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Is the Hand of the Gods consumable worth?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Is the Hand of the Gods consumable worth? 19 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2020 1:42am | Report
How good is hand of the gods really?

As support and jungle specifically.

For jungle it's not really a huge setback and it does make the midcamp easier to secure. But as support i feel I get more out of the preasure in lane that the extra health pots give me. But in higher MMR games the pressure of getting to lane first might be better.
Guess it also depends on comp as well.

Any thoughts?
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 3, 2020 2:44am | Report
For Support you want/need it in case of invades (though isn’t a 100% failsafe - like against those annoying af Herc Supports) and to help reach lane quicker so you’re guaranteed to hit level 2 on first wave. Especially so on low clear gods.

Your start for support should be Guardian’s, tier 1 boots, 4 health pots, HoG


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2020 2:58am | Report
Might start using it for invading I guess. The free ward is more than enough for me so far to combat possible invades.

And yes I'm pretty annoying even when not playing herc suppoet :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 3, 2020 3:16am | Report
HoG only works for your side of the jungle. When I meant in case of invades I meant it as a Anti-Invade item.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2020 3:28am | Report
Are you ****ing serious? What a dumb mechanic...

Then I'm just going to keep getting hp and multipots and smack in lane instead untill I lose lane because of enemy HOG 😄
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 3, 2020 3:49am | Report
How is it dumb? It’s meant to be a ANTI-INVADE item. If you could use it in enemy jungle that would defeat the purpose.

Unless you’re going to invade yourself then I would recommend you pick up HoG.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2020 4:03am | Report
Why would you need another anti invade item when you got free wards.

If you manage to lose a buff to invade in duo you literally have to be asleep lol
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 3, 2020 4:07am | Report

Why would you need another anti invade item when you got free wards.

If you manage to lose a buff to invade in duo you literally have to be asleep lol

I don’t know if you’re intentionally being obtuse or not, but it is definitely possible to still be invaded even with wards. If you don’t have HoG, you have little chance of countering an early invade from a higher pressure duo (or just simply the support invading), you’ll be forced to give up purple, and hit level 2 even later. It’s happened in Pro SPL games this season. Especially with the infamous Herc Support pick, which had to be target banned in several Pro League matches. And yes this can happen in your Ranked and even your casual matches.

They also had to add a debuff region in the first minute of the game near the speed buff, because the lvl 1 speed Support invades were still happening (something carried on from last season).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 3, 2020 4:52am | Report
It just feels way to hand-held IMO.

I'm used to in worst chase having to buy a ward if you are afraid for a potential invade from a pressure focused duolane. Now you get the wards for free and a HOG without having to use up an active slot.

It just nerfs pressure supports, which I can't see any need for at all. Herc was banned mainly as a target ban vs Aror (and PBM or someone else?). Sure Herc is good, but if you fail your invade on any presure comp you end up behind. So it has always been a risky play. Now it just seems not worth at all. No wonder the cast went ape**** when Raffer stole the purple alone a yamoja or w.e.

But I'm very against the free active and wards as well though.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 3, 2020 6:12am | Report
BME you weren't around for last season to see how big and unfun the invade meta was. It was so bad the changes were quite big.

Also, keep in mind HoG is a consumable so when you use it, it's gone.

In jgl it;s mostly used to gain tempo difference by instantly clearing back camps.


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