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God Balances and improvements ideas!

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Balances and improvements ideas! 30 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orsin » July 2, 2015 7:13pm | Report
NEW- Alright, so what i like to share about my improvement idea is to have something to indicate how much health BARS you have. I know that you can enable the setting to see your own health bar above your god, but that just gets in the way. So instead of doing that, i would like to see Hi Rez add the feature to your health bar on the bottom middle of the screen, which would to add lines to see how much your health ACTUALLY looks like without getting in the way.(every bar of health is 100 hp) We can see the enemies health BARS in his health but not our own unless we enable the floating health bar above our gods heads. Another thing that would be a cool change is that instead of trying to figure out how much the enemy's HP is left by using the small-hard to see lines that a enemy or ally ymir with 4k health has, use numbers instead. Lol, it says how much exact health we have in our health but not in the enemies health. Yes i could agree that the idea would be a little cheap about using numbers instead of Bars to see how much exactly their health is, but shouldn't it AT LEAST show the numbers for our allies? I wouldn't mind seeing how much of our ymir's health is specifically instead of asking him.

This statement is for Conquest League players only. What i really think Leagues need is a list of rules, we all had those moments where we play with players who think that its "whoever calls first for roles", the truth is that it isn't, it is "Order pick", right???...well no, there are no rules that i'm aware of that states, "Order pick for roles". All i know so far about Leagues is that its more "professional" for gamers who want better experience...What i'm saying is that Hi Rez NEEDS to add a rule book.

We all should have those issues when we try to whisper to someone during game but that specific player has some weird symbol or letter in their name. Also it is a bit difficult to remember names with a lot of numbers or long names in general, so i think it would be useful to add a whisper icon when you access the scoreboard in game. Also i would agree that the main reason you would want to message the enemy team is to trash/gloat etc, but there are other reasons. Example, i was playing a joust 3v3, our whole team including me were lagging, we wanted to see if the enemy was lagging too, but all three of them were in a clan with the same name...(but with a few litters different). all of them had weird symbols.

Alright, so what really annoys me is the fact that every game i lose, i hear this word, "report". it bothers me so much that they can't handle a loss, its like they expect to win every game. What i want is to take this "report" more seriously. I want them to really wanna report someone instead of just saying the word report just because they got mad at someone for not look up to their expectation. Maybe to adjust the rules to make it more specific, or making it where it costs 5k favor to report someone, making them think, "is it really worth reporting someone just for a bad game". now some are INDEED trollers, but the likely-ness of that happening is low, i don't really see trollers just bad players.

Another issue we have is when fighting Geb and Odin, they both have 1 thing in common, instant health, or shield. We all have those moments where they escape with 2 hp left. I would think adding a delay to those shields would make people focus on timing and predicting the shields instead on casting it under fire. this also could prevent Geb to waste a shield on him self and would want to use that special ability for others. All i'm trying to do is force people to skill shot or skill time their abilities.

Alright so we all know how "balanced" Leagues are right? well im not to complain about getting a silver rank in my team when im plat rank, im here to complain that i get +6 tp when i play a 50 min game, and lose a -12 tp in a 30 min game...I talked to Hi Rez about this and they said this, "The TP gain and loss is based on your performance compared to the other players in the match" So your saying if i get a drunk teammates(which i had) and we lose, i deserve -12 or more tp just because of HIS performance? My "performance" is pretty good most of the time, i don't go 0-9 as ao kaung...or 0-12 mercury...Anyway, my idea to fix this is to remake the elo system. Smite is a TEAM based game, or at least conquest is, and if we have a 2000 elo in a team with 1500 elo, the odds are winning are low. so does that make it fair for that 2000 elo to become 1500 elo? this makes everyone become less than 1500 elo, people who are in diamonds and masters usually get good teammates. Smite is like a capitalist game where the poor gets poorer while the rich gets richer, for this instance elo. This might be a bad analogy but every game i play i hear someone talk about this "unfair" elo system, but hi rez chooses to make 600 gem skins instead. I don't know a exact "solution" to this but Hi Rez does. For me its kinda impossible to achieve better ranks when this current elo system. And remember, no matter how MLG you are, if your team is a trash bag, you won't win, because its a team based game and you will suffer based off of others, maybe the elo should be based on your performance. Example, everyone goes negative in K/D besides me, i get -2 tp while others get -12 or something.

