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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 20, 2013 1:36am | Report
Romanians wrote:

Now Aphro is half useless.

I admit this change was a bit weird, but now she can at least heal a target then move in and do some damage to keep the enemy away from the ally (so basically she gets more peal). Would have been way better to be able to remove the link though in those situations, because the 2 was great for tower diving etc :P

Romanians wrote:

Another not needed nerf to Chang'e .What the hell Hi-rez . She already got a cooldown nerf , a duration reduction on her 2 , now you are taking away her heal as well . This is just lame .

She kind of got buffed though, now she might actually be played. Unfortunate about the heal nerf though, but she was never played as support so WE. Now she can at least solo it looks like.

Romanians wrote:

AMC nerf. It was about time.

Yes it was indeed, but this was way to much! :P

Romanians wrote:

Mercury nerf, more to come hopefully.

Think this is enough, it was the Made You Look + Golden Bow combo that was OP.

Romanians wrote:

Small Chronos nerf, hopefully more to come.

Don't really have an opinion on him, but it lowers his late game dps by a decent amount. So I guess it's good.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SupaAPE » November 20, 2013 1:36am | Report
Phil725 wrote:

Because the scaling on Merc's ult was definitely the problem... He's still gonna be banned in all tournaments and most ranked games. He's way too strong for the mobility and presence he has. Gonna have to wait a while longer before he's anywhere near balanced.

I think new Vulcan is going to be very viable. He has actual peel now, along with his area denial and push from before, plus an insanely obnoxious cc immunity. I expect that to get nerfed soon Baka style, but I like what they did.

Thank god they finally seriously nerfed Zhong. He still has too much cc immunity on his ult, but at least he won't be as impossible to kill in lane early and instantly win otherwise even team fights late as much. I still assume he'll be banned when there are two bans per team, but you might actually see him in ranked with Zeus and Merc being first banned instead now.

I love that AMC got smashed with the nerf bat. He was ridiculously strong for a supposed carry. I think he's going to be just fine if not still a top tier pick with his steroid.

I'm happy with this patch overall. It seems like they're finally putting a serious effort into actually balancing some gods, not just adding more OP ones. Still a long way to go, but it's nice to see an actual attempt at balancing for higher levels, not nerfing already trash characters because new players win with them.

Here here. My thoughts exactly. +rep

Romanians wrote:

Another not needed nerf to Chang'e .What the hell Hi-rez . She already got a cooldown nerf , a duration reduction on her 2 , now you are taking away her heal as well . This is just lame .

^^ I like the new Chang'e. She lacked damage before. Now she can heal (to an extent)...but also do some s1ck *** damage. I think the new Chang'e might even be OP.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 20, 2013 1:46am | Report
They killed the fatman D: why?!

In all seriousness though he needed a nerf but not one this big and half ***ed. This one is just lazy.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » November 20, 2013 3:26am | Report
Chang'e is going to be so damn annoying with Gem of Isolation built (and 40% CDR)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 20, 2013 3:30am | Report

Chang'e is going to be so damn annoying with Gem of Isolation built (and 40% CDR)

Guessing you are looking forward to test that out :P

To bad about that healing nerf for Arena though (thinking she is better at solo lane now than support) :(
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » November 20, 2013 3:38am | Report
The way I've always built her, my support has come from utility rather than heals or damage. I also build her pretty tanky, so I don't think I'll miss it too much when I play her. I will, however, hate facing enemy Chang'es who build like I would. >:(

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » November 20, 2013 5:30am | Report
You guys do know that Chang'e's group heal is the same? they just nerfed her SELF-heal, and gave her some damage as well.

The only change I see for her is a definite Gem of Isolation and leveling her 3 before her 1 when she solos.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » November 20, 2013 10:15am | Report
It's a buff for Chang'E if we're talking about her viability in conquest. She was just a bad solo laner who shouldn't be played before the change, and squishy supports aren't popular in the meta right now, which left her with no spot. I'm not sure how viable she is as a solo laner now, but it's not gonna hurt. Her early wave clear was a big problem, and this seems to remedy that at least a little.

