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Jungle Arachne any help appreciated

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Forum » New Player Help » Jungle Arachne any help appreciated 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by skipxdan » October 31, 2017 5:04pm | Report
so I like playing Arachne and want to get into conquest so jungle is the obvious role, my problem is with no experience I find myself getting told to stay in arena ect.. I don't like to queue conquest because I don't want to be the reason the team loses. ive watched a lot of videos of Arachne, conquest and jungling but cant find anything showing me where to start in jungle what buffs I should take (been abused for taking speed buff) or just a rough route I should be going to maximize xp/gold. any comments/help welcome/appreciated


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 31, 2017 8:45pm | Report
Hi Skipxdan,

Okay, so you're starting mostly from scratch. Firstly, learn to ignore others if they're being toxic. If they're being helpful, definitely listen though.

Jungler normally gets the yellow (speed) buff, so I don't know what they're saying (unless they're being toxic, and they feel it's a waste of a buff if you get it).

Arachne isn't considered one of the strongest junglers, so on top of having to learn, you're possibly putting yourself at a disadvantage that way as well. She has to get in close to do most of her damage, which makes her engage more dangerous. The thing she has going for her is she has a great escape in her ult.

There are 2 current starts in Conquest for the Jungler. Start in Mid w/ the Mid-laner (while Support starts with ADC in Duo) or start with the Solo-laner. In both cases, you'll normally clear the first wave, and depending on how that goes, you'll go off to do other things (nearby camps and whatnot). What I mean by "depending on how that goes" is between you and the other person you're with, if you can outclear the enemy, you have a head-start to clear some camps, steal some of their camps, etc. If you get outcleared, you may need to contest camps, or if things are really bad, just play defensively.

If you watch enough vids of others playing, you'll slowly start to see what's happening.

In any case, your job from that point forward is to ward in strategic locations, clear as many camps as possible, and keep a close eye on the mini-map so you can see where you can protect teammates in danger or gank enemies that overextend. There's no specific's all open and variable depending on how/what everyone else is doing.

All this sounds great, but in practice, it's a lot more difficult. You just have to keep playing, and keep your mind open and learning. Again, in playing casual conquest, you have to learn sometime, so either play with friends, or learn to ignore the toxic players.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by skipxdan » October 31, 2017 10:12pm | Report
Hi Bran,

Thanks for the reply

Its rare for someone to help ingame hence this post, I don't care what people say ingame it annoys me why they say it and i can understand their frustration. I don't queue conquest to lose.

That aside I've barely played any other viable jungler, TBH I think Arachne is my only hope as I kind of know her kit compaired to any other assassin's. another problem i have is the way everyone decides their role, I do understand what other roles do but haven't researched them as much neither am i really compentent enough at alot of gods for other roles (not saying i am with Arachne either) so if i get stuck as support i'd also be letting the team down because im only reasonable with ares in arena and from what I've seen and heard he's pretty weak support (tried once).

Would staying out of arena, maybe clash and siege queues help do you think? i have read your conquest guide, but as you said its harder ingame.

Thanks again i'll continue to watch videos and read guides I'm sure i'll get it 1 day lol

Edit: If its not too much hassle could give me a few options for gods in each role that aren't overly hard but good in the role? id like to learn Tyr and Ullr but messing round in practice they"re fairly hard to get used to. Thanks again


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 31, 2017 11:43pm | Report
Well there is something to be said about playing a god you're familiar with.

That said, what overall level are you? How many gods do you have at least at mastery I? One of the biggest aspects of being able to play is knowing the kits of the various gods...knowing their strengths, weaknesses, etc. How can you fight against a god if you don't even know if they have a jump they can use to close distance...a stun to keep you trapped...?

To me, sounds like you need to expand your god knowledge, by playing the various gods multiple times. That will help you a ton.

Other than that, yeah, Clash or Siege or anything besides Arena would help you get a better understanding of laning, at least to a degree. They all share some aspects with Conquest in different ways, but of course, they're not the same. Was telling someone else a short while ago that one of the biggest things about Conquest is learning how to to be patient, how to conserve resources, know when to be aggressive, know when you should back off, know how to play safe from behind and just farm...these are all things Conquest can teach you, that other modes can only teach you partly. So play the different modes. Don't get caught in just Arena. Don't be afraid to play different gods. You NEED to play different gods.

Also...for Ares, he's not the greatest Support, because he doesn't have peel via hard CC, other than his ult. But he's great in teamfights, or if he's ahead, or with specific other gods. You need to hit his Shackles to be effective, though...if you miss, he's not worth nearly as much until it's off CD again.

Good in the role but not overly difficult to play:
But should be learning ALL gods.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » October 31, 2017 11:59pm | Report
Arachne is totally fine to start with IMO.
Yes she is considered bad, but that is if you are playing in high level games.

She has a good skill set for jungling, great sustain and a INSANE 1v1 fights.
You will dropp kills against gods with leaps though.
She has a decent gank with the slow and stun as well.
And as bran said the ult is great for escaping or chasing gods if they manage to leap away from you.

When it comes to build etc. I'll make a quick guide just for you :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » November 1, 2017 12:15am | Report
@BestMinionEver: Are you doing this because OP's profile picture is of Ne Zha? xD

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 1, 2017 12:19am | Report
Didn't notice that, but now I just have to do it xP
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 1, 2017 2:04am | Report
There you go. It nothing special but at least it is something, maybe it helps you out :p

Havent played her in a long time though lol
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by skipxdan » November 1, 2017 2:46am | Report
Thanks again Bran

I'm level 29 ATM, I have rank 1 Tyr, Ra and Loki. Rank 2 Raijin and He bo. Rank 3 Arachne. Rank 4 Ares and Rank 9 Izanami (easy in arena). Should also mention this is my 1st MOBA.

I don't purposely play arena all the time I queue 3 or 4 at once but arena usually pops 99% of the time, I wont put arena in multi queue now.

I take notice of gods I play against and always "rent" gods try building them from guides ect and playing them in co-op, sometimes playing them in normal games if I think I might do ok with them.

@BestMinionEver Thanks for the reply, A guide would be great thanks, I have looked at some guides but they're usually for older patches ect.

Thank you Both for the comments and help

Edit: Thanks BestMinionEver I'll deffinatly try it out, thanks for taking the time to write it up for me


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 1, 2017 3:04am | Report
Here is at least a somewhat recent video on Arachne as well:

And the guide, not sure if it helps you out, just mashed it together in under 2 hours while at work:
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
Is only pixels, why you haf to be mad?


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