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The Destruction Build

108 11 82,179
by LegitLiquid updated April 27, 2022

Smite God: Bellona

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Bellona Build

The Destruction Build

Notes Everytime I use this build in solo lane I dominate.
Death's toll will keep you sustained
Berserker's keeps you alive
Shogun's gives you attack speed
Asi give you lifesteal
Frostbound Hammer gives you more CC
Atalantas Bow will give you more lifesteal, crit, attack speed, and power to top it all off.

You'll be able out box anyone if you play it right.


Everytime I use this build in solo lane I dominate.
Death's toll will keep you sustained
Berserker's keeps you alive
Shogun's gives you attack speed
Asi give you lifesteal
Frostbound Hammer gives you more CC
Atalantas Bow will give you more lifesteal, crit, attack speed, and power to top it all off.

You'll be able out box anyone if you play it right.

Build Item Death's Embrace Death's Embrace
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow

Everytime I use this build in solo lane I dominate.

Death's toll will keep you sustained

Berserker's keeps you alive

Shogun's gives you attack speed

Asi gives you lifesteal

Frostbound Hammer gives you more CC

Atalantas Bow will give you more lifesteal, crit, attack speed, and power to top it all off.

You'll be able out box anyone if you play it right.

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dragos99 | June 19, 2022 11:40am
In which order do we buy these? What about the abilities?
Kriega1 (143) | June 19, 2022 11:52am
Don't use this build for Solo lane
Branmuffin17 (400) | June 19, 2022 3:35pm
The first 3 items are okay for Solo lane, along with Frostbound Hammer. If you're facing a physical solo and physical jungler, you might get Frost before you go into Shogun's.

The other 2 items you pick up shouldn't include Asi or Atalanta's Bow. While I can get the appeal of Asi, you're upgrading Death's Toll into Death's Embrace, which is all the lifesteal you should need. While Asi's lifesteal could be helpful, you aren't nearly tanky enough and should really be getting more can consider items like Spirit Robe or counter items like Pestilence or Spectral Armor, for example.

Atalanta's Bow is a crit item, and with this being the only crit item in the build, it's inefficient for damage potential. In addition, crit isn't the best item for her, as 2 of her stances contain < 1x multipliers, and her basic stance's first 2 attacks are also 1 or < 1x. IF you were to go for a basic attack item for DPS, you'd probably be better served with Qin's Sais, but again, probably wouldn't recommend it in most situations.

Now this doesn't mean you couldn't do well situationally in matches. If your skill level or the matchup is favorable, sure you could do well...but in a general sense, wouldn't recommend this build.

As for ability leveling, your first 5 levels should typically look like 2-3-1-2-4. 2 is your best wave clear and your 3 gives you more sustain and has great range. You'll usually max your 2 first, then your 3, then your 1, BUT you could consider maxing your 3 first, especially if your lane opponent is able to interrupt your 2's casting with a stun or other CC. Hope this helps.
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Jaogulano | May 28, 2022 11:44pm
Do you have a better warrior?
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The Destruction Build
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