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Loki Rework! Thoughts?

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Forum » General Discussion » Loki Rework! Thoughts? 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 20, 2020 3:46am | Report
I'm super excited Loki is gone and seeing his rework he looks like an entirely new character. He has AoE damage, a blinding attack and his ultimate looks flashy. Not too mention the animation on the AoE looks badass. What your guys's thoughts on it? Teamfight Loki who might be useful in jungle now? Or you think he might have a solo/mid possibility with that new kit?

If you haven't seen his new kit here's a video I found on YouTube that doesn't have a 5 minute intro asking for subs and doing giveaways.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » September 20, 2020 7:13am | Report
I saw Fineokay in PTS play Loki solo and he demolished the game, albeit he wasn't really doing a very solo/frontline build but he still was somewhat tanky.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 20, 2020 7:49am | Report
Big Damage wrote:

I saw Fineokay in PTS play Loki solo and he demolished the game, albeit he wasn't really doing a very solo/frontline build but he still was somewhat tanky.

Really? Interesting... I'll take a tanky solo Loki over support Loki any day of the week.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TangoDownY3k » September 20, 2020 2:22pm | Report
I'm very excited about this rework. I am quite impressed with how Hi-Rez managed to include more room for counter-play while avoiding an outright nerf. Loki fits into the dynamic of Smite much more fluidly now. I also feel like there is now a much higher skill ceiling for Loki, so I am excited to see how people will adapt to these changes.

One thing that concerns me is his almost underwhelming damage. During the first rework showcase, I took note of the insane amount of crit potential Loki was given. At first I thought it was actually gonna make the situation worse, yet upon seeing him in action, it seems like none of that is really coming to fruition. In a recent DukeSloth video, he was up 7 levels up on a kali and his only real damage came from a hydra's proc (the kali still got away).

Despite that, I am currently disagreeing with the consensus that his agonizing visions needs a slow. I think it's fine without it rn.

Overall, I think this was insanely needed, and Hi-Rez did a great job of making Loki viable. I'm looking forward to any further adjustments.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 20, 2020 2:28pm | Report
His new 3 kinda sucks outside of jungle clear


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 20, 2020 3:30pm | Report
TangoDownY3k wrote:

Loki fits into the dynamic of Smite much more fluidly now. I also feel like there is now a much higher skill ceiling for Loki, so I am excited to see how people will adapt to these changes.

One thing that concerns me is his almost underwhelming damage.

Overall, I think this was insanely needed, and Hi-Rez did a great job of making Loki viable. I'm looking forward to any further adjustments.

Yeah everyone who's played him said the same thing about him being harder to use so I'm curious to see what that skill gap is going to look like at higher levels of play. Cause his moves look flashy asf and Loki popping off with that kit will look beautiful. Also excited to see all the builds to try with him. I think auto attacks might be the route still for him in which case Frostbound Hammer might help keep people in that AoE? Either way I like how the rework was done. I will miss doing this to Loki players though...

Kriega1 wrote:

His new 3 kinda sucks outside of jungle clear

Yeah unless it does really good damage I don't see that coming in handy for anything but PvE.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 22, 2020 5:30am | Report
So, Loki auto-reset is officially dead?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 22, 2020 5:37am | Report
There's more changes to Loki post pts


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 22, 2020 6:37am | Report
Yes I know, they mentioned it, however I doubt we are going to see any major changes on his kit, probably number changes and some stuffs like that. HR also confirmed he will be Knock immune while using his 3.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Draisaitl » September 22, 2020 12:12pm | Report
I've been tuning out all the Loki mains crying about it. I think the rework is good. Some small tweaks could be made to make him a little better (maybe making the 3 like 1 or 2 less ticks and distribute the missing damage between the other hits), but I like it and think it will make him just as viable as any other meta Assassin, not only for back-line dive but for team fights in general.


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