If you have any requests for specific topics, please post them here. Depending on the subject, I (or any others that would like to) can write it up. General topics are fine, but the more specific, the easier it will be to target and write.
That is about as broad of a question as there ever is, lol. That said, don't think there's a need to create a separate discussion outside of here. The closest thing to meta that people usually discuss is where people start, how people build, and what gods are most popular for given roles.
Where people start: only discussion is about Jungler and Support. Support still most often starts with ADC, as I'm sure you know, and Jungler still mostly starts with Mid. That said, you'll see competitive games w/ pros change things up a bit here and there.
How people build: funny enough, part of the reason Hide of the Urchin was nerfed was because people were picking it up quite often, even if they were mages. As a single pure protection item, it offers arguably the most well-rounded stats. That said, Supports and Solos (usually warriors) build full protections in almost all cases, with Solos sometimes picking up a single hybrid or offensive item. For ADCs, crit has made a comeback, but Qin's builds also remain popular.
Popular gods: things haven't really changed much in the past couple of months, if you've been following anything at all. Terra's nerf definitely dropped her a bit (usually considered S-Tier), Artio's nerfs dropped her a bit (usually considered S-Tier), and Awilix's nerf will likely drop her (though she wasn't considered S-Tier). Warrior Junglers are also a pretty strong thing right now, since tanks with strong base damage are favored. Osiris, Bellona, Cu Chulainn and Sun Wukong are top Warriors.
I would like to know who you think is the most underrated god in each role. The meta tends to favor certain gods, but in doing so, I feel that a lot of viable options are often overlooked.
I guess I will go ahead and share my thoughts as well.
When is the last time you saw a Vamana? I think a lot of people are sleeping on the Sleeping Giant. His passive is great in the Solo lane when facing off against other Warriors, and his kit contains several other tools for this. Umbrellarang puts a movement speed and attack speed slow on the target, which is helpful when facing off against the likes of gods such as Erlang Shen; a popular god in this meta.
Additionally, he has great team fighting potential. His ultimate, Colossal Fury, is a perfect teamfight ultimate. Giving him CC immunity, he is free to dive into the middle of a fight with his high protections and regeneration and deal damage. This is especially potent if you built Frostbound Hammer, as you will slow enemies that you attack for your teammates to follow up on. He also has a knockup from Clear The Path that can combo with other gods.
Overall, I think he can be strong when used correctly, and doesn't get enough play.
Although she recently received a buff to her ultimate, I haven't seen Bastet picked up all that much. I think her kit is strong, but one-dimensional, which could discourage players from using her often. What I mean by this is that almost all of her combos involve using Pounce.
That being said, I think she has a lot of potential. Although she is punished hard by Crowd Control, a smart player can play around this and have good success with her. Her damage abilities and mobility allow her to secure kills that most other gods wouldn't be able to get to. A well-timed Cat Call is incredibly annoying to play against.
She also doesn't have a whole lot of team fight potential, but her kit focuses mainly on doing damage and poking, which can make a difference in prolonged fights.
Overall, I think she is a solid god that is underplayed as well.
I haven't seen many Isis players either. She is a strong god in my opinion, and her crowd control can combo well with others. A lot of people forget she has a large radius team heal as well; great for when contesting objectives such as Gold Fury or Fire Giant.
Her early clear is one of the best in the game thanks to Wing Gust. She also works well with other magical gods due to her Dispel Magic magical protection debuff. This ability also contains a silence, which can be very effective when timed correctly.
Overall, a solid mage with high CC that can bring good value to a team.
Although not considered a top tier support, I believe that Xing Tian has great potential with certain team comps. His ultimate works very well with quite a few mages for big money combos, and he has some pretty good health sustain through Smouldering Rage that a lot of people forget about. His ultimate, Whirlwind of Rage and Steel, is definitely most of his appeal though. Using this in combination with Blink Rune can be devastating, especially if you can manage to throw a group of enemies under a tower, phoenix, or even your fountain.
Xing Tian is very helpful when countering enemy ADCs as well, due to the basic attack damage reduction from Furious Roar. Because it also deals a percentage of the enemy's max health, it is also relevant against tankier enemies as well. Hook Slam gives him a rooting ability which can combo well with others, and his Sky-Cutting Axe can get him out of some bad situations.
Overall, a solid Guardian with an incredible ultimate ability.
I was close to putting Artemis here, but I believe that Apollo is the strongest god that nobody is talking about right now. His kit is so strong, and his passive, Audacity, allows him to straight up burst enemies and objectives down in no time flat.
Serenade is a great ability that allows him to get out of pretty much any bad situation, while his ultimate Across The Sky gives him insane mobility, map presence, chasedown ability, and split push potential. The Moves can also get him out of bad situations, making him a very slippery god to pin down and kill.
Overall, I think he is super strong and is overshadowed by other meta gods like Hou Yi
and Jing Wei. I think he will be top tier soon though once people recognize his potential.
So, anyways, those are my thoughts. Would be interested to hear others'. Thought it could be an interesting topic for discussion...
I hadn't thought about this at all, but in general, I'd say I agree with your choices. The only one I don't feel is underrated is Eset. She's been considered a generally strong pick for quite a while now.
If we talk roles rather than class, then I'd say that Xing Tian is definitely more of a Solo, not a Support. Can he work in Support? Sure, and if timed perfectly and beads are down, then yes his ult can demolish several enemies (as long as he's got others with him). That said, I generally find his ult underwhelming. I almost never have to even use beads when I face him, because when I see it coming, I just run away. It's easy to avoid in that wind-up stage, which I honestly feel is too long. If anything, I feel it should be more immediate of an effect...and if that makes it OP, then decrease his radius a bit. As it is, I have too much time to react against it.
Funny thing about Jing Wei is that she wasn't considered that good a few patches ago...all of a sudden, she's back up, due to crit and Devo's buffs.
I haven't seen many Isis players either. She is a strong god in my opinion, and her crowd control can combo well with others. A lot of people forget she has a large radius team heal as well; great for when contesting objectives such as Gold Fury or Fire Giant.
Her early clear is one of the best in the game thanks to Wing Gust. She also works well with other magical gods due to her Dispel Magic magical protection debuff. This ability also contains a silence, which can be very effective when timed correctly.
Overall, a solid mage with high CC that can bring good value to a team.
I wonder how Eset is underrated currently. I agree that I don't see players playing her. She does have one of the best clears though. The thing is she could do damage, but in the end she is her own version of a support mage. She could damage, but her true goal is to give support with her CC and healing ultimate. The thing is that mainly counteracts her is all her abilities must be well timed. If you randomly throw it out there is probably going to miss and be useless. She's one of those gods that needs an experienced player to understand how to use her abilities correctly, and at the same time learn how to be a mini support.
What is the current meta? Cuz I'm completely out of the loop. Also we could discuss it (would totally help me get back into the game, which is what I'm trying to do.)
@Pris: I'd first suggest you read my October 9 post in this thread, as the meta question was posed by overld1 at that point, and the meta hasn't really changed that much as far as I know.
I've been seeing a lot of Junglers start with the Solo. I personally don't like that start. I still see Guardians start a lot with the ADC, which is funny, because the whole purpose in the shift of starts was to give the ADC some better farm in the early game to get them online quicker, which means the Guards would start Mid. But this was mostly a pro/competitive strat that everyone else decided was a thing to do, even though they won't get the same effectiveness out of it. "Hey, the pros are doing it, that means we should too!" Honestly don't like it...still prefer the standard Guard/ADC Duo + Mid/Jungler + Solo (being actually SOLO) start.
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