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Cant get Arthur to work

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Forum » General Discussion » Cant get Arthur to work 39 posts - page 4 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 4, 2020 8:51pm | Report
Neon, you can edit your posts, you don't need to make a new one every time. As for the matchmaking, it's something that a lot of people complain about
The biggest issue is that the tutorials are rather lackluster and there's a lot of misinformation floating about and it's difficult for newer players to know if what they're reading is good information or bad. I'd like to say that it'll get better, but that's the problem when you play competitive games: matchmaking rarely feels fair.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 5, 2020 3:50pm | Report
I don't know that a tutorial will work, it's probably just a fundamental problem with my solo play style I haven't figured out yet.

For instance in a recent match-up against Arthur with the standard warrior's/gladiator's opening he wrecked me down with high aggression...

Which makes no sense, because when I do it against anyone in solo I get wrecked down....

Literally nothing was different in the builds or even the skill selection.

Just dunno what it is yet. There's no logical reason because someone is hitting me they will "wreck me down" but when I hit them I also get "wrecked down".

None of it makes sense.

It basically seems like every time I attack, their minions counter-attack me.

Every time they attack me, my minions do dog-****.

Also: the match-making seems *DIFFERENT*. I'm not one to usually complain about a bad match-up, it happens.

But when I play Arthur it is demonstrably happening all the time. As if your God-level and some kind of un-recorded MMR is algorithm'd into the match making. Such that my history of bad play with Arthur now makes it impossible to play good with him.

Because it doesn't take in account my universal skill level, just my level with that one God.

And that's kinda...trash algorithm.

This isn't some kind of opinion, it's a legit observation. I can play with Gods I'm good at, such as Anubis, and get pretty "fair" fights, that play normal to roles and supposed timings of the game.

Then I play Arthur and I got Junglers tower diving instead of Jungling, no one getting buffs, 4v4s in solo lanes. All sorts of just bad play.

Games that are teams versus random new players who go 0 kills - 20 deaths a match.

Demonstrably different match-making.

It's like Starcraft II at it's worst, when if you got stuck in Bronze-randoms you could never get out because all you got were people who wanted to mass-scv rush and troll all day making it impossible to win consistently.

Now even when I feel I'm doing good with Arthur I get 4 enemies in my lane to just tower push while my allies are dithering, one is fighting a gold fury, another is dying to a tower by himself surrounded by minions, a third is off wandering the jungle.

It's getting REALLY frustrating.


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 5, 2020 4:23pm | Report
Another bad match where I do great, and am highest level on team.

Enemy team is all level 20 when I'm only lvl 16.

Really really getting tired of this.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 5, 2020 4:36pm | Report
Now player Diana863 is just standing there doing nothing...while I do all the fighting, he just stands in tower and watches saying I'm feeding.

Literally this is trash.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 6, 2020 3:42am | Report
Sounds more like your opponent Arthur knew how to abuse minions better. and probably that you're overestimating your solo lane gameplay.

Also, no clue why you think picking Arthur gives you a different team then if you play another lane. the game 100% does not know what you're gonna pick when it throws you in a lobby.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » July 6, 2020 9:12am | Report
well, looking over your stats and i looked on stats for smite on my cell and also on smiteguru(because like on mine and as i surmised, smiteguru had to have missed some of his matches) On smiteguru you have a kda of 1.01 but on stats for smite you have a kda of .96.
The wierd thing is that it shows no matches at all for you on stats for smite, but your latest recorded match on smiteguru was from 14 hours ago.

I have gone through a lot of pages of your match history and while you have had a random good match with gods here and there and some decent ones, aside from maybe Anubis I haven't seen any consistent statlines that would be equated with what would be considered good individual matches for you. I only started up on season 5 and i was at a .9 kda for that season. I didn't really know how to play, i didn't realize how builds affected characters and i took awhile before i got hooked into the smitefire community/started using other smite resources online.

