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Unpopular opinions thread.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HammaSmite » December 31, 2014 12:36pm | Report

Your sources, unlike you who has presented none, I have 2:
Please don't come to a debate with information that is easily contradicted with a quick Google search. . Also, can I say you have a big ego as well? A lot of historians agree that English is a west Germanic dialect. So please come back with a couple of sources and no ad hominem attacks. Then I might take you seriously.

EDIT: Just saw your source. Couldn't find publication date on the book, so had to look at other websites citating it. 1998. Are you seriously presenting evidence of an exponentially increasing world population from a 17 year old book?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by khoRneELF » January 1, 2015 12:13am | Report

Your sources, unlike you who has presented none, I have 2:
Please don't come to a debate with information that is easily contradicted with a quick Google search. . Also, can I say you have a big ego as well? A lot of historians agree that English is a west Germanic dialect. So please come back with a couple of sources and no ad hominem attacks. Then I might take you seriously.

EDIT: Just saw your source. Couldn't find publication date on the book, so had to look at other websites citating it. 1998. Are you seriously presenting evidence of an exponentially increasing world population from a 17 year old book?

What is enough for a Dissertation, is enough for a comment on Smitefire. If you want to talk about "dialects", you can also say, that Spanish is also an Indogermanian language and with that a Romanian dialect.

Your sources: You really want those kind of sources? I can't see any scientifical foundation in them.

Some official sources:

And, just for information: I have no reason to protect English in any kind. I'm German and I also speak Spanish. But, to think, that Spanish is the most spoken language in the world, is - in fact - wrong.

This is a German source, being supported by the scientifical court of the UN: (inactive (since 2008))


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » January 1, 2015 4:40am | Report
WTF happened to this thread?
I come back from the holidays and some guy is arguing that everybody should speak English because its the most spoken language and anybody who doesn't is a ******.
khoRneELF wrote:

Haha. Many (!) French, Spanish and Russian people aren't able to speak English. Why? Because they are ignorant and stupid.

Sorry, i had too.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGenocideLord » January 1, 2015 4:58am | Report
I never said that Spanish was the most spoken language in the world -_- you'd have to be dumb to not realize it's Mandarin Chinese. Also your sources are bad :/ I clicked on them, the English one has 0 information about language statistics. The Spanish one said the page didn't even exist. The German one says that Chinese and Hindu have less than 982 million and 460 million native speakers respectively ignoring the blatant fact that the Indian and Chinese populations are notable globally for having a population of over 1 billion. Not to mention that not every native speaker lives in China and India. Even if the article was correct you just proved my point that English is not the most spoken. Chinese still takes the cake in this list. My lists may lack any scientific foundation, but at least my list doesn't ignore the other 200,000,000 (more actually) people that don't speak Chinese in total (it's already enough of a rant with "982 million" natives.) Even if we account the 18,000,000 out of that 200 million that are babies, and take out the number of immigrants (couldn't find the exact number for these recently, but I found slightly less than 600,000 in 2007 so it wouldn't be far-fetched if it doubled.) That would still be not accounting 180,800,000 people. Note that this is based off the population in China, and as I said earlier, there are obviously more Chinese speakers than just people from China. Either you were lying about about this list being "UN approved" (which by the way I did not see anywhere on the site, if what we can get closer to a world government approves your site shouldn't you have it somewhere to let people know it's legitimate?) or that UN has really terrible common knowledge and counting skills.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by khoRneELF » January 1, 2015 5:51am | Report
Alot of text for clear sources. "The one who gets angry, is mostly false." I just want to add, that not every Chinese is speaking Mandarin. Mandarin is "High Chinese". For example they speak there beside Mandarin: Kantonic Chinese, Zhuang, Tibetian, Uiguric, Mongolian and Korean. Same for India (they have over 100 official languages there): Asamiya, Gujarati, Malayalam, Santali and Tamil. The most spoken languages in India are: Hindi (41%), Bengali (8,1%), Telugu (7,2%) and Marathi (7,0%).

And, one last point: I find it very ignorant to think, that there is only one language per country.... There is no "Chinese language". That's why statistics call High Chinese "Mandarin".

Spanish is second place if you only count the L1 speakers and third/fourth if you count all speakers (L1 + L2 + L3). No reason to speak not the number 1.

All other things just made me laugh. Thanks. Spanish people could continue speaking only Spanish in internatinal rooms. It's OK for me. Maybe that's the reason, most of that countries (maybe all?) are ****ed up in business. Even Spain (but np for the money from the EU). (inactive (since 2008))


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 2, 2015 2:55am | Report
Hey, hey guys, how about, shush.

The thread is for unpopular opinions not dissertations on the mathematical breakdown for language-based populations.

Also, Khorn, most people refer to only the two main Chinese languages, Mandarin either being called that or 'Chinese', with Cantonese being different. If someone is speaking 'chinese' it's considered shorthand for Mandarin.

Anyway who even spawned the language debate and who cares. All languages are awesome. Except Icelandic because as much as I want to learn that, the length and complexity of the words makes me want to cry. Dunno on its grammatical structure though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheGenocideLord » January 2, 2015 10:05pm | Report
lol, I was just keeping quiet as soon as I saw that he thought it was funny that I destroyed literally all his sources except Wikipedia, which he himself called bad. I do apologize for getting this thread get out of control though :/
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zack1604Aphro » March 14, 2022 12:46pm | Report
I honestly think that Aphro needs some love.. No literally, the amount of slander she gets bc she is just a healer and a Smite "Mercy" from Overwatch is too much. I hope that HiRez gives her some love and reworks her kit to still be a hybrid mage, but she focuses more on damage and being a taunt mage. I have some ability ideas but it will make this message longer than it is.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 14, 2022 1:43pm | Report
I think a kit rework would be great. Couple things...
  • "...just a healer": just is the incorrect word here. Healing in SMITE has always been an issue, and something very difficult to balance. Having the ability to step out of a fight for a bit, heal up and go right back in is a potential game-changer in a bigger map and longer mode like Conquest, especially when said healing can be the difference in securing the FG, for example. Hel was a huge source of frustration in the most recent SPL, and that's even after applying things like the global healing debuff.

  • SMITE "Mercy": Sorta the other way around XD Aphro was released in 2013, while Overwatch as a whole was released in 2016.
If they could figure out a way to keep her healing as a secondary or situational function, while giving her more offensive capabilities, it would definitely decrease how much she's despised in certain circles.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 16, 2022 6:01pm | Report
I'm still thinking Cupid needs a rework (with a remodel). He is that kind of god affected mainly by the time. I mean, look recent Hunters as Cabidis and Danza, you don't ask what they do, you ask what they don't do because they have pretty much everything on their kits. Cupid feels to rely on pure damage and at max the AoE cripple from ulti (that was already nerfed) which can be very frustrating when boxing. If both of those Hunters I mentioned miss something they have a lot of things they can do to keep boxing, while with cupid if you miss your 1 you're either dead or lost your kill and that sucks. No need to mention your stun is predictable + the enemy knows if you will stun or not even before you fire your skill.


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