In a 3v3 mode, team composition is just as important as other modes. All team comps should be balanced (2 physical + 1 magical or 1 physical + 2 magical), to prevent the enemy from easily counter-building your team.
However, with 5 classes, at least 2 of those classes will not be present in your composition in any given match. I will cover some basic points to consider, and will then provide my suggested team composition.
- Objective Clear: Having at least one god that can quickly clear objectives (e.g. towers, phoenixes, Bull Demon) is extremely helpful. Often, you'll have only a temporary advantage and opportunity to push the lane, so you want to make the most of it. ADCs or other gods with basic attack focus are usually best at this.
- Wave Clear: Yes, this is different than objective clear. It's typically best if you have one god that can quickly clear waves from distance (this is often a mage). The more quickly and efficiently you can clear minion waves, the more time you have to attack the enemy gods, go for jungle camps, etc. Mages tend to be most effective for wave clear, though some mages are better than others.
- Crowd Control: Although in any given match, you can get away with weird comps, all squishies, etc., your best bet is to have as much CC as possible. This provides you with the ability to set up kills, peel for teammates, etc. Guardians and some warriors typically have the most CC in their kits, though some mages work here too.
This brings me to what I feel is the
optimal team comp:
Hunter + Mage + Guardian
(High-CC Warrior can sub for Guardian)
Why this comp?
- It covers the main points above...Objective Clear (Hunter), Wave Clear (Mage, situationally hunter), Crowd Control (Guardian). The hunter should be built with the standard ADC mindset for high objective damage. The mage is typically best with burst damage potential, though they can opt for a bruiser mage if preferred. The most effective guardians seem to be the ones that not only have CC but also have good offensive inclinations, such as
Kuzenbo, etc.
- 2 magical gods, 1 physical: Keep in mind that the map's damage sources (objectives, minions) deal physical damage. By only having 1 physical god, it forces the enemy to counter-build with magical protections (which are only helpful against gods) if they want to reduce incoming damage. This means possibly less enemy physical protections, so they will be less inclined to tank tower damage, for example.
Some alternate team comps that tend to be popular are:
- 2 Guardians, 1 Hunter: Lots of CC in this comp, hopefully with some displacement from gods like
Atlas or
Kuzenbo. The hunter can mostly farm safely until they have enough items to deal significant damage.
- 2 Warriors, 1 Mage: Warriors often have some CC and pretty good damage output while still being tanky. They can be aggressive together and make things tough early-game for the enemy team, while the mage can nuke from the backline. This comp typically wants to win early as their damage can fall off later and their objective push isn't as strong without an ADC.
- 1 Assassin OR Aggressive Warrior, 1 Mage, 1 Guardian: This comp can have some good damage output from both the assassin/warrior and mage, and the physical gods can usually pump out good damage even when they build some protections.
- Mobility (Initiation / Escape): When possible, choose gods that have some form of mobility, such as a leap, dash, or teleport. Being able to close on a retreating enemy can help you secure a kill, but even more importantly, having a method to escape a dangerous situation is key. It is almost always safer than the alternative...when in doubt, have an out.
- Mobility (Through Obstacles): Some abilities allow you to bypass obstacles, which can come in the form of either existing walls of the map or player deployables (
Ring of Spears,
Ice Wall). These are by far the most valuable forms of mobility. Keep in mind that leaps that can get you past wallscan give you a huge element of surprise or the means to escape otherwise certain death.
- Aggressive Guardian / Building: When you use my main setup, you have 2 magical gods. Having an aggressive guardian that can build with some offensive or bruiser focus can give additional advantage to the mage on your team (e.g. building
Void Doumaru), and in a smaller 3v3 match, gives your team more damage potential to help secure kills. Other examples of items that provide some offensive function include
Ethereal Staff,
Magi's Revenge,
Archdruid's Fury and
- Healing: Lifesteal has been reworked, and now works less effectively on minions, so it's meant to help sustain you in a fight. Gods with actual healing abilities can help you sustain for longer without having to back. The
Chalice of Healing, especially for squishy gods, can also be really helpful.
Suggested Gods to Pick or Ban (Not An Exhaustive List)
In Casual Joust, you can pick whoever you'd like. In Ranked Joust, each team bans 5 gods, and you will want to consider your picks and bans carefully.
The list below encompasses those that may give you better success, whether choosing to play them or preventing them from being played by the enemy team.

Achilles: Mobility, an easily-applied stun, and a good execute ult.
Hercules: Huge sustain potential, strong displacement, and good damage while being tanky as all hell.
Chaac: As long as he's not the main tank, he can focus on just harassing with easy damage and slows. Combo his ult with teammate cooperation to focus down enemies quickly.
Horus: Has a ton of CC in his kit, along with healing to sustain his teammates. His ult can get the drop on enemies, especially if they're going for the Bull Demon.
Mulan: Good damage potential with easy-to-connect displacement/control.
Shiva: He also shouldn't be the only tank, as his CC, while easy to apply, doesn't last long or displace much. His damage potential is very high however, and he has escape and sustain in his kit to make him a well-rounded bruiser.
As with god composition, certain items can provide a greater advantage in this mode over other items. These are some of the item types I feel can provide an advantage:
- Horrific Emblem: This item, and especially the T3 upgrade, got a significant rework and provides bloated effects...slow, enemy damage decrease, anti-heal, anti-shield.
- Relic Dagger / Bewitched Dagger: If facing an enemy basic attacker,
Relic Dagger is a great item to pick up along with Horrific Emblem and a second teamfight relic for higher use. The
Bewitched Dagger glyph upgrade specifically helps to slow down those basic attackers' damage output, and you're no longer limited to just one glyph.
- Specific Aura Items:
- Protections: Depending on which enemy gods are chosen,
Sovereignty or
Heartward Amulet (in addition to
Gauntlet of Thebes or
Prophetic Cloak) can be pretty helpful for the tank to grab early and help reduce damage for teammates.
- Penetration:
Void Shield and
Void Doumaru situationally make sense to grab for the protection reduction effect for increased damage output.
- Anti-Crit:
Spectral Armor is basically essential when facing enemy crits.
- Anti-Heal / Anti-Shield: Besides Emblem, you've got a variety of other items that can reduce enemy healing and shielding. Consider
Tainted Steel and its upgrades,
Contagion, and
Erosion when needed.
Vulcan is good for his lane pressure, including his turret. His ult isn't really why he's so powerful, though it can help for Bull Demon secures.
Trelli Relli's Ranked Joust Tierlist (He's GrandMaster's so he knows what he's talking about)
I think "struggle more" is a bit of an understatement.
Another thing that gets overlooked (a lot in lower lvls of play at least) is the (current) XP camp, it's easy to sneak it for a lot of gods and can give your team an edge.
physicalmagicalarehave fallenAnd yes...that point is a great one. I honestly was only thinking of the most basic parts of having that mobility, but especially with the increased jungle, being able to go over obstacles is a huge benefit. Great point.