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Item Change Ideas

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Item Change Ideas 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pure Panphobia » August 11, 2017 8:43am | Report

Reason For This Thread

Creating this thread because I like to imagine what would happen if certain items underwent changes to bring them more into the meta, or to give them a more defined place in the meta. It would also be interesting to see what other players would like to see. I've done my best to come up with changes that are balanced. I also think it would be cool to see ideas for new items in this thread as well. All of these change ideas are based on the information which has come from patch 4.15, so if you see the original numbers and they look off to you, that's because I'm basing my changes off of the changes which are taking place on 4.15.

Item Change Ideas



Cost: 3000g ----> 3050g

Physical Power: 50 ----> 50

Critical Strike Chance: Unchanged

Passive: Critical strike damage is increased by 40%. ----> Critical strike damage is increased by 50%.


With patch 4.15 making so many changes to crit and pen items, it's becoming clear that Hi Rez want to bring crit items back into the meta. Their solution was to simply lower the cost of Deathbringer to match the price of Malice. By buffing the passive, raising the price is a logical balance step. The increase on the passive means you can put out a lot more damage with your crits.




Cost: Unchanged

Physical Power: 30 ----> 25

Critical Strike Chance: 20% ----> 25%

Passive: Killing or getting an assist on an enemy god gives you 1 stack. Each stack provides 1% Critical Strike Chance. Stacks are permanent and stack up to 5 times. At 5 Stacks Rage Evolves, gaining an additional 10% Critical Strike Chance. ----> Passive: Rage grants 5 bonus physical power for every 10% critical strike chance from other sources. Does not benefit from itself.


Again, with patch 4.15 making so many changes to crit and pen items, it's becoming clear that Hi Rez want to bring crit items back into the meta. Making this change to Rage would give more reason to add it to your build if you want to build crit, as it provides you an additional 20 power when built with 2 other crit items, and it also gives more crit chance than any other item in the game.




Cost: 2800g ----> 2850g

Physical Power: 75 ----> 55

Attack Speed: +15%

Lifesteal: 15% ----> 12%

Passive:Killing an enemy god forges a shield from their blood with equal to 200 + 10 per player level for 20s. While the blood shield is active you gain +10% movement speed. ----> If at maximum health, Bloodforge begins to generate a shield of blood equal to the value of lifesteal from basic attacks, capping at 200 + 10 per player level. Killing an enemy god grants this shield its maximum value, refreshing that value if the shield is already active and less than 50% of its maximum value.


Bloodforge is an item which has always been in a weird place. You don't get it on ADCs until late game because all it gives you is power and lifesteal, but the current passive doesn't do much because, if you're solid on positioning, you shouldn't need the shield from killing a god. At the same time, the lifesteal isn't useful early because the item doesn't give any attack speed to make use of that lifesteal. Making these changes would allow flexibility as to when the item can be built effectively, as well as retaining its value in the late game.


Odysseus' Bow (It's A Joke, Chill)


Cost: 2100 ----> 2300

Attack Speed: Unchanged

Critical Strike Chance: 15%

Passive: Every fourth Basic Attack triggers a chain lightning, damaging the target and up to 4 nearby enemies for 30 damage +50% of your total Physical Power. (Additional part of the passive) Chain lightning can critically strike for 75% of your total critical strike value.


I personally love Odysseus' Bow, but currently there is just no reason to build it. With Hi Rez very obviously making a shift toward bringing the Hunter builds back into the crit meta, these changes would bring the item into viability in my opinion. The chain lightning being able to crit would be nice, and it would be a reduced damage crit. If your normal attacks would crit for 480, the chain lightning would deal 210 damage instead. (50% of the base damage times 1.75 instead of 2.5, assuming this is in conjunction with the Deathbringer change idea from earlier.)


So what do you guys think of the change ideas? Do you have any change ideas? Do you have ideas for new items not yet in the game? Let's get some conversations going.

Pure Panphobia

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Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » August 11, 2017 11:48am | Report
That'd kill DB. The power curve you got building it was already very delayed compared to pen builds and it isnt really much off a buff.

With Rage youre taking a stat that is inherently parasitic, critical chance, and making an item it's on even more parasitic. Triple crit is expensive and can be rough in the face of counter building already. I think current rage is in a good enough spot as the passive isnt hard to get and allows a bit of an option to get a crit item online earlier if ahead

Bloodforge is the most interesting thing you put. I dont think it jeeds the attack speed because as a 400hp shield on an adc is already pretty strong and last time smite took a tankier adc route it wasnt that fun. I like current bloodforge as is but this could be fun to play around with.

Odysseus Bow is actually a very strong late game option as it is the highest adc damage item when considering AOE damage. It frequently gets picked up and doesnt really need to be changed. Increasing the damage would only force to be a must build in 99.99% of games


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pure Panphobia » August 11, 2017 12:49pm | Report
About DB, I agreed. Price change edited to 3200 as it is currently before the new patch.