It is a nerf in assault, but she's still god tier there. Assault needs some kind of game wide aura heal debuff before Hel, Ra and Chang don't rule.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » November 20, 2013 11:39am | Report
My review of the patch:
Welcome, Heimerdinger 2.0. Congrats Vulcan, you're literally old heimerdinger. The only difference is instead of missles, you have a single linear shot.

Golden Chronos is my bby.

AMC nerf finally here. Now he might not be picked 100% of the time in conquest, and his map presence/lane dominance is removed for people who weren't able to get to the hives due to an aggressive support like sobek or athena. I also like the reducd scaling on his bees; now they won't clear an entire wave with nearly no items. It seems they're REALLY trying to avoid nerfing the ult scaling, however.

Aphrodite change FINALLY arrived. It makes her a viable alternative to tank support if you have a tank in the solo lane instead of a bruiser. This change can make her actually survive as a support instead of having a brief immunity, then immediately dying. I would have recommended they just add a way to cancel soul link, so there's still the OPTION of it emanating from the soulmate, but this will work well. A seemingly minor change that can completely increase her viability in the laning phase and teamfights, since you don't have to rely on your ally's positioning.

Minor arachne buff. May land ult better. Not that major but it definitely helps both land and punish those caught by her ult.

Interesting buff to Ares. He'll still almost never be picked in conquest, but this should massively help him in Arena.

Athena nerf minor. Unless ulting a physical to initiate it generally never damaged anyway. Most of the time you ult for protection of a teammate, not to initiate, unless your skill is superior to your opponents, or you were far ahead, as wasting the damage reduction could prove fatal, or they could avoid the initiation altogether. The 5% won't matter *That* much.

Meh on Cupid, Fenrir, Bastet, and Bakasura. Chronos and Freya both got minor nerfs, but nothing *too* substantial.

Chang'E is now a more aggressive support mage, like Isis, than a pure support mage, like Ra or Aphrodite. With Gem of Iso and Polynomicon, she can dish out serious burst now.

Why was mercury nerfed like that? That's like trying to fix a car by giving you a bike. It may help you a little, but it's not fixing the problem.

Rest of gods very minor changes, except for:

Zhong Kui. No longer heals allies? He just got HEAVILY nerfed in teamfights. Sure his ult still nukes, but he is no longer the huge presence that has to be focused. I'm sure this is going to hurt his pick percentage heavily..he had positional healing combined with CC immunity, now there's no heal. This is going to hit him HARD, but hitting his allies HARD. The only thing he brings to his team now is a slow, which won't hit everyone, and a stun, which removes his auto attack bonus. I'm feeling he's average, if not underpowered now, because he has to rely on geting fed, since his only use at this point is now pure damage. At least Agni has a reliable stun, and Poseidon has a knockup/knockback/cripple, and Ra has a heal/slow+blind. Zhong lost a lot on this one.

All in all...interesting choice of nerfs and buffs...I feel a heavy buff to Aphro participation, and a heavy nerf to AMC/Zhong participation.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Creationism » November 20, 2013 11:40am | Report
chang'e got a nice buff. her nerf wasn't even that bad. she heals everyone else the same as before, but now healing the whole team doesn't get her from half to full.

AMC nerfs looked good. merc Nerfs looked good.

Vulcan: God of the hour. I like the change. Thumper was annoying, but not really all that good. The change to his ulti was nice. I expect 1-2 minor nerfs on him.

Freya nerf made me sad. I like Freya.

Aphrodite nerf/buff is good and bad. For instance, if your soul mate is running you can now bash behind him for a save. However, if he is far away your support for him now sucks. Basically, you just have to play her smart now, with better positioning. Still prefer Chang'e as my healer, maybe even more now that she can do serious damage.


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