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Cupidseeker? Does the new item works well on Cupid?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Cupidseeker? Does the new item works well on Cupid? 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 18, 2018 6:54am | Report
The item: New Heartseeker


Cupid Skills that this item works: Heart Bomb, Fields Of Love.


I use to all proposes my non-crit build that can be checked here.

So, can an item that works only with two skills be useful? Let's see...

Heart Bomb can do at late up to 340 + 545 = 785 over 3 secs, if fully stacked in Lovestruck this goes up to 395 + 633 = 1028 over 3 secs plus a stun. Using the new item passive this brings 80% of your physical power as a bonus damage. So the maximum damage becomes 1028 + 242 = 1250 over 3 secs. And this is not an ultimate and comes back in 12 secs, enough time to you stack it again and Lovestruck at late game since you are an adc.

You can also apply this to your ultimate: 540 + 303 = 843 and using Lovestruck becomes 626 + 352 = 978 and 3 secs of mesmerize. Using this item passive you gain 242 extra damage totalizing 1220 and no mesmerize, since the extra damage from Heartseeker comes after the explosion of fields such as The Crusher.

But what item will you remove tu put this? Jotunn's Wrath. I know your ultimate is important part of your combo but you unfortunately will need to use this combo less often. So the new non-crit build will be: Transcendence, Ninja Tabi, Heartseeker, The Executioner, Qin's Sais and Bloodforge.

But does this build worth? the generally answer is NO. Part of the Heartseeker passive is being ignored, the 10% mana restored. Why? 'Cause you have Transcendence, you don't need anything else when talking about mana just because you have an extra 1050 mana pool and also the mana regen from Share The Love. So unless you want just burst damage (that still questionable since the damage still high anyway, even without heartseeker) the item DOES NOT worth using the actual build. It's much better has your ultimate sooner to make to classic combo (ulti + heart) often in almost every teamfight than have a burst damage specifically in one teamfight.

However, you can also change Bloodforge becoming more skill dependent and with NO LIFESTEAL, meaning you can heal yourself only from Share The Love which isn't a powerful healing and only works out of combat. Now that you know the issue of this build but you want to proceed anyway: This change will provide you extra damage and even more mana regen, making you mana pool stay always almost full (considering you hit your skills :p). You will notice your Cupid will kill easily squishy targets, that's why hirez wrote "Pros: High Individual Damage". But remember, pokes on teamfights hurts you more than ever with this build. So you will do A LOT OF DAMAGE, but also has no sustain. So you may change you gameplay to a more focused attacker: Being passive hitting only with basic attacks and when the opportunity appears you strike with everything you have.

Although there is one case this item totally worth on Cupid, almost in a flawless way: On a high sustain ADC, that means use Devourer's Gauntlet instead of Transcendence. Changing this item you will have plenty use of the item passive, since you won't have a huge mana pool and any mana restored will be useful. Remember that you can be very mana hungry in a teamfight without Transcendence, using Flutter, Heart Bomb, Fields Of Love and Share The Love to heal yourself often. So the new build is Devourer's Gauntlet, Ninja Tabi, Heartseeker, The Executioner, Qin's Sais and Jotunn's Wrath (since you lifesteal now comes from devo, you can keep jotunn) that reaches a total of 225 physical power, with lifesteal, some burst damage, cooldown to your skills, healing, attackspeed and mana gen becoming a complete ADC.

The conclusion is that using specially this build: Devourer's Gauntlet, Ninja Tabi, Heartseeker, The Executioner, Qin's Sais and Jotunn's Wrath, the new Heartseeker becomes very viable and useful on your Cupid, however if you go into trans way (huge mana pool and high damage) or intend to build crits (that will be your burst damage), this item doesn't worth.

Updated 28/09:
Worth on early game as 3rd or 4th item with the build mentioned due the mana regen, even though the extra damage isn't so much.
Can be built later, as the last item for example, to high burst potencial but early/mid game you can be mana hungry using the build mentioned.
Can be used in common non-crit build but you'll be totally dependent of Share The Love to heal yourself only out of combat.


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