I fully stand by the ideas on Rage.

Bloodforge: The attack speed is to compensate for the lowered Power and lowered Lifesteal value. Also I removed the movement speed from the passive, making the shield more susceptible to being damaged as you lack additional speed to just get away.

Odysseus' Bow: I know it would make it busted af. Let me dream. It's my favorite item lmao

Pure Panphobia

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Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » August 11, 2017 1:14pm | Report
I like the idea that you are thinking about possible changes to items...I like the discourse and the discussion.

But for your current suggestions, I'm going to mostly respectfully disagree that the changes you propose are better overall.
  • The DB change is interesting just by lowering cost. HR already experimented with extremely expensive items...Mantle, Desolation, etc., had some crazy stats at crazy didn't work. Both of those are now much reduced in price and stats. Making items cost over 3,000 is already insane, but it makes sense to a degree for DB and Tahuti, since those stats are indeed powerful. Their idea is to move away from that, and so I like the price drop change, at least in theory. Don't want to make it even more powerful...if anything, it's already basically a necessary 2nd item, so when building crit, it's not so much making people want to buy it more, it's making it fit well into a build at the right TIME, and cost is one of the key factors controlling the time it can be bought.

    So...a bigger part of making crit more accessible overall doesn't have to be buffing the item...rather, making the first crit item more accessible. Rage already is a low price, and I feel is extremely fair. Poisoned Star got a bit of a buff and costs the same as Rage...also fair. Maybe Wind Demon could see a slight drop in price...maybe 2,700 or 2,750. So then, making the end point of a crit build (usually DB) more accessible itself with the price makes sense. Keep in mind, they ALSO buffed The Executioner. Sure, it's only 5 power, but that's not going to make much difference to a Qin's'll make a bit more difference to a crit build. So they've done multiple things to make crit more attractive, and I want to see how this pans out.

  • Rage is already fine where it is. Right now, it's significantly cheaper than Wind Demon and depending on build and god kit, actually provides higher DPS, while only offering that (no added attack speed, no move speed, no slows or other CC). Making the passive one where the power boost is dependent on buying MORE crit items (and often would only be 1 other crit item, so...10 added power? 20 max w/ 3x crit?) isn't a great idea. Forcing people to go 3x crit just to get a bit higher power is the same as making Ares players feel they need to get aura items just to benefit from his passive's power buff. I think it's mostly great where it's at. If anything, I'd slightly nerf...only change would be increasing stacks...from 5 to 10...1% each stack, at 10/max stacks, gain an additional 5% crit chance (same total of 35%). Since it applies on both kills AND assists, it's not all that difficult to stack anyway...and that makes the end value of almost the same % chance as basically 2 other crit items a bit more balanced, without making it more difficult to enter into it at the start (either via higher cost, lower power, or lower crit chance).

  • Same as Duo...this is definitely an interesting proposal for Bloodforge. One thing I want to point say "the current passive doesn't do much because, if you're solid on positioning, you shouldn't need the shield from killing a god." I just don't agree with this. What you're saying is that, if you know your positioning well, you generally don't need the shield because you won't be dying or whatever. No way...this is a hugely general statement and I just don't feel it's correct. You're applying a broad statement to an extremely variable game with different players that have different tendencies, different gods that have different abilities, etc...I just don't get that. In any case, my understanding of Bloodforge's passive is that it allows you to actually make a gamble to jump in (even as a squishier god) to try to secure a kill...and if that gamble pays off, you get that shield to help you live a bit longer.

    Anyway, part of your passive proposal is to sort of turn it into the physical version of Book of the Dead. That concept is cool in theory. But I think the rest of the stats are just way too blown out when considered altogether at that price (or increasing the price, which again when talking about DB's points, I feel is a no-no). The power is high, even dropping it 10...20% attack speed more than makes up for a 10 power drop and a 3% lifesteal drop. THEN throw in the passive added health (which now doesn't require a kill to be built, AND gets refreshed if you DO get a kill? But you don't get the 10% move speed, big f'ing deal), and you're looking at a massively OP item, at least in my estimation.

    How to fix? No refresh on the passive with a kill...make it work exactly like BotD. If you're really sold on adding attack speed, drop the power to 50. That might help, but might need more tweaks than that.

  • Odysseus' Bow:, okay, you can dream. It's your concept =P

So...again, really like people like you proposing different ideas, and hope you don't take offense to my analysis. No insult intended, and maybe I'm stupid with my own thoughts.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pure Panphobia » August 11, 2017 1:51pm | Report
@Branmuffin17 You make a good point and after some further thought, I've edited items further. DB power put back to current. Rage untouched. Bloodforge down to 55 power, Attack speed dropped to 15% from 20.

Pure Panphobia

Notable (1)
Posts: 9

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