Some say smite is a "skill based" game, which is true compared to other MOBA games. But there are some abilities that make the game a press a button and it happens. Nu wa's ult is what i'm talking about, its not skill based at all. People try very hard to aim their ultimate's while
Nu Wa presses 4 and hits everyone. I would like to add a small mini game for when she ults, very similar to Ne Zha's ultimate how it requires to do something on the screen in order to do more damage. I was thinking that maybe the player has 3 seconds to click on every enemy on the map to pin-point them and damage them on the map.

Now, i'm only talking to loki players, not people who fight against loki's. You guys know how you ult someone who is very low but then fails? The time when someone jumps, teleports as soon as you ult, you can see the animation for it but doesn't register the stun or damage. Now you may think, "but who cares"? "Why does this matter"? Well you know when a loki ults a god who's dashing and "follows" that god? The moment when Mercury ults across the map as soon as loki ults the Mercury, they both go across the map. Why does it allow loki to damage mercury with a 90 sec CD but not a Hun Bats who uses a ability with a 10 sec CD? So making it where loki CAN ult someone who jumps as soon as loki ults happen and registers the damage and or stun, would make it balanced. If not, AT LEAST give loki's ultimate back :/ PLZ check this video if your confused and watch it at 10:42 AND REMEMBER THIS, FREYA IS CC IMMUNE IN HER ULT BUT NOT DAMAGE IMMUNE.

Many people would AND will disagree with this. We all remember the days as Ao Kaung or i mean...Kukulkan has the favorite tornado that everyone loves!...well ever since they nerfed the tornado it kinda made Kukulkan useless or less scary, it made him rely on his ult a bit more too. People say that "OMG DAT TORNADO DID LIIKKKE 3/4 OF MY HEALTH!!" well lets see the other gods who does 3/4 your health...Loki, Odin, Ao Kaung, hunters, Scylla, Thanatos, Poseidon any many others...Here's the truth, Kukulkan RELIES on his tornadoes to do damage. I'm basically saying to bring his old tornadoes back. Even though Kukulkan has a slow, and a damaging ult, its still not enough to finish someone or without the ult at least and that's saying if you can even hit it. Like most gods, they have 2 normal damaging abilities, 1 buff ability, and 1 ult. if you remove the tornadoes then he has his 1 and 4 to rely on kills...yeah that's not going to work.

Medusa is a great cool god. She is one of the first to be a assassin mixed with a hunter. But she has one problem and that is her ult. I have smite on the Xbox One, and when i fight a Medusa she is way better then on PC. The reason to this is because when she ults, on PC you are able to turn around faster than she can actually stun you. On Xbox, for when she ults it takes time to turn around (unless you go full sensitivity but whatever nerf/patch happens on the PC will happen on the Xbox). So to fix this problem i would like Hi Rez to make it where the user's sensitivity DECREASES AND your screen lights up like Ra's 2 when Medusa ults in a specific range in front of her, something like a aura but only in the front. (Also giving another god with a "flash bang" ability gives more ways to play smite).If you think that Hi Rez is unable to do this well i will disagree since they can make it where you look in a different location when Hade's silences or Mercury ults you.

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my statements by replying, thank you.
More will come later :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 3, 2015 11:07am | Report
Orsin wrote:

We all should have those issues when we try to whisper to someone during game but that specific player has some weird symbol or letter in their name. Also it is a bit difficult to remember names with a lot of numbers or long names in general, so i think it would be useful to add a whisper icon when you access the scoreboard in game.

Terrible idea because this would mostly be used for trash talking. Smite doesn't have an all-chat because of that reason. so don't maske it easier for people to trash talk others.

Orsin wrote:

Some say smite is a "skill based" game, which is true compared to other MOBA games. But there are some abilities that make the game a press a button and it happens. Nu wa's ult is what i'm talking about, its not skill based at all. People try very hard to aim their ultimate's while
Nu Wa presses 4 and hits everyone. I would like to add a small mini game for when she ults, very similar to Ne Zha's ultimate how it requires to click on a specific area of the screen at the right moment.

we al want old wa back instead of new wa. Also for Ne Zha ulty you can click anywhere on the screen.

