I'm not Aphnex. I can't read his mind, but he's not stupid. He's not an idiot, and he's not unfair. He might have been biased, but we all are, so get over it. He did the best he could for one person, and he even sunk his own money into this contest to popularize it. He might have made a mistake - no one is perfect - but he tried to do the best he could, and you should respect that.

So don't you ****ing dare insult him. You ****ers are treating him like he's some mentally disabled prepubescent crack baby, AND I AM SICK OF THAT ****. I will NOT stand for that kind of ********, not on my ****ing watch!

Yeah, you're angry. Then stop taking it out on Aphnex's character. If he tells you that he didn't downgrade your idea because of lore (or lack therof), then ****ing listen! You know what listening is, right, you ****ing deaf idiots? Or are you stuck in preschool or something?

I didn't even reach the top three. And I'm not raging at Aphnex or calling him an idiot or asking him to suck it. Because I, unlike you ****ing *****s, actually have the maturity to understand that things don't always go my way, you disgusting collection of spoiled brats.

FATALITY! I am calling YOU out especially for this. The others on this list didn't make the top three. But you did. So shut the **** up. He found merit in your idea enough to put it in third place, so maybe instead of verbally ****ting on him, you could actually try to improve yourself by looking at other ideas!

You ****ing lost. So stop being so butthurt over it, and GROW UP!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MontyPylon » July 2, 2014 2:23am | Report
is he your boyfriend or something? ^


Posts: 20
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BandicutZz » July 2, 2014 2:24am | Report
Don't swear, is mommy coming to save her dislexic baby?

Could the little baby stop sucking on ****s.


And not you, you know him irl!?

Subzero you're not raging because you know him. Aphnex said you would also be judging and then you made a post which is illegal I'm pretty sure.

Do you improve you're **** by looking at uglier ****s?
Seems like it.

PS. Stop swearing little kid

Could you stop defending him? We just want another judge who isn't close with him irl.

We all know you guys are a gay couple irl btw


Posts: 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FederalFedora » July 2, 2014 2:24am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

he's some mentally disabled prepubescent crack baby,



Posts: 16
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 2, 2014 2:25am | Report
Okay, at this point, I'm pretty sure that MontyPylon and the rest are alt accounts. Reported.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MontyPylon » July 2, 2014 2:26am | Report
Am I an alt account now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MontyPylon » July 2, 2014 2:27am | Report
Im gonna be completely honest...If YOU didnt judge this competition it would be 100% more fairly judged....The very idea of putting a INCOMPLETE idea ahead of a person that is,genuinly balanced and completely created,is digusting.The judging is done in such a ***anine and unfair disurtation of what this could have been...That kicking you out of your own contest would be more logical than letting you judge another.

The second place barely MATCHED the critetia REQUIRED...lets go through the list shall we...?

1.Uniqeness - it's no surprise that you yourself are about as uniqe as a brick in a dishwasher..but please keep that style out of your judging...
2.Balance - dont judge a competition of you dont have a grip on how balance in Moba's work...most of these have imbalanced and unobiquitory stats which makes no sense...
3.Accurcy - I dont understand this critria...and I guess neither do you..
4.Kit fluitidy - skill combonation should not be a prime condending veriable...for the most part have a hero that completely STUN LOCKS THE ENTIRE TEAM should not be allowed to be balanced...dont get me wrong,it works together but in the worst way...we call for you to pay attention and not judge while your stoned off your ***
5.presentation - What this tells me is that most of these ARENT COMPLETE!the problem becomes when,in your case,you cant notice what is complete and what isn't. This is probably why you cant distinguish between boys and girls,but thats a different story...
5.additional info - There is litterally nothing in posts of winners 1 and 2.this tells me you judge by roughly scimming the info and didnt really care...which should not be a in a prominent post FROM THE JUDGE!

This tells me most of the issues in this could be fixed when you hand over the judge to someone else and swiftly hang yourself on your ethernet cable.Kthxbye


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