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December 04, 2012

some assistance?

Views: 2394 Tukuto
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been losing some interest in many gods recently, Lost interest in cupid but got told that i should build cupid as mag/phy hybrid. also been using ymir latly XD hes pretty fun to use, and along with his ulti being able to KO the squishy targets instantly XD was against a freya and an artemis both attacking me, while staying in me ult radius, (stupid thing to do) when my ult went of the died, had ful HP aswell XD but what i need help with is: i recently got Zues was okai i guess on my first game with him getting atleast more kills then deaths, in a domination but i dont think im all that good with him, so might like so tips on how i could get better with him ^_^

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December 04, 2012
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Thor, God of Thunder

Ohhhhh yes you heard :') Iv'e finally gotten round to updating my Thor guide and have even put together a new build for you guys!

Click Here!

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December 03, 2012
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Im almost only playing as thor, his a good, but easy to kill, but if u use the right build hi is extremply deadly..

this is the build im using.. im not taking credit for it.

u are still easy to kill but if u wait for a good chans and jump in and gank them u vill be deadly as hell :D good luck, play well, have funn.. luv u all <3

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December 03, 2012
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well i was just about to play smite when the launcher gets stuck (or so it seems) the version
0.1.1215.0 but i dont recall it downloading the patch because i went off to do my lunch while it loaded up (as its set to start smite if ready) it sais "smite is ready to play" above the download bar but its not blue, also where the play button is it sais "GAME IS DOW" just wandering if anyone coul;d help me out here< as im quite confused as whats going on ^_^

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December 03, 2012


Views: 2234 Tukuto
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im getting cupid is getting changed to Magical? instead of physical?

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November 30, 2012
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Ok, so there are 26 God's in the game. So why only 11 ranged God's. There are only 4 more slots for the new Gods coming out soon. So why have the last 5 God's been melee Gods. Now i'm not hating on close range Gods, i'm just saying that there need to be more range. I think that it should be equal to how many melee God's and ranged God's. See the reason I am saying this is because all my friends i gave beta keys to, stop playing because they said there were not enough range, and they waited, and waited, and they never came. So they just quit the game. So i'm trying to get through to you smite. Make more ranged God's!

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November 29, 2012
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freaking unbelievable

I'll upload the match on my yt XD

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November 28, 2012
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Ugh so I just had this game where I was forced to take a god I don't like since most gods I use were picked --"

I got in a lane with vamana as hel
you might think ooh well this looks good

until bacchus stunned us
and zues got 3 charges on both of us

gg double kill under 30 sec --"

I was like damn, okay play a bit defencif and get back in the game
yeah noo....
bacchus just dived and dived each time stunning us and letting zues get his charges up

after 10 min they were lvl 15
thats such an op combo Q.Q

so I surrenderd after a long battle geez
the game was over al long time before they pressed

ooh well
I'm really tiered of all these pugs and would love some peeps to team up with

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November 28, 2012
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I just played a normal Smite conquest game.
It started quite normal, had a Bakasura feeder on my team who died 3 times in the first 5 minutes. On the left there were Loki and me as Artemis and we totally wrecked them flawless. We couldn't be stopped so the time had to come when we just destroy the whole team.
Someone from the opponents left the game, so it was already a bit easier to win.
Loki and me killed them again and again, so another person left, now it was 3vs5.
They tried to gank Loki and me, but my bore was up and I stunned all 3 of them and went for the triple kill, which also was a deicide and guess what? Another person left.
This is just so annoying.. there are always ragequitters, but I've never seen that many in a single team. Even our Bakasura didn't quit, even though he was quite bad at the beginning.

This MakesMeSad


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November 27, 2012


Views: 1099 fokkleman
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So, does anyone want to take a guess as to why the live streams died? As of the last couple days there has been no streams up..... For Why?

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