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The Word of Thoth: Smite Mechanics Guide

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Forum » Theory Crafting » The Word of Thoth: Smite Mechanics Guide 17 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 9, 2015 6:47am | Report
festive1 wrote:

Freya's Irradiate and Pulse count as abilities,

they are considered buffs. Chronos passive and 2 is also considered a buff

however do test it out


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » December 9, 2015 7:36am | Report
festive1 wrote:

Freya's Irradiate and Pulse count as abilities, as they proc off basic attacks, and are not actually part of the basic attack. Same with Xbal's 1. Although Pulse can affect a tower (when you attack a tower with pulse active it will have the pulse animation) it will not do damage as it is an ability.

Proof Pulse's and Irradiate's damage is ability damage: when active both of these will apply spear of the magus.

The difference between abilities like Pulse, Irradiate and Bolas, and Chronos's 2 (in AA form) is that his 2 modifies his auto attack damage (at the base) whereas Pulse would add additional damage along with the basic attack.

That's my current understanding but if you want me to I could test this tomorrow.

Please read their descriptions both in smf and in the launcher. Ok ? Thx
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 10, 2015 12:42am | Report
I was looking to make it nice and clear...Prism, I thought you were correct...intuitively based on ability descriptions, it sounds like Irradiate and Pulse just increase basic attack damage...but rather, as abilities, they add on their own damage.

I did a quick practice match at full build/level 20. I did the same amount of damage when both abilities were active as when they were on CD...86, I believe. Same with the Phoenix. I only saw the boost in damage when attacking the Titan. I recorded it and rewatched just to confirm.

I didn't know this either, but I don't play Conquest (as you know) so I don't usually get a chance to see it in action.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 10, 2015 2:37am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

I was looking to make it nice and clear...Prism, I thought you were correct...intuitively based on ability descriptions, it sounds like Irradiate and Pulse just increase basic attack damage...but rather, as abilities, they add on their own damage.

I did a quick practice match at full build/level 20. I did the same amount of damage when both abilities were active as when they were on CD...86, I believe. Same with the Phoenix. I only saw the boost in damage when attacking the Titan. I recorded it and rewatched just to confirm.

I didn't know this either, but I don't play Conquest (as you know) so I don't usually get a chance to see it in action.

I already know why this is that way:

freya's gains additional magic damage on her basics (small misread because When I typed my comment I didn't look at the full description). And because towers don't take "magic damage" her damage to them isn't increased. the titan however does take magic damage.

in chronos case it's added to his (like our favorite heavy said) to his basic attacks as extra scaling

I assume this partly has to do before the era of magical basic attack existing.

EDIT: also can someone check xbal's bola's as they are kinda special. instead of additional basic attack damage they are stated different. the bola damage gets added directly to basic attack damage and can also crit. I have also seen different people calling the additional damage bonus AD/PP applying only on basics.

Also only stat changes are used as damage on towers (chronos) not additional/bonus damage


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » December 10, 2015 4:56am | Report
Guys ffs I'm SURE, for my own life and the life of my cats that AT LEAST Pulse does increased damage on towers. Like for reals.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 12, 2016 10:17pm | Report
Updated for Season 3. Might not be up to date with the fire elemental change in 3.8.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 22, 2017 10:49am | Report
Just an FYI, this is now updated to Season is still good in original post.

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