One Sentence Summary: Mobile hyperoffense bruiser who respawns after death repeatedly.
P: Phoenix Heart:
After dying, Einarr becomes untargetable for 1.5 seconds, before respawning where he died with full mana and health. This effect holds one charge. In addition, Einarr only gives 1/4 of the normal gold and XP rewards for dying.
Static Cooldown: 120 seconds
1: Unstable Warp:
Einarr teleports in front of target champion, resetting Einarr's basic attack cooldown and granting himself 9/13/17/21/25% move speed for 5 seconds. Within the next five seconds, this ability can be recast to warp Einarr back to his original position. At the end of the duration, Einarr is forced to warp back.
Range: 40 feet, or 2/3 the distance of Athena's dash
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
2: Relic Hammer:
Einarr's basic attacks reduce enemy protections by 3/4/5/6/7 for 5 seconds, stacking up to five times.
When this ability is activated, Einarr slams his hammer into the ground, sending forth a shockwave that detonates on the first target hit, knocking up all enemies in a 15-foot radius, dealing 100/160/220/280/340 physical damage (+120% of your physical power) to the primary target as well as stunning them for 0.75 seconds, and dealing 75% damage to secondary targets. This ability has a 0.5 second cast time.
Secondary Damage: 75/120/165/210/255 + 90% of your physical power
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds
3: Body and Soul:
Einarr gains 9/13/17/21/25% attack speed and 10/20/30/40/50 protections (+20% of Einarr's bonus protections) for 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 30/28/26/24/22 seconds
4: One Man Army:
Einarr increases the charge count of his passive by 1/1/2/2/3, and reduces his passive's cooldown by 0/20/20/40/40 seconds. Or in other words, you need to kill him, at level 20, up to four times before you take him down for the last time.
In addition, Einarr gains 20/25/30/35/40% CC reduction, stacking multiplicatively with existing CC reduction. So 40% CC reduction, and 30% CC reduction, stack up like: 0.6 x 0.7 = 0.42, or 58% CC reduction. This is a passive ability.
What makes this guy - a guy with free CC reduction and a passive that lets him never die - balanced, when he could theoretically build full damage and rip people apart with no counterplay?
Simple. He lacks burst and defensive mobility. So while Janus can blow someone up, and Serqet can CC lock someone to death with massive health damage and crits, Einarr is reliant on one ability and basic attacks. Even if he builds full damage, even with his teleport, he can't really blow someone up even with the overloaded scalings on his 2 - 120% on one target, compared to the likes of Loki or Thor?
He also lacks any escapes, with his targeted teleport. His kit is oriented on attacking targets from close range who can fight back, not CC's or helpless targets.
tl;dr: He needs tankiness to deal damage, otherwise he's an unkillable tank who has little CC, or an assassin with no burst, escapes, or ult, who while admittedly able to deal good damage and not die, deals far less damage than any other assassin with the risk of being a farm for Heartseeker stacks.
This god's passive is completely insane, while new (albeit semi-close to a khumba-khepri hybrid), it's insane. Think of this in comparison with Osiris. Osiris alone can almost carry a team in the late game. He does this simply by having a lot of damage mitigation, Qin's Sais and slows, and an ultimate for an escape. Meanwhile Einarr has a movespeed buff/teleport for sticking to enemies, a stun/knockup which is also solid damage and a good jungle clear, a very high attack speed and protections buff (the attack speed also affecting inevitable Qin's Sais), a protections debuff, and also has an inevitable 58% cc reduction with his boots, as well as a passive that essentially makes him live 4 times as long?
You'd have a late game unstoppable bruiser, who can teleport to any of your squishies, knock up any enemies around them (which can't be beads'd so even the support couldn't save them) use your attack speed buff and take care of them in two seconds flat. Move on to the rest of the team, die once? No problem, keep on going. Die twice? Not an issue, just grab sprint to catch up to any survivors.
Can you imagine if this god got fed? He'd towerdive your team every two seconds, there'd LITERALLY be no way of stopping him. He's like Vamana on steroids x10, instead of being undefeatable during his ultimate, he's just undefeatable all the time.
Yes I understand you put in balancing measures, he has a high cooldown on his 3, albeit you don't usually need a buff like that unless you're going all in anyway, and if it lasts for 7 seconds, well you're not casting it twice. His passive is on a 120 second cooldown, but even so you're not usually dying THAT often regardless, and late game it's only on an 80 second cd, so it will be up the majority of the time, often with 2 or 3 stacks. He has no true escapes, but considering his kit, enemies will more or less be forced to run from you, and even if you were being chased, just build Heavenly Agility and Weakening Curse. It's not like you need beads with 58% CC reduction.