It really showed as well. I played quite a bit of joust(most of it fromm season 5) and a handful of conquest matches, but mostly arena. I ended up not liking conquest at all and i have pretty much stopped doing joust or conquest(though at some point i may go back to doing joust). Regardless of whether you keep going with conquest or get into another mode or play various modes I would suggest taking the time to pick the brains of the reliable minds we have on this site(i suggested this in another post to you somewhere), but to be a bit frank, just toss the notion that you are playing well and doing well because from what I am seeing, that is consistently not the case.

Sometimes, individually, that may not be your fault, but you can still have good individual matches despite having a bad team or bad members in your team but aside from occasional matches here and there in your record I haven't seen many what would be considered "good" matches. This is not to say that you will be a bad player, what you do from here will determine that. There are also a ton of other metrics that could be looked at in any given match to evaluate those kind of things. You're just new, like i was a couple of seasons ago, like most of the people on here were that started from the beginning or near the beginning like so many other players here.

If you pay attention to the input from the smite vets on this site or other available resources with good information and honestly assess how you are doing without chalking it up to your team members or something being screwy with the game then there's no reason why you shouldn't get better.

Season 5 i had the really ****py .9 kda and season 6 i jumped to a 2.09 and for season 7 I am at a 2.39 kda. I see no reason why you couldn't see that kind of jump or even better. A lot of your matches I see you have positive kill totals but then have as many or almost as many deaths. If you can keep some of those kill totals and reduce those deaths and increase your value in team fights you should also see your assists be more consistent(depending on what role you are doing). All of these things, regardless of mode, should help you become a better player if can get better with them.

When i first started I also did some wonky builds or tried to make some things work that weren't necessarily good just because I liked them. I don't know exactly how much of that you may or may not have done thusfar, but even though there are some bad builds on this site, there are a lot of good builds too and usually on most builds, good or bad, you will have established players who know what they are talking about leaving their thoughts and even at times sample builds with their reasoning behind them. It wouldn't hurt you to look for that on this site for input for gods that you want to improve with or are thinking you want to try. There are other sites and resources and there are members here who regularly will share links to pro player content as well.

I understand being frustrated and wondering how things can go so wrong in matches, but just complaining about it over and over again without maybe paying attention to what feedback is given might be a better way to go about it.

I, by no means, think i am some kind of great player(especially in conquest or other modes),but I have worked on my own and with input from members here to try and improve my play for the mode i do play. In conquest there is a lot more work to do for that than in my preferred mode of arena, but if you want to get better there you'll have to do it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 29, 2020 12:40am | Report
I'd like to mention I did watch Mast's Arthur and something clicked about solo'ing watching Mast and my Arthur improved dramatically, and going Mast's build of:

Warrior Starter + heal chalice + a few healing pots.
> Gladiator's
> Blackthorns
> Boots
> Void
> Urchin
> replace warriors with The other cloak that has a passive shield. Forget its name
> replace boots with Titans (my own choice because I think Mast finished the match before he replaced boots)

Anyway, I honestly don't know "what" changed...just feels like I "get it now" if that makes sense.

I hit better with Arthur, I combo better, I have better accuracy, my timings are better. Etc.

I think a big help from Mast was not just how to stay in the lane (chalice + pots opener) but also to use Autos use Autos to keep on an enemy for more damage, to use Autos between abilities. Etc.

He also explained how to use the "speed boost" from the auto cancels (?) that happens when you auto attack then use Arthur's ability.

I intuitively was doing them, but doing them time it right and it cancels the delay for Arthur's autos.

So while no where near "good with him" I'm now at least breaking even and feeling the matches are very fun....which is the point.


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 29, 2020 12:43am | Report
silentshell wrote:

well, looking over your stats and i looked on stats for smite on my cell and also on smiteguru(because like on mine and as i surmised, smiteguru had to have missed some of his matches) On smiteguru you have a kda of 1.01 but on stats for smite you have a kda of .96.
The wierd thing is that it shows no matches at all for you on stats for smite, but your latest recorded match on smiteguru was from 14 hours ago.

