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Kukulkan Build

36 4 81,611
by KoreshLaBeuh updated February 17, 2024

Smite God: Kukulkan

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
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Kukulkan Build

U Can take poly in 5 and shard in last item

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

Gem Starter Build

Build Item Gem of Focus Gem of Focus
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon

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Kriega1 (143) | May 16, 2024 11:22am
Builds are fine, but more often than not I would go Soul Reaver rather than Poly on Kukulkan, even though Poly is good on Kuku, Reaver is generally better unless the enemy team has no tanks.

Most squishy gods go Beads and Aegis for relics, Kukulkan included.
Farthus (15) | May 21, 2024 5:59am
To be fair with you I think kuku does not really make too much use of reaver since he only has 2 basic damaging abilities that can proc the effect and are on pretty long cooldowns after the nerfs. With Poly you will have more oneshot potential on the squishies. The build has a good amount of %pen to deal with the tanks.
Kriega1 (143) | May 21, 2024 3:04pm
Poly is AA range only, auto-ing is a self slow and you're not often getting free hits on backline targets. Also you already dunk on squishies anyway, getting Poly is usually just overkill.
Mr.Rawy | May 16, 2024 9:58am
First i would like to thank you and everyone here trying to help new players like me ,
Second i would like to ask a few questions
Normally im a Mobile legends player but now i like Smite so much but i have a problem with the items and build cause i dont know what should i buy first and which shards and relics i should use , and which other gods have similar skills like Kukulkan cause i like to play mage but i only can perform good with this mage
Thank you again and sorry if it was so long from me
Branmuffin17 (401) | May 17, 2024 11:26am
Mr. Rawy,

Are you saying in general you don't know which order to buy items (and reasons why)? Let's assume so and tackle your various questions:
  • What should you buy first?: the starters are meant to be purchased first, so that's probably pretty straightforward. In your 2 builds you have Pendulum of Ages and Gem of Focus, so the starters for those are Sands of Time and Conduit Gem as I assume is already known.

  • Past that though, you've got some general rules for build order:

    - Stacking items often should be built as first main item, or at least early in the build. This typically involves magical damage items like Book of Thoth and Warlock's Staff, physical damage items like Devourer's Gauntlet and Transcendence, and protection items like Gauntlet of Thebes and Prophetic Cloak.

    - Items with flat pen are often built earlier rather than later, such as Divine Ruin (for anti-heal purposes also) and Spear of Desolation (for the wide variety of stats including cooldown reduction).

    - Items with a main focus on % penetration (such as Charon's Coin or Obsidian Shard) should typically be built a bit later, when enemy protections are higher and the % pen will be more effective...with that said, Charon's is often built a bit earlier as it requires some stacking, while Ob Shard is usually built 2nd to last or last. Other items with % pen have other purposes besides the pen, so are built anytime, such as Rod of Tahuti, Staff of Myrddin, etc.

  • Which Relics?: For full damage gods that are squishy (like Kukulkan or most damage mages), you almost always will default to 2 relics: Purification Beads first to help you escape hard CC that can lock you down and get you killed, and Aegis Amulet next to help you avoid high incoming damage later in the game. Depending on god and role, other relics are commonly used, but in your situation it sounds like you're just looking at mages right now so I would default to those.

  • Gods Similar to Kukulkan: I honestly would just suggest branching out and trying all of the mages just to see what you might like. But if I'm understanding the situation, mostly the things about Kukulkan that you appreciate right now are the simplicity of his kit. He's got a main AOE damage item that's easy to use on the minion wave. He's got a straightforward line attack in his 1 and ult. He's got something that can help him maneuver/escape.

    In keeping with a generally simple kit, the next god I would probably suggest would be Ra. His 1 is a simple line shot that is used for wave clear and is super easy to hit the wave, though is trickier against enemy gods. The other portions of his kit are still simple to understand. Poseidon is another one that you could try.

    After that, gods start getting just a bit trickier, whether having to play more positionally sound with good awareness, have certain combos they need to hit with their abilities, or other things. Other gods to consider might be Yu Huang, Raijin, and Discordia perhaps.
But yeah, just keep playing, get more familiar with the game, and start branching out. You want to learn how to play the other gods anyway. Not only will it open up your options, but learning what each god does also helps you understand how to play against them, which is invaluable.

Hope this info helps. If you have more questions on something specific, let us know and we should be able to help more.
Mr.Rawy | May 17, 2024 1:15pm
Thank you so much i really appreciate your help , i will try your advices ✌️
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Kukulkan Build
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