Overall, I just don't think a god like this is balance-able. Make him too viable and he can wipe an entire enemy team. Under tower? Not a problem. Have a support? No problem, he's basically CC immune anyway. Meanwhile if you make him barely viable he either carries your team more than a kali or osiris ever could, or he completely falls flat and feeds all game. Best case scenario you're running super high risk and super high reward, and people generally don't want that on their team (eg: Kukulkan, only way more extreme in this case).
However, I think my main criticism is simply that he's not really all that interesting when it comes down to it compared to some of your other ideas. He's got a stun/knockup, a short range teleport (this is probably the most interesting part of his kit) a ton of passive effects, and a regeneration, but that's really all there is in terms of gameplay. You're basically just going to walk up to enemies, hit up your 3, stun them, keep hitting them, if they try to get away teleport and finish them off. That's really all you can do, and his build is going to be pretty stale considering you basically need Qin's Sais and Frostbound Hammer to do anything. Basically... what makes him fun, aside from being immortal?
TL;DR: I'd give it maybe 5/10, some interesting concepts, but I don't really think this idea is tweakable to the point where it'd work unless significant sweeping changes were made.
The main difference is that Osiris stacks permaslows, has an AoE stun, free percent based damage mitigation, and strong general mobility, as well as multiple sources of ability damage. Plus, he has that stupid basic attack swing chain that makes Sais so good on him.
Seriously, Einarr may have Body and Soul, but Osiris gets penetration-immune damage reduction, and SO MUCH OF IT.
Yeah, I need to put base stats, but I intended for him to have low attack speed since he's wielding a hammer.
I think you forgot that Unstable Warp actually forces Einarr back after five seconds. So unless he can delete a carry in that time, he's not going to be a sticky threat. Literally, the only way he can truly stick to people is if he walks up and punches them.
And I really don't think 25% bonus attack speed for 7 seconds is very high, at least compared to the other attack speed buffs in the game. Seriously, his damage isn't THAT high, and before you point to his 2, that's literally his entire kit's ability damage.
You have a good point about him being very feast or famine just out of the nature of his kit, but I'll have to disagree on the tower part - if he dies, 1.5 seconds is plenty of enough time to get out of 40 feet of range, I think.
A good way to up the consequences of his deaths would be doubling the stuff gained from each death - so if he REALLY screws up, he'll give multiple gods' worth of farm to those that kill him.
I can think of a few balancing factors. Like resources. Instead of mana, if he ran on Energy instead, that would limit "burst" ability casts, but buff his sustained casts.
Toying with sustained warp by making it 3 seconds? I expected this ability to be balanced because his warp spot was basically a "wait here to hit this guy" sign.
Relic Hammer is fine IMO, it's a single target (sorta) kinda slow skillshot, like Sic'Em. Yeah, he can wombo from close range, but that will make him both a good distance away from the enemy AND no way to hit them once Unstable Warp expires.
His passive can be tweaked by adjusting cooldown, or levels of health, or more interestingly, having him respawn with his abilities on a cooldown. Something like that.
I think you're kinda exaggerating his ganking and damage potential. Let's say he warps to Neith. She flips him or roots him and maybe gets knocked up anyway - but he's spent his escape and CC. He's EXTREMELY kitable just out of the fact that his main mobility skill actually forces him to move backward - literally, an anti-gap closer.
I can see why he doesn't look interesting - lots of passives and buffs, with only two real activated abilities. In my opinion, the fun should come from his gameplay - like you mentioned, he's a monster at diving towers - you could basically play him completely different from any other god.
The way I imagined it, you basically expected to die at least once every teamfight, just out of the way he played. That was the trade off for the ability to die with little consequence. And with that, a lot of doors open. You can recklessly dive towers, attempt to steal objectives, fight outmatched fights, etc.
The main difference is that Osiris stacks permaslows, has an AoE stun, free percent based damage mitigation, and strong general mobility, as well as multiple sources of ability damage. Plus, he has that stupid basic attack swing chain that makes Sais so good on him.
Seriously, Einarr may have Body and Soul, but Osiris gets penetration-immune damage reduction, and SO MUCH OF IT.
Osiris' ability damage is moderate, and more situational than Einarr's Relic hammer. While permaslows are nice, you can essentially get the same thing with Einarr's stun and his teleport mechanic, especially since Osiris' stun immediately goes away if a god leaps or dashes away from him.
