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Odin ADC Meme and other questions

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Odin ADC Meme and other questions 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 10:26am | Report
Alright I didn't expect my fire giant thread to get me excited to try Odin again after getting so horribly wrecked with him lol.

But, I'm curious about playing him. I'm curious about standard bruiser build. But still got the ADC itch.

Regardless, Odin seems to need some protection.

How much is the minimum for him? Can he get away with 60phys/60magic? Does he need a lot more by late game just to not pop?

What are some Odin fundamentals for late game? How should he be played to be played well?


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 10:31am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

Alright I didn't expect my fire giant thread to get me excited to try Odin again after getting so horribly wrecked with him lol.

But, I'm curious about playing him. I'm curious about standard bruiser build. But still got the ADC itch.

If you play Odin ADC, expect to get reported for trolling. Stick to Solo and Support as I said, maybe jungle if you want to try out a more bruiser/hybrid build.

IDNeon wrote:

How much is the minimum for him? Can he get away with 60phys/60magic? Does he need a lot more by late game just to not pop?

This will vary from match to match. An normal amount will be around 200+ I think for each (including base stats), and it's not just about prots, but you want some health in your build, as well as situational counter items and some utility/damage mitigation (e.g. Spectral Armor against crit, Spirit Robe for percent mitigation, Pestilence/ Contagion for anti-heal etc...).

IDNeon wrote:

What are some Odin fundamentals for late game? How should he be played to be played well?

Look for picks (an out of position enemy), use your stun to setup kills, use your 3 attack speed buff to buff your teammates objective dps / teamfight dps, use your ult to trap enemies (especially after they burned escapes and/or they don't have escapes).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 10:33am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Look for picks (an out of position enemy), use your stun to setup kills, use your 3 attack speed buff to buff your teammates objective dps / teamfight dps, use your ult to trap enemies (especially after they burned escapes and/or they don't have escapes).

I seem to be so horrible at choosing when to go in. That seems to be the most unforgiving part of not just strapping on a ton of armor


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 10:36am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

I seem to be so horrible at choosing when to go in. That seems to be the most unforgiving part of not just strapping on a ton of armor

I'll try link some vids that should explain:

Also at any time, you can go on Twitch, see if any pros are streaming and ask them questions there. I think watching their gameplay is also a useful learning tool. I have a link to them on this page:


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Renowned (143)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 10:59am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

I'll try link some vids that should explain:

Also at any time, you can go on Twitch, see if any pros are streaming and ask them questions there. I think watching their gameplay is also a useful learning tool. I have a link to them on this page:

Top link is a great video starting thru them now


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 29, 2020 11:03am | Report
If you're going to try for a more ADC-oriented build on a Warrior, your better bets would be to avoid Odin and go for someone like Amaterasu, Vamana, Erlang Shen, Osiris, or Bellona. Those all have something in their kits that are more suited to some basic attack items.
  • Amaterasu's passive gives her bonus damage for every 3rd basic she hits. She's also got a shorter than normal attack progression, making Qin's Sais more functional.

  • Vamana basic attacks when in his ultimate. Popular builds for him often involve getting either Frostbound Hammer or Hastened Katana.

  • Erlang Shen also has a shorter attack progression, making Qin's more functional. His Spot Weakness decreases CD when he hits a basic, and his mink form gives him increased AS.

  • Osiris also has a short attack progression, and weaves basics in-between ability use very well. His abilities also help keep enemies close.

  • Bellona has short attack progression in both shield and scourge stances. More basics in shield stance give her more stacks of block which means she can trade pretty well against other basic attackers, and more scourge hits mean more healing.

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