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Bumba's Spear is pretty broken ATM so going for anything else is just flavor preference.
Bumba's Hammer is an option given Cabrakan does auto attack damage for his 1 ability. If you want super fast cooldowns Hammer is viable.
Soul Gem and Blood-Soaked Shroud are also good items to consider swapping in.
Tap each threat level to view Cabrakan’s threats
Now that they updated a lot of items to include magical power there's a lot more options for magical junglers to use. However Bumba's Spear is really in a league of it's own especially for non-auto attacking junglers. But whatever changes they make Cabrakan still does hilarious amounts of damage so his power one shot build is still rather effective. The only issue might be how large the map is and how slow characters like him are huffing and puffing the entire game running from lane to lane and farming all the while just to keep up. I wouldn't blame you for adding Doom Orb or Charon's Coin just to help out.
Cabrakan is still built one way and one way only, one shot. From early game to late, his damage never falls off. Although late game is where Cab has to adjust as his power will not fall off but targets become harder to deal with. Stuff like Magi's Cloak and Mantle of Discord start showing up on squishy targets which can throw a wrench in your fun. You'll be focused down quickly late game as your damage is something the enemy team has to respect, so you'll want to ward as much as possible and look for those squishy targets out of position for clean picks. Cab still plays like a fat Loki and Blink Rune is really your only form of initiation. You'll want to avoid team fights and sneak into a back line and delete their damage dealers then waddle away. Depending on if you bought some % pen like Obsidian Shard you can deal a lot of damage to tanks as well.
How do you one shot? Well the combo goes a little something like this.
With the passive built up that gives two stuns. If you've bought Polynomicon the 2nd combo underneath is the one you want to try. You'll proc the passive Poly and Spear of Magus when you stun with Refraction Shield and then use your ultimate then hit them with Seismic Crush which counts as an auto attack so you'll hit that with your Poly and stun at the same time. You'll want to space out the stuns to use their duration effectively. Remember you'll give your enemy Diminishing Returns so your second stun will suffer on their duration. Personally I like the Refraction stun. It's a little easier to hit and last longer. Nothing more awkward than swinging your arms at thin air desperately trying to hit the stun on your 1. The combo should look like this with your passive. When you use your ultimate remember that those walls are extremely annoying to not only enemies but your own teammates. Carefully positioning your ultimate to either trap an enemy by using the environment to your advantage can make your ultimate so much more effective. Item ChoicesBumba's SpearThe lifesteal starters are good. The Gem of Focus is nice. But Bumba's Spear is just too powerful to pass up. We're talking penetration, cooldown, massive power spike, good healing off jungle camps and true damage to top it all off. Bumba's Hammer is also very good and since Cab's combo does involve an auto attack it's not a bad choice but Cab benefits most from Spear. PolyThis item can be used with Seismic Crush since activating the ability will trigger Poly and when you hit your enemy with the stun it will also count as an auto attack giving that big damage punch. This just adds extra damage on top of the ability. If you're using your passive to start the combo you don't need to worry about it since Refraction Shield will trigger the combo as well. Duel SpearsGetting both spears can be filthy damage for Cab. Desolation is extremely helpful for cooldowns since you'll need a lot of cooldown for jungle. Once you start ganking the kills let your ultimate get up faster. As for Magus this is mainly there to make sure your ultimate puts the nail in the coffin. When you hit with Seismic Crush or Refraction Shield you'll proc that damage passive making the rest of your combo hit that much harder. On squishy targets this will absolutely pulverize them and you might not even need to use Tremors. Staff of MyrddinThis is useful for the cooldown reduction, power and penetration but also the passive turns your cooldowns into Omnipotence level of cooldown speed. This is so important for burst damage builds like Cab as any enemy that doesn't die from a combo will most likely turn the fight on you while everything is on cooldown. The Staff provides the chance to whip out some extra abilities provided you live long enough for the passive to help out. Rod of TabootyAbsolutely required. This item makes this build super expensive with both Staff and Rod together. But in the end it will all make sense as you're turning gods into paste. Your 1 and 2 combo will hit hard enough to easily take squishy targets down to 1/3rd their health bar. This item increases power against an enemy that is below half health making your combo hit even harder. This is also perfect for anyone who survives the combo to be easily killed by Tremors. The reason why you want to pump as much damage into your enemy before your ultimate with items like Spear, Poly and so on is because Cab is not designed to fight people. He's not a boxer. If someone survives your combo you're a sitting duck. If the enemy has beads and aegis make sure you watch out to not waste abilities when they're immune. Optional items: I really wanted Doom Orb in this build somewhere as Cabrakan might need the extra speed boost as a super slow chonk on big massive map. However Doom Orb, Staff and Rod is a build that only Bill Gates could ever afford. Charon's Coin is a possible option for movement speed however you'll want to get that quickly to start stacking it. Magi's Cloak is a very good item to consider for Cabrakan since you're required to get up close and personal. One CC can ruin your combo attempt and having one extra beads can be what you need to get that combo off. So Rangda's Mask is powerful and the damage this item gives off is a lot. However the nerf dragged it from 85 to 70 magical power and a straight up +20% damage to 15% damage. If you want a legit one shot build that mask is still a very good option. BUT you receive +15% damage and that's from ALL sources. It means you one shot but you also get one shot. That mask is extremely risky and I'd only recommend it if you're ahead or feel confident you can take people out before they take you out. I often never use it just because even with a lead or ahead in levels makes the mask feel like they're dead even on level with you since they do SO much extra damage to you. However Cab is one of those guardians that has high built in damage so he can be fine without a mask. However instead of the mask you could go with.... Hear me out, for the optional lifesteal build this item actually did a number on people. The passive makes Cabrakan absolutely pulverize everyone, including tanks. I look at this item like Rangda's Mask because it is a massive risk. After a combo a sizeable chunk of your heath will be gone, but so will the enemy's soul as you completely demolished them. In team fights this item ends up hurting you a lot so this is a very risky item I would only recommend for people comfortable with the passive. It's not wise to have on melee characters but Cabrakan plays like Loki, which makes it work since your objective is to pick people off then run away. |
Guardian Meta is upon is... once again. Guardian solo is insanely overpowering right now. Artio, Fafnir, Cerb, Cthulhu, Jorm and Xing are all doing well in solo. So Cab daddy has to be OP too right? Well... sadly no. He's okay in solo. His biggest problem is no hard CC immune, no poke at all and no escape. Cab is a very in your face kinda solo laner that is pretty tanky but not the most super tanky guardian. He's very easy to lock down and stop his combos. I've tried my luck with lifesteal and high sustain builds but damage bruiser builds with super tanky items is really his beet bet.
While solo and jungle Cabrakan haven't benefited too much from Season 8 I think Cabrakan support with these new updates is pretty useful now. He's okay at peeling but now he's very good at being a diving support that sets up kill for teammates with his high damage output. Cabrakan support is best suited when you have a solo laner that has some peel potential to let you do some diving while they baby sit the squishy teammates.
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I have recently taken a like to Cabrakan and today had my first bad experience while facing Hades in the solo lane. Seems I still don't know how to fight him. I might try the Troll Tank build, let's see how it plays out. Cheers!
I have recently taken a like to Cabrakan and today had my first bad experience while facing Hades in the solo lane. Seems I still don't know how to fight him. I might try the Troll Tank build, let's see how it plays out. Cheers!
If you figure out how to deal with him let me know! Cause I sure as hell can't. Not with Cabrakan at least. His wave clear is almost unfair. I guess my only real strategy against him is just let him do what he wants in solo and try not to let him get any kills cause late game he'll fall off? I dunno.