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Skin Idea Thread

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Skin Idea Thread 178 posts - page 7 of 18
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Torchman220 » May 30, 2014 10:31am | Report
Digital Janus

-Arcade Style
-8 bit cube feel
-8 bit sounds

-His 1 will be a swirling portal of pixel colors

-His 2 will be 2 balls of pixels that change colors

-His 3 will be a line that emits floating, shrinking pixels, probably in designs

-His 4 will be a projectile of moving, changing energy

The design would be a cubic, voxel design with added parts to janus.
Perhaps the added parts would be balls of energy or parts of a arcade machine.


Posts: 26
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sorsolier » June 13, 2014 12:10am | Report
It was done for Thor with Blood Eagle - why not one for Janus?

Phoenix Janus (Tribes: Vengeance)

Skin be looking like:Janus normally levitates, so that could be using jet boosters - or alternatively, he could ski around on frictionless boots.

1: Janus' portals redesigned to look like:
... except perhaps more opaque.

2: Janus' unstable portal projectiles redesigned to look like spinfusor disks! Hell, even remodel the key on his hip to look like a spinfusor launcher.Oldschooltribes!

Or alternatively - perhaps even awesomelier - he throws a pair of bucklers instead of portals.

3: When Janus lays down his threshold, normally his shoulder plates like to woosh off and spread out behind him. Well since Tribes armour suits have jet boosters on the shoulders and since Janus' threshold increases his move speed when passing over it, let them fire to give him a jet boost. :)

4: Um ... a sniper? Sure - he whips out the sniper from vengeance, takes aim, then fires a suspiciously slow-moving bullet that creates a shock-wave as it flies (to mimic the easy visibility of Janus' regular ult). Sniper bullet leaves the same portals as 1 behind it. Besides - Janus' ult using a sniper rifle? IT'S SO APPROPRIATE.

Actually, the sniper is a great shape to replace the key on his hip. I'm pretty sure it's a key ...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » June 13, 2014 6:19am | Report
I like the above idea ^ :)
why does wukong look so much different now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aarhg » June 14, 2014 6:47am | Report
Lumberjack Chaac. Big beard, red plaid shirt, giant lumber axe and a slice of a log for his little shield. That would be epic. Also, a custom voice pack for him would be hilarious.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » June 14, 2014 8:44am | Report
This idea has already been mentioned. And if they are going to make it, it's gonna be Lumberchaac

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aarhg » June 14, 2014 3:55pm | Report
Jordenito wrote:

This idea has already been mentioned. And if they are going to make it, it's gonna be Lumberchaac

Yea, I noticed that earlier. Lumberchaac makes sense as well.
Another Chaac skin could be Mr. C, a totally blinged of dude with a gold plated axe and a badass lowhawk.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FerrumSlash » June 16, 2014 4:50am | Report
We'll need something around this line for Bastet.....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » June 16, 2014 5:03am | Report
FerrumSlash wrote:

We'll need something around this line for Bastet.....

[VVGQ] Quiet!

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » June 16, 2014 12:59pm | Report
Mecha Warrior Freya. Turn her sword pulses into laser beams, make her sword a metallic katana of doom, and have her ult come with a turbo laser launcher. Oh, and give her a cyborg voicepack, to please the firefly of the room.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » June 16, 2014 8:59pm | Report
Chewbacca skin for Bakasura. "ChewBaka". It's funny cause the names are similar and it has the word "chew" in it. Just make him a little hairy devourer and give him a different voice for the skin. And when he ults, he should just yell like Chewy does.

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