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Loki Rework! Thoughts?

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Forum » General Discussion » Loki Rework! Thoughts? 20 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 22, 2020 12:42pm | Report
I don't like the animation for the 3. 5 horizontal slashes...they could have made a bit better flourish animation by slightly adjusting angles for the slashes. That's my main complaint XD

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jaymac » September 27, 2020 7:19pm | Report
so in my opinion i feel that this rework is a very lacklustre rework when you think about it as this is a very new player friendly band aid, loki isnt a hard god to counter and it actually has alot of teaching points for new players such as the importance of relic usage map awareness ward positioning and the importance of sound, but i feel that all that would have been needed was a change to the decoy to reduce the amount of straight up split pushing and reliance on ignoring any people, i feel personally he was in a good place in jungle and dont really get that people think he isnt that viable considering he embodies the nature of an assassin getting into the back line blowing up the squishy targets and hopefully getting out, no different to any other assassin really (if the decoy wasnt a thing)they claimed in the showing they did that the stealth nerf will help new players to follow damage numbers but as has been pointed out by so many who have talked on this it dosnt do that as all they will follow is the apparitions of his body the blind is very hard to get any use out of and yes they have reverted the change to the post fire so you can auto reset with the 2 but still this is a long way from loki being balanced i feel like were about to begin on a road of raijin syndrome, some ideas i have (to help the situation) his 2 in the rework doesn't have enough damage and will almost be used only as an auto reset it either needs a slow maybe something like a staking slow something along the lines of artio's slow that way you as the loki would be forced to position it properly and still leaving room for counter play but the damage is almost negligible, the 3 i think is in a good spot damage wise but it seems far to easy to just keep him at a little over arms length and avoid maybe allowing for an awilix style 3 where from behind it could slow on all hits stacking up to the final hit 30% slow or simply making it a much faster ability (if you have ever played eso think the dual wield flurry skill)and his ult animation takes so long that the stun is effectively useless for yourself forcing the need for follow up on your ult just leave the ult as currently is as its not the problem, inconclusion unfair for loki players pandering to new players to much and completely undermining the archetypical assassin playstyle


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jaymac » September 27, 2020 7:26pm | Report
Big Damage wrote:

I saw Fineokay in PTS play Loki solo and he demolished the game, albeit he wasn't really doing a very solo/frontline build but he still was somewhat tanky.

yes but one thing to take into consideration this is a proplayer who is arguably one of the best in the world against a random on the same character who wont learn the character as well as fineo, and the whole point of the rework is supposed to be bringing him back to the jungle not making him a frontline god


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jaymac » September 27, 2020 7:39pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

His new 3 kinda sucks outside of jungle clear

for the speed start with your 2 stand behind the spawn point and rev up your autos to hit ure last auto in the progression on the big minion as it spawns and then 2 and auto it down is much faster than the 3, simple nuances like this really good loki players have been doing for years, most of what you see im assuming is people who are amazing smite players all round but obviously don't know every little detail about every character


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jaymac » September 27, 2020 7:44pm | Report
Draisaitl wrote:

I've been tuning out all the Loki mains crying about it. I think the rework is good. Some small tweaks could be made to make him a little better (maybe making the 3 like 1 or 2 less ticks and distribute the missing damage between the other hits), but I like it and think it will make him just as viable as any other meta Assassin, not only for back-line dive but for team fights in general.

as one of the few people who are mains of this god who is very excited to try the nerfs out i do agree with your points, one of the key things is they need time to work the numbers out to make him viable in his new state in my opinion, and also all the crying loki mains just prove the point that this community dosnt help its self not enough people play the pts or contribute information in the correct way and then they get annoyed when the dont feel heard well what do you expect when all you do is ***** about this stuff to people like yourself offering an opinion and a constructive idea along side it


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » September 27, 2020 10:41pm | Report
jaymac wrote:

yes but one thing to take into consideration this is a proplayer who is arguably one of the best in the world against a random on the same character who wont learn the character as well as fineo, and the whole point of the rework is supposed to be bringing him back to the jungle not making him a frontline god

Well that's obvious. I was just stating that it had happened because S7evin424 asked if he had Solo potential. I haven't played PTS so I have no other information on Loki solo other than that one game I saw Fineokay upload to YouTube.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 28, 2020 5:09am | Report
jaymac wrote:

for the speed start with your 2 stand behind the spawn point and rev up your autos to hit ure last auto in the progression on the big minion as it spawns and then 2 and auto it down is much faster than the 3, simple nuances like this really good loki players have been doing for years, most of what you see im assuming is people who are amazing smite players all round but obviously don't know every little detail about every character

The clear from the new 2 (which doesen’t taunt camps) is garbage, doesen’t matter if you can auto cancel with it you should still start the 3.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 29, 2020 5:25am | Report
jaymac wrote:

so in my opinion i feel that this rework is a very lacklustre rework when you think about it as this is a very new player friendly band aid, loki isnt a hard god to counter and it actually has alot of teaching points for new players such as the importance of relic usage map awareness ward positioning and the importance of sound, but i feel that all that would have been needed was a change to the decoy to reduce the amount of straight up split pushing and reliance on ignoring any people

I can see where you're coming from but honestly Loki's kit has not aged very well with the game. Loki has been getting worse and worse on the tier list as the game progresses into these super long drawn out 30 minute games with team comps designed for big CC combos where the entire team gets involved in chaining attacks. Loki doesn't fit into the way the game is being played anymore.

I've seen games where Loki can go off for 15 kills and 6 deaths while they demolish new players but higher up the ranked ladder the worst of a pick he becomes. A lot of junglers don't exactly participate in team fights either but they have some sort of utility that makes them good picks. I think Fenrir is about as close to Loki as possible. They both dominate early on and can destroy people who aren't building anything to help defend ganks. They both fall off massively late game but Fenrir at least has his ultimate which can be used in teamfights so he has some utility. Loki falls off late game because most people will start getting mantle of discord, magi cloak and so on where he's going to get countered. Maybe he can go in ultimate and hopefully kill one person during a team fight then either die or run away to go split push while everything is on cooldown so it still turns into a 4v4 no matter what. And that's if everything goes right, he still doesn't provide an advantage for his team.

I do agree about the learning point. I hope they make this kit still dominate against unprepared players so they can learn what counter building is, but at the same time I would love to see Loki also be helpful in teamfights and have even just the littlest of teamwork available to him. I'm sure they'll tweak some of the kit's numbers and damage after they get some feedback on it once it's released.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » September 29, 2020 7:44am | Report
jaymac wrote:

unfair for loki players pandering to new players to much and completely undermining the archetypical assassin playstyle

So uhm not to make you mad, however this change was not because of new players not knowing how to play vs him. The whole reason for this rework had to do with how unfun loki is perceived as by most of the community. Both for playing him (apart from the dedicated loki mains) and against him.

While I have to say this new kit kinda took away his identity and turned him in a mainstream assassin, his old kit was just more annoying to play against as most loki's would just decoy Vanish and run away. The only time they won't was if they could kill you with either ult or one aimed strike. This would make for boring laning phases if you're against a loki. Jungle loki's were better to play against until they also start the "ratting" gameplay. Honestly the only fun I have had is when Im playing support and manage to "discard" the enemy loki from the game by just reacting on time to safe my carry.

Playing as loki can be hella fun, however if you're not fed he feels so useless as your chance to kill is to low or takes to long ending in you also being out of the fight. Or you just go splitpush as during the late game teamfights he is just low impact. This makes other assassins better picks


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » October 6, 2020 5:44pm | Report
Oof Loki crit build is filthy. I might actually start playing him.


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