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Jungle Arachne any help appreciated

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Forum » New Player Help » Jungle Arachne any help appreciated 14 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by skipxdan » November 1, 2017 3:16am | Report
Everything helps when you need it, Thanks again Appreciate it.


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » November 1, 2017 9:59am | Report
Best gods to learn roles with imo
Solo: Bellona (AA based w/ early pressure), Chaac (Ability Based w/ high space control), Sun Wukong (Ability based w/ high survivability)
Jungle:Thor (Damage Heavy), Ratatoskr (Middleground), Hun Batz (Gank Heavy)
Mid: Poseidon (Early Damage), Janus (Utility), Thoth (End Game Damage)
Support: Bacchus (Aggro Support), Athena (Set up and peel), Geb (Peel Oriented)
ADC: Rama (AA Emphasis), Ullr (Ability Reliant), Hou Yi (Middleground)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 1, 2017 10:22am | Report
skipxdan wrote:

Thanks again Bran

I'm level 29 ATM, I have rank 1 Tyr, Ra and Loki. Rank 2 Raijin and He bo. Rank 3 Arachne. Rank 4 Ares and Rank 9 Izanami (easy in arena). Should also mention this is my 1st MOBA.

I don't purposely play arena all the time I queue 3 or 4 at once but arena usually pops 99% of the time, I wont put arena in multi queue now.

I take notice of gods I play against and always "rent" gods try building them from guides ect and playing them in co-op, sometimes playing them in normal games if I think I might do ok with them.

SMITE is my first MOBA also =) You're still new at level 29, definitely don't sweat the small stuff, these games have huge learning curves (at least for me it does).

I would say that when you're trying out a new god, Arena's perfectly can play a game or two with them in that mode with specific intent to get a feel for the abilities. Then branch out into other modes.

I hadn't really played Arachne myself, but she definitely has huge one game (an Arena one) last night...9/1/17. She's super fun.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by skipxdan » November 3, 2017 4:48pm | Report
thanks again for the help been checking out the videos ect... been doin some long hrs so haven't got ingame to try my luck


Posts: 5

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