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Why is it SO slow to make a build

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Forum » Support » Why is it SO slow to make a build 15 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » February 16, 2018 12:17pm | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

I have never used an AdBlocker, but I haven't had this problem for ever. Only started recently, but I've got no clue what causes it. Who says ads are the cause?

I don't think anyone knows what the real problem is.

But ads are annoying anyways, so does not hurt to test out adblock :)
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » February 16, 2018 12:51pm | Report
Well, I like to think I know what the real problem is. :) I was able to replicate the issue and I believe it is one specific ad that isn't working right and locking up the page when it fails. I have already reported this to the ad team and they are working on nuking it.

We really appreciate it when members don't block our ads to help support our site, server costs, and staff, so thank you ZeroStrike for doing so. That being said, we will absolutely not be offended if you or Tgbeastly want to turn on adblocking until the situation is resolved. Having experienced the issue myself I can definitely say it's incredibly annoying. :)

We also absolutely don't mind if you think an issue might be caused by ads turning on your adblocker and seeing if the issue is resolved, it would even help diagnose the issue sometimes!

In good news on the ad front, we've implemented some updates that so far we feel have made the ad experience a lot better / lighter. In addition, Chrome is finally implementing automatic ad blocking for specific negative ad types on desktop and mobile, which we're very happy about because our members who use Chrome should no longer get redirect / popup ad issues! Huzzah!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 16, 2018 1:02pm | Report
That sounds about right. I learned a while ago that it's not nice for me to ad-block on the site, so I've since moved to using a VPN on both PC and phone where ads still show but I don't get whatever else sometimes's fixed things in that case except in recent times.

For PC, I knew it had something to do with ads, because I did a couple tests...even with VPN on, it would get that weird slowdown. Then I turned on an ad-blocker and it immediately solved the issue.

Thanks for figuring this out!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » February 17, 2018 2:50am | Report
Mowen wrote:

Well, I like to think I know what the real problem is. :) I was able to replicate the issue and I believe it is one specific ad that isn't working right and locking up the page when it fails. I have already reported this to the ad team and they are working on nuking it.

We really appreciate it when members don't block our ads to help support our site, server costs, and staff, so thank you ZeroStrike for doing so. That being said, we will absolutely not be offended if you or Tgbeastly want to turn on adblocking until the situation is resolved. Having experienced the issue myself I can definitely say it's incredibly annoying. :)

We also absolutely don't mind if you think an issue might be caused by ads turning on your adblocker and seeing if the issue is resolved, it would even help diagnose the issue sometimes!

In good news on the ad front, we've implemented some updates that so far we feel have made the ad experience a lot better / lighter. In addition, Chrome is finally implementing automatic ad blocking for specific negative ad types on desktop and mobile, which we're very happy about because our members who use Chrome should no longer get redirect / popup ad issues! Huzzah!

Sweet then I can go back to chrome om ny phone soon :)
95% of the time I spend on Smitefire is on my phone whithout adblock.

Let us know when the problem is fixed.
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » February 19, 2018 9:05am | Report
The ad team has said they think they've nailed the bad ad, so let us know if you're still experiencing that issue / any other issues!

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