Orsin wrote:

Now, i'm only talking to loki players, not people who fight against loki's. You guys know how you ult someone who is very low but then fails? The time when someone jumps, teleports as soon as you ult, you can see the animation for it but doesn't register the stun or damage. Now you may think, "but who cares"? "Why does this matter"? Well you know when a loki ults a god who's dashing and "follows" that god? The moment when Mercury ults across the map as soon as loki ults the Mercury, they both go across the map. Why does it allow loki to damage mercury with a 90 sec CD but not a Hun Bats who uses a ability with a 10 sec CD? So making it where loki CAN ult someone who jumps as soon as loki ults happen and registers the damage and or stun, would make it balanced. If not, AT LEAST give loki's ultimate back :/

I don't really get this point is this about Loki ulting a merc that's ulting and then teleports to him but doesn't stun him or damage him or is it about him porting while HB 3 doesn't portal to that merc (maybe you were to slow with the port to your 3 as you go to the last hit unit or the time window expired)

Orsin wrote:

Many people would AND will disagree with this. We all remember the days as Ao Kaung or i mean...Kukulkan has the favorite tornado that everyone loves!...well ever since they nerfed the tornado it kinda made Kukulkan useless or less scary, it made him rely on his ult a bit more too. People say that "OMG DAT TORNADO DID LIIKKKE 3/4 OF MY HEALTH!!" well lets see the other gods who does 3/4 your health...Loki, Odin, Ao Kaung, hunters, Scylla, Thanatos, Poseidon any many others...Here's the truth, Kukulkan RELIES on his tornadoes to do damage. I'm basically saying to bring his old tornadoes back.

everyone here disagree with this as the damage tornodoes did earlier was ridiculous (it got overnerfed though) also most of your examples use multiple abilities (loki odin new ao scylla) and the others won't keep that up. also in comparison to poseidon kkk got a better 1. (also talking about loki loki is meant as someone who can 100-0 squishies but can't do anything after that)

Orsin wrote:

Medusa is a great cool god. She is one of the first to be a assassin mixed with a hunter. But she has one problem and that is her ult. I have smite on the Xbox One, and when i fight a Medusa she is way better then on PC. The reason to this is because when she ults, on PC you are able to turn around faster than she can actually stun you. On Xbox, for when she ults it takes time to turn around (unless you go full sensitivity but whatever nerf/patch happens on the PC will happen on the Xbox). So to fix this problem i would like Hi Rez to make it where the user's sensitivity DECREASES AND your screen lights up like Ra's 2 when Medusa ults in a specific range in front of her, something like a aura but only in the front. (Also giving another god with a "flash bang" ability gives more ways to play smite).If you think that Hi Rez is unable to do this well i will disagree since they can make it where you look in a different location when Hade's silences or Mercury ults you.

Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my statements by replying, thank you.
More will come later :D

I don't know how xbone dusa works but IMO you have plenty of time and otherwise they should just make the delay longer. also remember xbone is way behind the pc version (with 2-3 patches)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orsin » July 3, 2015 11:53am | Report
Yes the main reason you want to PM someone is to trash talk, but if that is the case you can always block them.

i dont want the old nu wa back, im just saying that i want her ult to be more skilled base

okay what im talking about loki is that when he ults an enemy, and the enemy jumps or away, its shows the animation of the assassination but doesnt apply the damage or stun, while if you ult mercury as soon as he ults across the map, the damage applies and gives u the chance to kill him. If you still don't get what im trying to say then go to this video here at and watch it starting at 10:42. The video is old but the bug or glitch still happens today, i main loki so i would know :/

Like i said about kukulkan and his tornadoes, i believe they should be back, because thats his main damage, if u nerf that then you mind as well give him a re kit.

For medusa, yes the xbox is behind a few patches but when it comes to turning around and avoiding her ult completely is a different story, on smite pc, i never get stunned by medusa, unless she ults as soon as she comes out of the corner. i think they should make her ult easier to stun people.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » July 3, 2015 2:03pm | Report
You can't block in-game, so that would also have to be changed.

Nu Wa's ult is used as a temporary escape, a finisher, and vision coverage, not actual damage. There's no need for it to be skill-based, especially when it's so difficult to use the rest of her kit correctly.

I don't even know what you're talking about with Loki. It's a skillshot. It doesn't lock onto people, so if someone jumps away, yes, you won't hit. Just like any other skillshot. Ravana's ult, Mystic Rush, does lock on, and DMBrandon proved just how glitchy and bad that can be.

Kukulkan has one of the highest damaging ults in the game, his 1 has an insane slow and short cooldown, he has an escape of sorts, and his tornadoes are good at zoning. He does not need a rekit. He also does not need to do half of someone's health with one tornado, like old Ao Kuang.

