So I was playing a match with a friend yesterday in conquest. I was Serqet jungle and he was Zeus mid. I got 4 quadras. But the 4 quadras isn't the stat I wanted to share. It's the fact my friend stole the last kill on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I could have gotten 4 pentas, but my friend just denied the **** out of me. Bravo friend. Bravo.
Favorite Roles: Jungle, Mid
Favorite Gods: Sun Wukong, Loki, Thanatos, Ares
Never give up, because you move like a jaguar.
So I was playing a match with a friend yesterday in conquest. I was Serqet jungle and he was Zeus mid. I got 4 quadras. But the 4 quadras isn't the stat I wanted to share. It's the fact my friend stole the last kill on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. I could have gotten 4 pentas, but my friend just denied the **** out of me. Bravo friend. Bravo.
It's better to have just enemies than such friends :D
Today, after around four months of playing this game, I got my first Pentakill. It was in Assault, and I did it with my main character, Thanatos. I had been given Guan Yu at the start, but I was lucky enough to trade with someone before the game started.
It was such a great feeling, because my team was spamming emotes in chat and congratulating me after I did it. The other team ended up conceding soon after that.
Okay so I was playing Jungle Thanatos. We had a really sweet team but our herc and our agni raged because they were going 0/10+ so it was neith, myself and Odin. 3v5? you're done. It's over for you. I will admit they didn't DC straight away but they DC'ed before the 5 minute mark. and no towers where being pushed. What ended up happening was Odin would defend and Neith and I would just go ham on one lane together. anyways it came down to both teams having no towers. So Neith and I attacked one phoenix and destroyed it, so while they where busy defending right lane we attacked left lane. This left them with two phoenixes down and by the time we had two phoenixes destroyed they had gotten out titan down to such little health. By the ned, we had two pheonixes down and lucky we had a great odin who was defending the titan against a suicide Apollo. We ended up getting the win after neith and i went and got outselves some red pots each and then just went ham on the titan. We ended up winning just as odin had to retreat and they were pushing. 3v5 victory. Best game ever.
WOW IM HAVING A GREAT STREAK OF CLUTCH MOMENTS! We were going 4v5 and they had all of our towers down and we had taken noneof theirs. But apparently they couldn't get ontp our base. Our team fed and fed and fed off of these suicidal Mages and squishies until we got enough items and levels to start pushing. The tank distracted in middle whilst the adc and the Jungler (myself) pushed the duo whilst chaac pushed solo. It was amazingly easy as they were all occupied on pushing mid. Then we took their towers on both side lanes, then when they went to go DEFEND the side lanes. We all pushed middle. Then the towers were even. We split push and managed to finally after 5 minutes get a pheonix down. The we got the other two eaisier as there were more people to attack with. That final push on titan as our titan was being oushed and on almost no HP was brilliant, we just kille dit before they got through our base. Probably game of my life, just breaking through numbers, odds and the expectation. And BTW this was mainly possible because I had the whole team in curse. Seriously download and use curse if you can, it wins games.
and this happened except it was 3 ao kuangs. It was like 120 tickets to like 4 or something like that and THEN EVERYONE DISCONNECTED AND IT'S NOT A RECORDED PENTA
and this happened except it was 3 ao kuangs. It was like 120 tickets to like 4 or something like that and THEN EVERYONE DISCONNECTED AND IT'S NOT A RECORDED PENTA
This match was just awesome. Winning against a very, VERY FED enemy is worthy of this thread I thought.
We had a bad start, one Batz got very fed, like 2 shooting everyone level of fed. Both phoenixes were down when the surrender vote started and we were getting wrecked. I did my part of feeding him as well, died two times to him.
But after spamming a good chunk of VVVG (group up), we started to group, help eachother and focus the fed Batz, we started to really play like a team. The last fight was a good play by our side and we won by focusing the titan as soon as we broke into their base instead of focusing the enemies. It was a nice game overall and I'm starting to like Siege.
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Favorite Gods: Sun Wukong, Loki, Thanatos, Ares
Never give up, because you move like a jaguar.
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