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Being Stuck in Arena Loading screen.

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Forum » New Player Help » Being Stuck in Arena Loading screen. 19 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 23, 2017 1:38pm | Report
Too me it sounds like either a internet connection problem. I don't know if you stated MByte (MB) or Mbit (Mb) p/s with the 8. looking at the abbreviation my bet will be Mbit meaning your connection could indeed be a problem.
As for me this problem has happened with 20Mbps (there are multiple devices on this web though).

the second option is your pc being bad or like xzerostrike said somethign to do with admin and programfiles. you do have too search for what you need to do to start a game in admin mode from steam though (I believe you need to add a "code" via steam. just google it and you're gonna find it). if that's not it it could be specwise, however then you wouldn't need to reconnect so this isn't likely.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iLash » October 23, 2017 11:05pm | Report
xZeroStrike wrote:

Do you have any other computers / laptops in your house that you can use? If so, try installing and playing SMITE there. If the issue doesn't appear on a different PC / laptop, we can conclude that your PC is causing the issue. If the issue persists, and nothing fixes it (re-install / repair / etc...), then either you're having extremely bad luck or it's a fault in the game's code somewhere.

Additionally, check your SMITE's install path. If your SMITE game is installed in a "protected" folder, (Program Files folders are likely to be protected) try running as an Administrator. Maybe your game tries to grab files it doesn't have access to. (This is very unlikely, but worth a try regardless.)

First of all, Thank you all for taking the time to answer and trying to help with my problem, I really appreciate it.

Sadly I don't have another PC to try on it, and I already went through all that process of Uninstalling, Reinstalling, Repair ( Eventho when I do through Hi-Rez it keeps telling me that the game has been downloaded VIA Steam and I can "REDOWNLOAD" it through it ) & Ofc I've tried to Verify The Integrity of Game Files in Steam and The Hi-Rez Diagnostic and Support Tool. Still doesn't Work.
My Recent Internet speed is Nearly 8MBps which used to be sufficient for even more required game and far distant servers.

If you may can you please guide me through how to Check the smite Installed game folder and what should I do if it was the case that it's Protected and how to fix it? TY.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iLash » October 23, 2017 11:12pm | Report
@Devampi, Internet speed might indeed be a problem but looking at the fact then when I first started playing I haven't encountered any kind of problems like that, and later after when I started to have and then I got lucky to get in, I've not encountered any kind of lag or delay or whatever, IDK.

I'm running a Core i5-4750 - 3.20Ghz with 16GB RAM PC, I think it's quite ok to run it, Because the funny part is I'm still capable of running Conquest Vs Al Bot without any delays in getting in, playing and all of it. it's the other functions that it's not working, So if it's a faulty PC it would either work or not work, don't you think ?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BenskyGaming » October 24, 2017 11:13pm | Report
Not an expert, but this sounds very much like the problem is server/software based and not on your side. Even with really low internet connection the DC would not be constant but merely occasional. Your tech specs from your setup are more than enough and I believe we can discard the possibility that is is hardware related - UNLESS you have problems with disconnects on other programs/other occasions as well.
I personally do not run SMITE via steam - not sure if that makes a difference, but you can always try to get the stand-alone installer for SMITE (just to eliminate any steam related problem).

The repair function of HiRez has never worked for me in any case so far. A complete, clean reinstall (given the installer was downloaded from the source and not some random third party site) on the other hand fixed EVERY probleĀ“m I ever encountered so far.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iLash » October 25, 2017 5:18am | Report
BenskyGaming wrote:

Not an expert, but this sounds very much like the problem is server/software based and not on your side. Even with really low internet connection the DC would not be constant but merely occasional. Your tech specs from your setup are more than enough and I believe we can discard the possibility that is is hardware related - UNLESS you have problems with disconnects on other programs/other occasions as well.
I personally do not run SMITE via steam - not sure if that makes a difference, but you can always try to get the stand-alone installer for SMITE (just to eliminate any steam related problem).

The repair function of HiRez has never worked for me in any case so far. A complete, clean reinstall (given the installer was downloaded from the source and not some random third party site) on the other hand fixed EVERY probleĀ“m I ever encountered so far.

Well, I've tried my last option which was a complete clean Windows ( Reinstalled mine eventho it had no problems running with it ) Still getting the same result.
and no This is the only game that such frequent disconnecting I've ever encountered, on some other game I can remain online for days without a single disconnect.

I've tried that option of a smite from the source not Steam didn't work neither. I'm really run out of options and quite baffled .

Edit: Trying it again. ( uninstalled Steam and Redownloading Smite "AGAIN" )..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 25, 2017 8:50am | Report
only thing I can guess now is that it has to do with running in admin mode.

or else it's on hr end


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 25, 2017 8:55am | Report
I don't think it's an installation problem at this point. Might be how the servers work and what they require.

Your DL speed isn't bad, but it's also not very high. Do you have others that use the bandwidth at the same time? Maybe someone else is streaming or something? When you ARE playing, what kind of ping do you have? (hit F8 in a match and it turns that info on on the right side of the screen)

If it IS a bandwidth thing, well someone that's watching a show/movie could be taking most of that. You can go into router settings and, depending on router options, allocate more to your own IP, but that will mess up the other person's stream if they ARE using it.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iLash » October 25, 2017 9:25am | Report
I did run it in Admin mode, still same result, I don't know about Hr mode, how can i work on/ fix that ?

When I start play I shutdown my wireless access from the Router, and my computer is the only Device attached to the router during my playing time ( Incase I got to play in the first place xD )
Sadly I didn't yet manage to get into the game to check on that but when I was lucky back there to play my ping was quite low 10-40 Max when it spikes.

Giving Hi-Rez Tool another chance as I type this.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iLash » October 25, 2017 9:40am | Report
Still not working, Can't even get into Arena Vs Al Bots , Stuck at loading screen then without even a Disconnect takes me back to home screen.


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