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Forum » General Discussion » Brand New. 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Xxxjuicewrld999 » July 5, 2022 1:03am | Report
Hello everyone I'm brand new to the game and I enjoy playing as sol. I was hoping I can get so!e advice on what to really do here. Its kinda confusing


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 5, 2022 3:06pm | Report
Hi Juice,

Welcome to the game, to our site, and to playing Sol. I'm going to point out a couple of different things that I hope will be helpful in combination.
  • This guide by Ele gives some good the body of the guide to get some ideas. However, that build is not updated.

  • Build: How you want to build will partially depend on the game mode you're playing. If you're playing in Arena, certain items may be more important to that constant teamfight mode than they would be in a longer, bigger mode like Conquest. AND, if you're playing in Conquest, you might actually build a bit differently if you're playing her as ADC vs Mid-Lane. If you can give us some further details about what mode you play, that might help us better direct you.

    That said, here are a couple of builds for you to try if you don't know what to build:

    - Mid build w/ a bit more focus on early mana sustain and a bit more ability use: Sands of Time (upgrade to Pendulum of Ages at level 20 -> Spear of the Magus -> Charon's Coin -> Typhon's Fang -> Nimble Rod of Tahuti -> Telkhines Ring

    - ADC build: Gilded Arrow (upgrade to Diamond Arrow at level 20) -> Ring of Hecate -> Typhon's Fang -> Nimble Rod of Tahuti -> Telkhines Ring -> Obsidian Shard

    You will almost always get the same relics... Purification Beads (upgraded to Temporal Beads later) and Aegis Amulet (upgraded to Aegis of Acceleration later)
  • Here is a gameplay video in Conquest by pro player Zapman. This was from 2 months ago, so probably more important to see how he plays her and uses her abilities than focusing on the build.

  • The one biggest piece of advice I would give to newer players is when a god has an escape of some type (dash, leap, or in Sol's case, her Disapparate), always, always save it for when you're in potential trouble. While activating it gives you some movement speed and it might be tempting to use it to get somewhere faster, don't use it unless you anticipate incoming damage you can't avoid. In the case of Disapparate, you also have to anticipate, since your immunity to damage doesn't come until 3 seconds after activation.
Hope this helps!

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