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Proper target selection is a difficult concept for a lot of players. When 5 enemies are running at them, people often freak out and are unsure of who to focus.
Your main job as a Support is to peel for the back line (your Mid & ADC). You want to keep the enemy Solo and Jungler from going on them. When a team fight starts make sure you are somewhat close to both, and do your best to keep tabs on which of your teammates had to use their relics. This way you know who needs more babysitting. If the enemy is not really diving your carries, you can move forward with your front liners and help to CC the enemy so that your teammates can kill them easier. Just make sure if the enemy does go on one of them, you stop diving with your front line, and go back to the carries, and peel that enemy off.
Outside of team fights, while you are laning and / or roaming through the early-mid game you need to be looking to either punish a bad god pick by bullying them at their buff, or just forcing them to use their relics. As an example, Hercules is a great god at doing this since your CC can heavily displace the enemy and your base damage is high, often forcing them to use
Purification Beads or potentially die. If someone states that an enemy has used Beads, you should be looking to focus that target as they are much easier to kill now than they were with their Beads up.
Remember most games will have 1 player that is easily worse than the rest, especially in ranked. You can abuse them early for an easy lead that you can then use to punish the best player on the enemy team.
This is my personal tier list that is based on the usefulness of the individual god's kit, not on their current viability due to itemization and other changing aspects. The tiers should be self-explanatory based on the titles, but if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Alright so its time to slam ranked, obviously your first thought is going to be 'I am a support main, I am going to que support!' I will highly advise you against this, and I'lll explain why.
At this MMR range, not only will you be matched with players that belong in this range, but also every person who is trying ranked for the first time will be in this queue...and yes, there will be countless players who are just reaching level 30 and think playing Ranked is a good idea, and they one-trick one god in every role. Your best bet is to hard carry your first several games. Queue up these games as Jungle / Mid if possible, as these are the roles that are likely to have the most impact when skill levels are suspect.
Now I know what you're thinking, "I don't know how to play this role, or I'm not good at it." I understand, and agree with you, these are not my most comfortable roles, but they are the best for carrying your early games. Here are examples of the gods you should be playing, and why.
Now that you have most likely hard-carried yourself up this far, you are deep in Plat lobbies, and starting to get Diamond players here and there in your games. This is a dangerous area, and most likely where you will get stuck for a while. A good majority of these players are still mediocre and inconsistent, and many (undeserved) big egos live here. Its just high enough MMR that some weaker players can still reach it, so the toxic egos will farm them and think they are the best, but then the next game they will go 0-10 and blame their team because they were inting but won't admit because they think they are the next SPL player. So..."What do I do?"
Hold down your mental state, and keep going. You are not high enough MMR to fully switch to playing your preferred Support role. When you DO get Support, you can be a bit more open with your picks here, but you still want to be that aggressive Support because you should still be able to farm the enemy. Ymir and
Sobek are good gods here, because they are great at punishing the enemy for overextending, and they have great tools for setup with your team.
This MMR is not much different than the 1500 lobbies, and you will most likely have to put in a lot of work to do well in this MMR because your team will refuse to win. Believe it or not, but people will just refuse to win if their pride is hurt. Keep your head on straight, and power through. The Jungle / Mid picks should still be happening here as they will carry games here.
You've done it, you've farmed your way up into the Diamond lobbies. Its time to officially role swap from Jungle / Mid to Support / whatever. These lobbies will be better than the lobbies you had by a long shot, HOWERVER that is not without fault. There are players in this MMR range who are great mechanically, but have the worst attitudes you've ever seen, and will baby rage at the smallest things. So remember to keep your cool, and mute them. At this MMR whatever Support pick you want should work, whether you're an aggressive Ymir or a backline
Once you've reached the Diamond 3 area of your run to Masters, you will start seeing a lot more lower MMR Masters players in your lobbies, and typically this is a good thing, as most Masters players do not want low MMR, so they do tend to try harder, and a lot of players will be D2-D1 area, and looking to promote into Masters so they will also be trying much harder.
Good luck on your run, and I hope you find success!
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Not that I do not agree, just curiosity.
For players that know what they are doing, its still a bit of a troll pick, but it obviously works when you understand Smite, and the way you need to play the game, but if they knew how to play the game they wouldn't be here learning from a washed up support player :)
Good general tips. I think you could include some more tips specifically in the different MMR regions.
For example, in the lower ranges, you could talk about the more specific shortcomings of players at that skill level...mechanical skill, awareness, lack of communication, lack of warding, etc., and how to more specifically take advantage of those.
At the Plat-ish level, what specific things do you typically see in that range that is better than the lower level, but still not as good as Diamond+?