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Bluestone Pendant + Soul Eater solo start Counter

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Bluestone Pendant + Soul Eater solo start Counter 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vexxypop » September 5, 2022 9:51am | Report
Hey there! Just recently started playing conquest and decided to start off in the Solo lane. Mainly iv been using Bellona and matches have been going Pretty well but I noticed a specific start that dumpsters me. Bluestone Pendant + Soul Eater, every time I see this build on a Mulan, Wukong or Cu Chulainn I know it gonna be rough. Abilities hit to hard and the damage I do is healed to quickly. I was wondering if there was a way to effectively counter this on Bellona. Iv attempted stating toxic blade to counter but didn’t feel a major difference from starting shield.

Let me know what you guys think


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 5, 2022 10:50am | Report
Hi Vexxy, welcome to SF and hope you're having fun learning Conquest!

Firstly, it would help to know what items you choose to start with, and give examples of build progressions against the gods you named as being difficult to face. Any other details you can give (how they're building if you remember that) and what specific things they're doing that make it difficult for you would help as well.

Typically with Bellona, you're going with Death's Toll and likely into Berserker's Shield against a physical lane opponent. Is that what you're doing? Another thing some people are doing is starting Golden Blade, but I'm not sure I'd do that personally.

I wouldn't suggest starting Toxic Blade. Protections early are very helpful. Toxic would be something I might consider as a late-game add if you're facing a healing-heavy comp. If you do pick up Golden Blade early, then Toxic could be a replacement after you've finished your build otherwise.

Before I provide any further feedback, would like you to describe the general situation. You're talking about fighting, but are you doing this in the midst of minions? What is your main focus?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vexxypop » September 8, 2022 10:10am | Report
Hello thanks for the welcome! My standard start is normally as you say deaths Toll into berserk shield. I follow that up by some defense. I tend to play very aggressive, This build is normally fine against most gods but when it comes to the specific build that I mentioned earlier I’m forced to play under tower because the amount of damage and healing makes it impossible for me pressure and if I over extend and challenge the any can snow ball and just start killing all the other lanes as well.
Early game I feel like they are just to strong and I can’t really do anything.


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 8, 2022 10:54am | Report
So one further thing I want to check...are you picking up a Chalice of Healing or potions to support early health? When are you starting to have issues? Immediately at level 1? Once they hit level 3 or 4? Or once they finish Soul Eater?

When fighting, are you engaging before, during, or after minions are cleared? Are you prioritizing the minions first?

Bell has really good minion clear with her 2, and so if you can just get that done before the enemy, especially in the very early stages, you can sort of keep the pressure on. One thing you can do with Bell is use the 2 in the midst of the minions AND hit the enemy god, draw the melee and ranged minions to the same location and take them all out with your AOE basics. Force the enemy to target you or the minions and they'll take needless damage...keep chipping away at their potion use early. Make sure you're not fighting in the same line as your minions, so they either have to hit the minions or you. Don't make it easy for them.

Are there any other details you can share so we can get a better idea of your situation?

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Mythical (401)
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