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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Forum » General Discussion » The QQ Thread of Gods! 552 posts - page 26 of 56
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SherriffTurtle » June 22, 2014 11:04pm | Report
Okay, this really pissed me off.
So I'm playing jungle Thanatos with my friend playing mid Zeus. Game going pretty normal, I get first blood and my friend kills the enemy Ao. Then, wuddya know, my solo laner dc's. So, I have to stpp jungling and lane against a farmed herc with enemy tyr on my *** all day. I die a couple times, and then duo starts getting salty. Nub thanatos, uninstall pls, surrender at ten. We end up losing because duo fed, and my friend and I were doing good. (I was 6/3 and Zeus was 4/1) They start spamming report thanatos pls in the end game lobby, and we just leave and enter queue again. We get into lobby and whaddya know, they're back. This time I'm playing jungle Ne Zha and my friend's playing mid Zhong Kui. Those same guys are just saying stupid **** all game and they dc when they lose lane hard. Lost that game too. Why are some smite players so faking dumb sometimes?
Favorite Roles: Jungle, Mid
Favorite Gods: Sun Wukong, Loki, Thanatos, Ares
Never give up, because you move like a jaguar.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » June 23, 2014 3:32pm | Report
I die a couple times, and then duo starts getting salty. Nub thanatos, uninstall pls, surrender at ten.

This annoys me sooooo much. I don't care about the insults blah blah blah, it's the fact that they can't think to themselves "Oh, solo left? Jungle is covering? He's going to have a tough time over there. Maybe I shouldn't give him a hard time for dying." People like that only see one thing in games; KDA, and I honestly will never understand it.

I kinda had a similar situation; I called Jungle, Nemesis (who I wanted to pick) was auto-locked by someone that didn't even call a role, so I picked Fenrir. Got into the game and the Nemesis starts jungling, meaning we had no solo whatsoever. So I be the nice guy and cover solo AS FENRIR,, after telling my team that we needed a solo and they didn't even care, against Tyr (before the warrior nerf) and someone else, I forget who. I'm sure you know how this ends. My team in post-game lobby told to report me for trolling. Isn't Smite fun?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Janitsu » June 24, 2014 6:14am | Report
I like the concept of Cupid and Hel

but I can't play neither.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SherriffTurtle » June 24, 2014 1:44pm | Report
I'm sure you know how this ends. My team in post-game lobby told to report me for trolling. Isn't Smite fun?

I miss the days of smite beta. No toxicity, just cool people who were cool when people died. Oh well.
Favorite Roles: Jungle, Mid
Favorite Gods: Sun Wukong, Loki, Thanatos, Ares
Never give up, because you move like a jaguar.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mordo » June 25, 2014 7:12am | Report
All but 1 guy called lanes I asked for ADC, the last guy doesn't say anything we all have our gods but not locked in, he waits and when it hits 5 seconds he chooses Chronos and stats "screw you if you think i play support" bam! all locked in due to timer. Two adcs and he was stealing all my kills, not assisting in me escaping and generally criticizing all game, suddenly I start rotating and bam bam bam 4 kills in a row, taking down towers, getting gear and chronos falls flat on his face, i start KSing him myself and end up winning the match with a triple... god he was a whiner though in post game


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » June 26, 2014 3:05am | Report
I'm so sick of HiRez's **** servers.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » June 26, 2014 3:11am | Report
SoapSuds wrote:

I'm so sick of HiRez's **** servers.

Agreed. I think they should fix their ****ing servers before adding new gods and such.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » June 26, 2014 8:08am | Report
Bad building instalocking Chang'e, neverulting Hades and Ra Bot. These MOTDs just match the average player with sub level 30s, it's just impossible to enjoy any of these matches when matched with THESE GUYS! Just...

I'm so done with solo queues, for good this time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FearsomeClarinet » June 26, 2014 8:47am | Report
Wow, so much anger here, its like my blog. XD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » June 28, 2014 7:24am | Report
This is why I always want to party up with any of my clan mates. I play games to relieve stress. Not add more. :D
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