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Good noob starter gods?

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Forum » New Player Help » Good noob starter gods? 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kallatine » July 29, 2015 7:49pm | Report
Hey all, as I'm sure there have been a lot of these, I'm a Smite and Moba noob who just recently downloaded and started Smite on Xbox One. I almost immediately fell in love and found myself quickly using up two days time easy in dedication to a newfound great game, but one slight problem is that I suck.

I think it's expected, being new to not only a game, but a whole type of game in general- but after a week I still have barely been improving much. Best few conquest game beem about 22-2 and stuff as Ratatoskr/Hun Batz/Loki- but I think that was luck. Now, I know a huge reason for being bad is from from me not strategizing and generally just being bad at combat, but another big reason is certain gods and their difficulties which the game even depicts that for you in the classes information.

From a good week of playing, I have determined that I prefer Assassins (even though my friend recommended not to start on them due to difficulty) and melee in general (not guardians much either). I can't stand Archers at all, and prefer to have big damage even when I play melee. Mages are a middle stone for me, better than archers but not as fun as melee for me.

I've tried most gods at least once so far and compiled who I found fun or who did better for me.

Hun Batz
Ne Zha
He Bo
Sun Wukong

A good amount on that list are Assassins right? Well either way, with my preferences and even who I found better, I usually get dominated.

I'm looking for some god recommendations (Open to all, even the classes I mentioned I didn't like), builds, gear recommdations, starting plays, strategies, do-s and donts, and just about anything a skilled or veteran player thinks would be good for me to know for improving me for the game.

Thanks beforehand everyone.

Also, my friend mentioned certain roles with Lanes and Jungles and how tome classes perform well or are supposed to fill that role/lane there? ADC or some acronym like that was one?
I'd be grateful if someone could elaborate.


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 30, 2015 3:53am | Report
the best noob gods are the one's you get for free (I don't know if xbox does it or gives the same) those are 1 of each class ( Neith Thor Ymir Ra Guan Yu)
so my recommendations to add to the list are Bakasura and Thor
most of those gods from the list are assassins (only the bottom 3 aren't)

I get why your friend doesn't recommend you to go with assassins as in conquest most assassins end up jungling which isn't an easy role (Just like support)

normally the roles with type of gods are like this:
duo lane/long lane (from order/blue left lane from choas/red right lane)
adc: mostly Hunters and certain mages e.g. Chronos (some warriors and assassins are capable of ebign an adc too but not recommended)
support: guardians and warrior's

mid laner: mostly a mage but sometimes you can see certain adc or assassins even some guardian here.

solo lane/short lane (right on the order side left on choas side):
Here we can see almost all classes most common are warrior's and mages but you can also see assassins, adc or a guardian (mostly Hades) here

Jungle: assassins and certain mages e.g. oa kuang and sometimes certain warrior's are able to do this effectively.

for other stuff liek builds or basic junglling I would search into the guides section (still make sure you look at the date and on general guides you will need to search for expired because those guides are still really useful but because things don't change a lot almost never get updated)

I hope this helped a bit if you have more questions just ask


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kallatine » July 30, 2015 11:19am | Report
Oh alright, thanks for clearing up the lane and role part so simply. Helps me decide how to stop just barreling around randomly without much purpose xD.

I like working with teammates so I figure duo-lane would be good for me, or learning how to Jungle but since that's more difficult, I'll learn to do so later.

Anything specific or important to know about the duo-lane role?


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 30, 2015 2:23pm | Report
Kallatine wrote:

Oh alright, thanks for clearing up the lane and role part so simply. Helps me decide how to stop just barreling around randomly without much purpose xD.

I like working with teammates so I figure duo-lane would be good for me, or learning how to Jungle but since that's more difficult, I'll learn to do so later.

Anything specific or important to know about the duo-lane role?

it's only duo lane for the start and depending if you are the support or adc (and yes I recommend using a hunter/archer for it)

As normally the support will start to rotate pretty early (after getting boots which is first item) helping out other lanes.

if you are playing the adc you should practise last hitting and be careful of getting poked (also poke yourself because normally you can hit someone with a ability while clearing the wave)

still the biggest thing about duo is communication so make sure you have contact with your support and your support with you because if you want to go in for the kill but a support doesn't you can end up getting killed.

Also about warding (better to start it really soon then way to late) the best spot to ward duo lane is at the purple buff camps (the entrances of the jungle). always make sure you have at least 1 ward (even as adc so you can ward yourself if the support isn't around) as support make sure you have wards every time you go back to base.

for item builds I would recommend looking at multiple god builds adc builds and support builds both lack a lot of flexibility (you normally make the same build e.g. a support will always start building boots and normally get Heartward Amulet and Sovereignty and after that hide of urchin or Magi's blessing then finishing up with another physical and normally another magical item too (those 2 mostly being Stone of Gaia and Breastplate of Valor)

adc have 2 different builds but this depends more on the god your playing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » July 30, 2015 4:55pm | Report
If you like playing someone who is very noob friendly and is very strong at Melee range (this is taking account that you build the right items on him) Ymir puts out a ridiculous amount of damage while still being Tanky enough to stick to the middle of a fight. His passive is called frostbite which is after casting an ability on an enemy god your basics deal double damage for a few seconds. So you can build an item called polynomicon on him which combined with his passive gives his next basic attack 140% of your magical power as additional damage and magical power is a lot easier to stack up than physical. Plus he has a lot of control to help you stay in charge of the situation. A damage Ymir is great in the jungle and effective in the solo lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 31, 2015 2:32am | Report
Easy gods imo to start with would be.
jungle: fenrir, hun Batz and kaki
mid: poseidon, Ra and Isis
adc: Neith, anhur and medusa
solo: Hercules, Loki and Ra
Support: Athena and Geb
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

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