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Why I enjoy SMITE but can't play it

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Forum » General Discussion » Why I enjoy SMITE but can't play it 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » March 12, 2016 1:33pm | Report
I love Smite.

I really do. It's a great game.

Yet I just can't bring myself to play it.

I'll tell you why.

I find myself playing League of Legends a lot. I don't even really like the gameplay tbh. It's horribly broken gameplay. I find this to be the opposite of Smite.

But what does League have that Smite doesn't?

Well.... mostly, it's "non game" stuff.

League's actual gameplay, imo, sucks ***. But, league has features that make the game smoother before you actually REACH the gameplay, and features that make the "non gameplay gameplay" parts enjoyable.

So, the pre-game stuff.

League has a system where you call roles before you even queue. So when you get in lobby, everyone knows what everyone is doing. No arguing or calling dibs or any of that ********. I hate playing ranked in Smite because it's just people calling and then they yell when they don't get what they want.

The actual champion selecting process is also much easier to see and encourages teamwork.

Now the second thing.

League makes good characters. Smite makes good characters. What's the difference?

League gives their characters personality.

In Smite, I don't feel like the gods have any sort of interesting personality. Apart from a few exceptions (Apollo), I feel like they all have very little personality, and that personality is not explored enough.

In League, you really get to go into your champion's mind. Take the new champ for instance. His name is Jhin. Think Erik from Phantom of the Opera. He's a psychomaniac who thinks murder is an art, and has weird obsessions with the number 4. When you play as him, you almost get inside his mind.

That's just my two cents.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DucksRock » March 12, 2016 1:46pm | Report
I can relate, Although there are some characters in smite who also have that prospect, Like Chang'e which makes you fell like a dancer with her beautifully synced passive or Kali which will make you fell like a bloodthirsty assassin, and also Skadi, which really makes me fell like I am hunting.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GameGeekFan » March 12, 2016 3:24pm | Report
Well they are from mythology. They have lore and stories (except rat. He barely has any).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 13, 2016 2:14pm | Report
Wow never thought dac would make a sub like comment :o

I'm going to agree on loads of points here. Only Hi-rez isn't really good at making gods if you look at the balance compartment.

the pre game stuff is still pretty knew tho (but other modes gonna get it too soon) and still a lot of people try to switch if they don't get their primary role. And well for ranked dynamic queue can be really broken (i have seen matches of premade 5s of master playing against plats solo queuers)
Still will be fixed over time.

The last point is really true. I prefer LoL and Dota over smite because the characters have more personality then in smite. Not only the lore helps with this but also the amount of voiceline interactions they have between other characters or sometimes just while walking or attack etc.

I don't know in what way you call the gameplay broken (it's possible that you really hate the RTS view which can demolish a lot but I kinda find the gameplay more solid then smites because of balancing. And most champs having really well synergizing kits).
Still no game is perfect, there will always be things you can't be happy about.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » March 13, 2016 5:23pm | Report
To be honest I think Riot has done a poor job as far as lore is concerned for a long, long time now. It's possible that it's still better than in SMITE (I wouldn't know), but I wouldn't exactly give them any credit for that.

As for champion picking, yes, being able to choose roles is great, but Riot have only just introduced that, in S6. Meanwhile, SMITE has just entered S3. I'm not entirely sure that's a fair comparison (also, dynamic queue was and still is an absolutely awful idea).

I think part of it comes down to which game you're used to / feels old and which one feels new/refreshing/exciting. For me, League has become unappealing, and - even though I don't have much time for it atm - I highly prefer SMITE as far as the gameplay is concerned.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » March 13, 2016 6:27pm | Report

Also wayne, I might add you to a group some members of SMF are included ...
We mostly play smite but sometimes we switch to LoL or CAH ( Cards againts Humanity )
If you wanna join, send me a pm ;)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 14, 2016 2:13am | Report
Lore could always be better story to but the differences between smite and LoL is that smite is limited as it needs to be lore/info about the god. However a lot of gods don't have interactions between each other. the only one I know of is neiths poor little sobek when she kills sobek.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » March 14, 2016 6:59am | Report
There's dozens of directed taunts!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 15, 2016 11:13am | Report
I don't hear it so much compared to the lines of dota or LoL as clicking triggers them already (smite does have kewl just escaped death lines.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Silv3rX » March 16, 2016 9:04am | Report
I got 3 cents over here so listen up.
Been playing league since I quit smite back in early 2014 and even got to diamond 2 in Season 4.
Season 5 brought alot of new stuff to the table and everybody basically had to relearn the game.
And season 6 just doesn't feel fun at all for me at the moment, which is the main reason why I basically got back to smite now. Here is why:

Dynamic queue is quite new to league and it's ****ed up.
If you are playing a highly contested role, chances are you are gonna get
the second role like 80% of the time.
If you are picking Mid as first pick and Support as second role you're gonna
have to support over and over and over.
Here is a video explaining in detail why it's flawed:

Riot creates good characters? What is a good character to you?
The last champions Riot released were filled with overloaded
and complex kits that are really hard to get into and you can
really see how they're trying to make every champion " special " now.

Graves only has 2 bullets.
Jhin has some sort of weird bullet mechanic.
Tahm Kench has the grey health.
Aurelion Sol can fly through walls.

Every new champion, or every rework is super overloaded and it's
very hard for new players to get into the game, as the tutorial
is from like 2011 and they still use Ryze as a tutorial champ.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE(D) LEAGUE else I wouldn't have put nearly
2000 hours into the game, but they've made the main game simpler
and simpler (eg. objective timers) and the champions harder,
weirder and super overloaded.
Every of the champs they released was either overpowered as **** (Tahm),
bugged because of the weird mechanics (Azir), or just plain useless (Jhin)

Smite also has alot of flaws and weird gods designs, but I feel like I can
get a hang of them after playing a 10 minute arena game, while you gotta
get your *** beat in normal games in league if you want to learn how the
mechanics of a certain champion work.

Guess those were 5 cents.
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