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November 01, 2012
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SMITE has announced the new game mode, known as "Arena Game Mode", with a team death match style in a new map that is a Colosseum setting.

"Arena is played 5 versus 5 with minions and side-objectives including buff camps and Gryphon Guardians. But rather than a single end objective, in Arena your team earns points for killing enemy players and minions with the first team to deduct 500 points from their opponents being crowned the winner."


What do you think of this new gamemode?

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November 01, 2012
+Rep | Report
So I was watching the HiRezStudio's live-stream and noticed something as Duke chose Loki, there is another god, a rather fat one that is between Artemis and Bakasura. Thoughts?

You can watch the live stream on

Though, the actual stream is from this link.

Who could it be?

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October 28, 2012
+Rep | Report

Ok, I was playing with a couple friends, and I have this awful player from China that wanted to join us. He's very new to Smite and I know him in person, so I didn't want to be a **** and say no. Then we invited randoms from lfg and they were terrible! (not to mention none of the randoms had no way to communicate, uggggh)

So we stuck Anson (Chinese guy) with Ymir and he laned with Arachne. They didn't do too bad, but they weren't pulling through. And then my other friend and I were both using Gods that were weren't all too great with. Not bad, but not amazing, ya know? Well, we got raped because it! It didn't help that I was just having a bad day for games...

UUUUGGGGH! And they were streamed! QQ

Sad day =(

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October 22, 2012
+Rep | Report
The official new name of my Norse Climbing account is: NorseClimber

easy to remember :P

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October 22, 2012
+Rep | Report
Sup Ya'll, time for my brand new Norse Climbing!

The Norse Climbing is as following: I will create a new account on SMITE, and AS often as possible I will ONLY play NORSE Gods. This will be partially a challenge and partially a fun thing to do :)

Wish me luck :D

Will try to go for some Norst mythology name :P

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October 21, 2012
+Rep | Report
Go play Ares like I just did and follow my acts exactly.
Ready for an instant win and unofficial penta kill?
Alright ladies here it is.

*Back flash animation and the silly music as I stare off into the sky*

Left lane, Ares and Art with an agressive jungle Arachne. Running the lane and I get level 5. My ult is ready, time to feed some kills to my team.
Uh oh, we are winning so hard they set the entire team over to kill us!
We are close to the tower, I wonder...
Run up, 2...into ult...BAM all 5 caught without beads!
Turn and drag them to tower....OHHHH MAN this is going to be amazing! Someone is getting a penta or atleast a triple for SURE!
Hits the ground...I mean...fall through the ground....uhhhh.....UHHHHHH.....WWWWUUUUUUUTTTTTT
Yanks the chains.
Oh looks, entire team is now under the world with me unable to move or attack or B. We are stuck in limbo!
Penta kill at level 5 for Ares? Yup
Win the game? Yup

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October 20, 2012
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October 16, 2012
+Rep | Report
Beta key plz [email protected]

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October 14, 2012
+Rep | Report
So I saw that a lot of people were asking for beta keys on SmiteFire, and it seemed like a good idea to make a thread for anyone who wants beta keys.

The idea was given to me by OddArcade, who I saw also had a thread such as this, and I also quote the most famous contributor on SmiteFire:


Lucky for us we can give codes out like candy lol.

Anyways, anyone who wants beta keys, feel free to give me your e-mail, or take one of the codes I'll give out here!


I'll try to get more keys daily, depending on if these three get taken quickly.

*If you do use one of my codes, or I send you an e-mail with one, please press the +Rep button on the top right corner*

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October 13, 2012
+Rep | Report

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