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November 26, 2015
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So I've been playing mid lane as much as I can recently (Which is about 3 days this week.) and I've realised something. Mid lane is very confusing at times. I mean yeah for the most part you're in the lane mainly to pressure the other mid laner back under tower and clear out mid camps. But the fact is when it comes to mid game you can be a pivotal point to succeeding in anything whether it be a gank or gold fury/fire giant. Now some mid laners can be great at ganking such as Janus with his Through Space and Time whereas some aren't the best (I would say Anubis but he can do well if he catches them off guard.) but if you fail a gank you could cost more then just your death but maybe even your ADC/Supports death which is not needed.

So for the TL;DR section, basically mid lane is a very important role and should mainly be played with mages that can:
    -Clear wave fast
    -Can easily gank
    -Have a safe means of escape
But anyway, I'm Sodsboy and I hope you have a good day.

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November 25, 2015
+Rep | Report
Player: I'm done playing...

Me: Why?

Player: One tank can go 1v1 and kicks their ***.

Me: Lol, everyone tells me that.

Player: That's a first that i see someone as a tank killing others in 1v1. OR 1v2!

Me: Well maybe is because i am THE TANK BRINGER!

No, i do go 1v1 with others and kill them... half dead tho.

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November 25, 2015
+Rep | Report
So I've been playing Smite for a good while and I've realised that my sleeping pattern has mainly been to stay up till about either Half 11 at night or Half 1 in the morning depending on what I can do to get away with getting in trouble with others. But like all things, they have their downsides and with this is just simply being too tired all the time.

I sometimes wish that I didn't have to sleep, like I was some super being who didn't need sleep and could stay awake for hours on end. I do believe that one day humans may be able to go that far but for now I guess I'll have to put up with being a sleepy ****er.

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November 23, 2015
+Rep | Report
By now I wonder... do I need to do an introduction anymore? Well anyways, here is the clue:
This god was actually a human in the real world. He fought with loyalty to his friends which meant he created enemies. It were these enemies that once fought beside him, but killed him later for his treachery.
Also, my Xbalanque guide has been updated, so please go view it.

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November 23, 2015
+Rep | Report
Oh boy...How I am so excited for this when it finally comes out. Now I know most people who even know a little bit about Japanese mythos and they'd shout from the bottom of their lungs "SHINTOOOOO!" As they throw the laptop out the window in sheer glee but hear me out.

I think that this could be make or break for Smite, not on a massive scale but on a itty-bitty one. I mean adding pantheons is no easy task and for just to be one god to that pantheon until they release more (Trust me, in several updates they're going to go over-board with this.) I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Amaterasu is going to be the first released...That or maybe Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (Tsukuyomi for short.) Mainly since they both represent the goddess and god of the sun and moon (AND WE'VE HAD TONS OF THEM HAVEN'T WE JUST!) But still, it could be Shinto or go deeper and delve maybe into demons and so on so forth.

So before you think that this is going to be awesome and what not, just be mindful about what Hi-Re…
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November 23, 2015
+Rep | Report
Some people dream of being the best, while YOU will work hard at it, to be THE best.
Other people will tell you is just a waste of your time to work hard at something you want to be good at. I say is not a waste of time!
Why? Because if you're so good at math, is because you worked hard to understand math like the back of your hand. If you're not good at driving, then practice. Can't find do this one thing? practice and get good at it! You can't do anything at life, beside sit your *** on your chair, is because you talk and don't do it. All Bark and no Bite!
JUST... DO IT!!!

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November 22, 2015
+Rep | Report
Ok guys going to be streaming at also going to be playing other games (ON XBOX1) also going to be doing clan trials

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November 22, 2015
+Rep | Report
Alright guys today I ask one thing if you guys want me to make builds I will do it. Also my team is looking for back-ups in everything, also to see is you want to be put in the clan/team you have to add the leader,me or co-leader (Xbox gamer tags below) to be put in a list of people for the test to join. Well guys thats all I got and i hope to see you on the battlegrounds


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November 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
So last night i was playing some 3v3 with Medusa.
I happened to be doing a lot of damage to the other players with just the basic attack.
When i was about to use my ultimate to get those kills, my Mouse just stopped working and my teammates tell me "You could have used your ult noob"
Heh! Easy for them to say when they don't know what is going on, on my end!
Oh well, is okay to be salty.

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November 20, 2015
+Rep | Report
Other Player: Oh, OH! One! Two! TRIPLE! Come on, come on, come on! QUADRA!! Where is the penta?? Where is the Penta! Oh, oh oH!!! *Killsteal*
And i'm like

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