Yeah, I need to put base stats, but I intended for him to have low attack speed since he's wielding a hammer.
I think you forgot that Unstable Warp actually forces Einarr back after five seconds. So unless he can delete a carry in that time, he's not going to be a sticky threat. Literally, the only way he can truly stick to people is if he walks up and punches them.
And I really don't think 25% bonus attack speed for 7 seconds is very high, at least compared to the other attack speed buffs in the game. Seriously, his damage isn't THAT high, and before you point to his 2, that's literally his entire kit's ability damage.
Low initial attack speed doesn't really matter that much with a 7 second attack speed buff. It's not that the buff is overpowered, it's just that with Qin's Sais it's enough to deal a lot of damage late game. What I see him doing to a carry is coming in with a stun/knockup, preventing teammates from helping him initially, you hit the carry once or twice off the stun, they try to get away or cc you, you teleport in and continue your attack for 5 seconds and finish them off. It's not that his damage is obscenely high, it's just very hard to avoid or prevent by any means unless you have escapes like Janus or Scylla. Any squishy god that relies on CC for protection is basically useless against him. Generally gods like this have some sort of way to counter them eg: Osiris can be CC'd or run away from if his ult is down, Ravana can be burst down, run away from if his ult is down or CC'd if his immunity is down, Vamana has no way to pursue an enemy when in his ult, his primary damage source, Kali can be CC'd and burst down unless her ult is up (albeit Kali is still very hard to counter late game). The only counter to Einarr is to run away since CC is almost irrelevant with 58% reduction, and bursting down isn't an option when he can respawn 3 times, and he can force you to fight with actives like Greater Blink, Greater Sprint and Enfeebling Curse
You have a good point about him being very feast or famine just out of the nature of his kit, but I'll have to disagree on the tower part - if he dies, 1.5 seconds is plenty of enough time to get out of 40 feet of range, I think.
Just save Relic Hammer until you're about to die, you only give them .75 seconds to retreat and they're likely still being slowed by Frostbound Hammer since you were just attacking them, they're not going to get very far.
A good way to up the consequences of his deaths would be doubling the stuff gained from each death - so if he REALLY screws up, he'll give multiple gods' worth of farm to those that kill him.
This would make the feast or famine issue worse though :/
I can think of a few balancing factors. Like resources. Instead of mana, if he ran on Energy instead, that would limit "burst" ability casts, but buff his sustained casts.
This would be an interesting feature, but I don't know how well it would balance him in an overarching way.
Toying with sustained warp by making it 3 seconds? I expected this ability to be balanced because his warp spot was basically a "wait here to hit this guy" sign.
In a teamfight, if you're focusing a carry the enemy team is not going to care where you teleported from, they're going to be trying to peal you from the carry, especially since you're not a desirable target to begin with.
Relic Hammer is fine IMO, it's a single target (sorta) kinda slow skillshot, like Sic'Em. Yeah, he can wombo from close range, but that will make him both a good distance away from the enemy AND no way to hit them once Unstable Warp expires.
My only gripe about Relic hammer is that the AOE knockup can't be beads'd and that's incredibly powerful (think He Bo).
His passive can be tweaked by adjusting cooldown, or levels of health, or more interestingly, having him respawn with his abilities on a cooldown. Something like that.
These would be substantial changes to his entire concept, if you toned down his passive a lot he would be more balanced, but that also makes him farther away from his most unique aspect.
I think you're kinda exaggerating his ganking and damage potential. Let's say he warps to Neith. She flips him or roots him and maybe gets knocked up anyway - but he's spent his escape and CC. He's EXTREMELY kitable just out of the fact that his main mobility skill actually forces him to move backward - literally, an anti-gap closer.
His early game gank potential isn't incredible unless he's fed or overpowered. But neither are most hyper carries, I'm more worried about his late game. (Also lets say he just blinks in, Neith can root for half of her normal root duration or flip backwards, Einarr can move close enough during the leap to teleport and stun her if she roots him after the flip, forcing her to fight. And this is with a very safe ADC).
I can see why he doesn't look interesting - lots of passives and buffs, with only two real activated abilities. In my opinion, the fun should come from his gameplay - like you mentioned, he's a monster at diving towers - you could basically play him completely different from any other god.
The way I imagined it, you basically expected to die at least once every teamfight, just out of the way he played. That was the trade off for the ability to die with little consequence. And with that, a lot of doors open. You can recklessly dive towers, attempt to steal objectives, fight outmatched fights, etc.
I suppose, he just didn't look as fun to me as some other concepts you came up with like telepath in terms of kit :P
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