Hunters like Medusa should not have that enormous CC. Other hunters only have conditional stuns: Impale, Ricochet + Mark of the Golden Crow, et cetera. If you give a hunter a free 2s stun, that hunter immediately becomes BROKEN. Auto attacks and crit are too good; a 2s stun would be instant death.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » July 3, 2015 2:03pm | Report
Also, FYI, Medusa is nowhere near being an assassin/hunter. The closest gods to that archetype are Freya and Ullr.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orsin » July 3, 2015 4:53pm | Report
Like i said, go to and watch it starting at 10:42. this explains who loki's ult needs some tweaking.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » July 3, 2015 7:47pm | Report
Um. Assassinate is an ability that stuns THEN does damage. If the player targeted with Assassinate becomes CC immune AND damage-immune (aka Valkyrie's Discretion, Lord of the Afterlife, Rising Jaguar, or other such abilities), then Assassinate goes off, since you can still target. It's a rare, frustrating occurrence that still works and still makes Loki work. Changing his ultimate, or really his kit, in any way, has the possibility of breaking him, and none of us want a broken Loki.

(also, side note, that video is from the winter of 2014; bit outdated. The "issue" still exists, though)
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"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’"
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 4, 2015 1:21am | Report
FemFatalis wrote:

Um. Assassinate is an ability that stuns THEN does damage. If the player targeted with Assassinate becomes CC immune AND damage-immune (aka Valkyrie's Discretion, Lord of the Afterlife, Rising Jaguar, or other such abilities), then Assassinate goes off, since you can still target. It's a rare, frustrating occurrence that still works and still makes Loki work. Changing his ultimate, or really his kit, in any way, has the possibility of breaking him, and none of us want a broken Loki.

(also, side note, that video is from the winter of 2014; bit outdated. The "issue" still exists, though)

I'm not even sure what you're saying, but:

Loki is a mess, gameplay wise, as he's an assassin who can't fulfill his basic function properly without his ultimate. He won't "turn broken," he already is broken.

He's a god with literally no counterplay. His ult is undodgeable, his kit has no way of detection, his decoy is useless as an actual decoy and yet, this uncounterable-ness is all that keeps him afloat.

Also, you can't hit Freya with assassinate when she's ulted. You'll just warp to where she is, but she's untargetable.

Rising Jaguar makes you CC immune but not damage immune.

Lord of the Afterlife is similar.

So...I have no idea what you're saying.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 4, 2015 5:37am | Report
Here's how I'd fix Loki.

Passive unchanged.

His decoy spawns a perfect clone of him that deals 5/10/15/20/25% damage. It will follow and attack like normal, granting vision like an allied god, having his exact amount of health and such, and dies when hit by hard CC. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Vanish now only has damage reduction and a 30/40/50/60/70% speed boost for 1 second, and stealths for 4 seconds. Next basic attack silences target for 1 second. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

VISION WARDS - uh, I mean, "sentry wards," now reveal all forms of stealth, because this is what counterplay looks like and you miserable sods need to get used to it.

Aimed Strike's damage is now 40/60/80/100/120 (+50% of your physical power) and resets your basic attack timer. Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds. Now affected by passive. Bonus damage cannot crit.

His new ultimate is Trickster. Using this ability lets you copy another basic ability (press 4 then 1/2/3), based on the ultimate's level. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Aimed Strike deals 13/16/19/22/25% of the target's current health as bonus damage.

Vanish slows the target by 20/25/30/35/40% for 3 seconds.

Decoy now teleports you to Decoy's location, putting a decoy in your former location.

To be clear, these are not actually

Loki no longer needs Assassinate since he has two Vanishes. He has plenty of damage in two Aimed Strikes, and Decoy is now incredibly useful as an actual decoy, especially when you can spawn two, especially when both decoys deal damage.

The downside is that you can't do all of these things as once.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » July 4, 2015 6:35am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Loki is a mess, gameplay wise, as he's an assassin who can't fulfill his basic function properly without his ultimate. He won't "turn broken," he already is broken.

He's a god with literally no counterplay. His ult is undodgeable, his kit has no way of detection, his decoy is useless as an actual decoy and yet, this uncounterable-ness is all that keeps him afloat.

Sub have you ever played with/against Loki? I know there are a lot of broken gods in smite and a lot that are just redundant but Loki's kit is honestly fine. He's mostly a split pusher, not a jungler hence why his "basic function" isn't really the same as a lot of other assassins. He's best at pushing towers quickly and forcing the other team to pay attention to him or lose lanes, all while being able to escape without dying, (much like Apollo). While he's not doing that, his main purpose is to take out those on the fringes of a teamfight, but even THAT isn't his main purpose, and it never has been.

Aside from that, he does have counterplay. All of his abilities are the loudest in the game and there are plenty of items that allow you to counterplay him ( Mystical Mail for detection, Greater Purification + Aegis Pendant for his ultimate, etc) as well as gods which just naturally counter him (eg: ANY aoe stun or damaging root).

While your "new Loki" is an interesting idea, it's unnecessary. Spend your time fixing the actually broken gods.
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