I have gone through a lot of pages of your match history and while you have had a random good match with gods here and there and some decent ones, aside from maybe Anubis I haven't seen any consistent statlines that would be equated with what would be considered good individual matches for you. I only started up on season 5 and i was at a .9 kda for that season. I didn't really know how to play, i didn't realize how builds affected characters and i took awhile before i got hooked into the smitefire community/started using other smite resources online.

It really showed as well. I played quite a bit of joust(most of it fromm season 5) and a handful of conquest matches, but mostly arena. I ended up not liking conquest at all and i have pretty much stopped doing joust or conquest(though at some point i may go back to doing joust). Regardless of whether you keep going with conquest or get into another mode or play various modes I would suggest taking the time to pick the brains of the reliable minds we have on this site(i suggested this in another post to you somewhere), but to be a bit frank, just toss the notion that you are playing well and doing well because from what I am seeing, that is consistently not the case.

Sometimes, individually, that may not be your fault, but you can still have good individual matches despite having a bad team or bad members in your team but aside from occasional matches here and there in your record I haven't seen many what would be considered "good" matches. This is not to say that you will be a bad player, what you do from here will determine that. There are also a ton of other metrics that could be looked at in any given match to evaluate those kind of things. You're just new, like i was a couple of seasons ago, like most of the people on here were that started from the beginning or near the beginning like so many other players here.

If you pay attention to the input from the smite vets on this site or other available resources with good information and honestly assess how you are doing without chalking it up to your team members or something being screwy with the game then there's no reason why you shouldn't get better.

Season 5 i had the really ****py .9 kda and season 6 i jumped to a 2.09 and for season 7 I am at a 2.39 kda. I see no reason why you couldn't see that kind of jump or even better. A lot of your matches I see you have positive kill totals but then have as many or almost as many deaths. If you can keep some of those kill totals and reduce those deaths and increase your value in team fights you should also see your assists be more consistent(depending on what role you are doing). All of these things, regardless of mode, should help you become a better player if can get better with them.

When i first started I also did some wonky builds or tried to make some things work that weren't necessarily good just because I liked them. I don't know exactly how much of that you may or may not have done thusfar, but even though there are some bad builds on this site, there are a lot of good builds too and usually on most builds, good or bad, you will have established players who know what they are talking about leaving their thoughts and even at times sample builds with their reasoning behind them. It wouldn't hurt you to look for that on this site for input for gods that you want to improve with or are thinking you want to try. There are other sites and resources and there are members here who regularly will share links to pro player content as well.

I understand being frustrated and wondering how things can go so wrong in matches, but just complaining about it over and over again without maybe paying attention to what feedback is given might be a better way to go about it.

I, by no means, think i am some kind of great player(especially in conquest or other modes),but I have worked on my own and with input from members here to try and improve my play for the mode i do play. In conquest there is a lot more work to do for that than in my preferred mode of arena, but if you want to get better there you'll have to do it.

I did read your post, thanks! Encouraging.

I must admit, I play way too aggressively. Ao Kuang has been a GREAT god for me lately, because I get to be absurdly aggressive with better pay off and a so so so gratifying ultimate...

But with Arthur, I was TOO TIMID!

Mast was going hard as heck with Arthur and I just copied what I saw, constantly hitting the enemy, constantly getting on them, and it really transformed Arthur's play.

Trying to clear the lane was the wrong response to the heavy hitting minions.

Rather, smack the heck out of the enemy god then Auto/dash your way back out of the minion attacks worked way better.


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 29, 2020 11:35am | Report
most people I know including myself when I play Arthur try to do both at the same time. Killing the archers first as they are 2/3 of the waves damage. melees can be ignored.

Also keep in mind now that midseason got around items have changed and the build mast used, which focusses on sustain from gladiator shield changed as gladiator shield changed. Therefore, most people substitute it with other items.


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