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About Meditation

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Forum » General Discussion » About Meditation 33 posts - page 2 of 4

Poll Question:

Is meditation good?
Good, very good
Good, but purification, aegis, combat blinks are better options
Very bad, never buy it
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 4, 2013 7:03pm | Report
People who think meditation is bad are pretty dumb, mana pots/hp pots are good for early game and thats about it HEHEHEHEHEHHEHE

You won't be laughing when you try killing sobek, then he uses meditation to get hp back and gets away.

Will you now? You also won't be laughing when Zeus restores almost all his mana back in and instant will you now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 4, 2013 7:07pm | Report
You should get it in assault and never at any other point.

There's just no reason to ever get it in conquest. The ADC and solo laner will have blue buff for the majority of the game, the jungler gets free mana regen from Bumba's Mask, and the tank 'needs' to have Hand of the Gods and Eye of Providence. For the mid laner, Vampire's Shroud provides you with all the mana sustainability you should need. You're getting 60 mana every creep wave in addition to your MP5. Just don't spam spells like crazy. Most mid laners clear completely in one spell.

There are just so many better actives to get. Purification Beads are necessary on pretty much any squishy, and Aegis Amulet or Combat Blink are very helpful in keeping you alive when you're being focused; way more helpful than 30% HP or whatever it is. 30% HP is equivalent to half of a Merc punch. You're still dead if you're in a bad spot.

I generally dislike Teleport to Towers on a mid laner for the same reason that I dislike med, but it's a much better active for help with sustain than Meditation is. You can fully heal health and mana every 60 seconds, while having what amounts to a global ult at the same time. There's literally no reason to ever get Meditation when Teleport3 is so broken. If you want it for the instant 30% health in battle, just get one of the actives actually for battle.

Melee gods usually have Hand of the Gods (later into Fist,) so you can't afford to waste an active slot. It's just so easy to focus someone without beads. And you lose a lot of mobility if you skip on Blink. You're crippling yourself if you skip both.

Meditation is a crutch that allows people to mindlessly use skills. Use skills wisely and you'll be surprised at how unnecessary it really is. It's really not that hard to find a good spot to back, or to sustain in lane for a while.

That's not to say that you're terrible if you get it. We're talking about one active slot being used poorly. If you're better than your opponent, you're still going to win. Just when all else is equal, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage for no reason.


Remarkable (5)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 4, 2013 10:14pm | Report
Why to use meditation

Do you feel confident that you don't need beads or aegis? yes well then meditation might be a GREAT pick. Do you notice that you are not getting CC'd? Do you notice that you are fed to ****ing hell?
Meditation might be your pick then!!! Do you feel like you want to spam? Would you love some instant almost full mana and some hp back instantly to spam and survive longer? Well we have that too!

Solo lane

Both get blue buff at the start of the game, oh guess what it runs out soooo....
who do you think has the upperhand now????
That answer is the person with meditation meanwhile the other person has to go back and waste gold on TELEPORT just to come back.

This is not a theory its just a fact, meditation is underrated item that people like to pick on because its associated with the "SPAM MENTALITY" and people think that "spam mentality is for noobs" when its not.

Its basic common sense that, more mana to spam is much better than having less mana to spam its not even debatable. Its also not even debatable that someone with more mana will out lane someone who runs out of mana. Its also non debatable that 30% extra instant hp does save people from death and that instant mana can get you your skill back to escape certain deaths.

Now that we covered the facts and not the "nub association with the item" lets look at a real game. I don't play conquest much anymore because of fps but when I do I always spam hercules if I go solo, and I SOMETIMES pick up meditation and I RARELY lose solo with hercules.

**** I was even playing with all4games the onetime with like ****in 14fps and I still didn't lose with solo herc. Now lets see what happens in a real game.

Lets pretend its

Hercules in solo lane Vs Tyr
Hercules gets = Hand of the gods and Meditation
Tyr gets = Hand of the gods and beads

So your going to tell me that meditation is a scrub item that is useless???
Umm meditation is going to let hercules out lane tyr while he goes home and crys.
- they both grab blue buff from the start with HOG or help from jungler
- They both spam skills to get full use out of their blue buff "blue buff is like meditation" so if meditation is bad its like saying blue buff is bad because it lets you spam more
- so blue buff runs out now what?
- both have low mana from clearing waves/fighting
- Both have to go home right? NOPE
- Hercules uses meditation to get all his mana back
- Tyr now has to cry and ask for help from a jungler or someone to help hoping someone is near to help because he can't out lane hercules now
- Hercules now laughs as he has enough mana to clear about 4 waves while tyr has to go home
- Tyr has to buy a telaport and waste gold meanwhile his tower is pushed.

Oh did I mention meditation saves you ALOT OF GOLD from buying mana pots?
Hercules also isn't wasting gold on mana pots now while tyr is.

Meditation wins games, saves lives, lets you out push, lets you stay in lane, ect.

Ya you give up beads but obviously if someone didn't get beads then THEY FELT they don't need the damn beads in that case meditation IS BETTER THAN BEADS because BEADS is not needed. Also with gods like hercules, when you are godlike in the first place beads isn't even needed half the time.

If you don't need beads or aegis then MEDITATION IS BETTER THE END.

And yes I literally can "tell" and "see" when people cry for help in solo lane, I can literally "see" them telaport back and waste gold meanwhile I am still in lane. I can just imagine while they are standing still with no mana what they are doing, and to answer that what they are doing is saying "someone help me I have no mana and this ****er just used meditation"

So if meditation is such a scrub item then why when I solo and the other person I solo against has to #1 cry for help #2 waste gold on telaport #3 cry some more
Any item that does that to my opponent I consider it a good item


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » December 4, 2013 10:29pm | Report
Oh my good heavens that was such a long post that could be summed up in like, 3 sentences.

"Are you certain you won't need beads to live?
Then use meditation so you can spam a lam a lot more and both harass and clear more waves.
So it's not a noob item."


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 4, 2013 11:17pm | Report
Why would you ever not need beads? The only people who don't need beads are tanks and some bruisers in games that don't have 'too' much CC. There's so much CC in the game that any squishy without them is a free kill at all times. If people aren't killing you when you aren't buying beads, you're not facing good people.

Hell, beads are the best offensive active on a lot of mages. Ever tried offensive beads on Zeus? three stacks, detonate, drop ult, three more stacks, beads, detonate again while still in ult, GG.

You seem to have missed my other point though; Shielded Teleport does everything that Meditation does, only better.

For the Tyr/Herc situation, the Tyr will have HoG/Teleport (Tyr doesn't need beads because of his passive and how tanky he is.) His blue buff will run out, so he'll clear a wave, back, and teleport back instantly with full health/mana before the waves even meet again. At max level he can do this every 60 seconds. There's no possible way to spam enough to run out of mana that fast. In fact, he can just constantly trade with you since you can't heal health like he can.

The Tyr will also be able to free rotate all over the map all game, while the Herc will be stuck in lane or late rotating. Meditation isn't horrible in some situations (though it's never the preferable option either); it's horrible in solo lane. Shielded Teleport (not buying teleport scrolls,) is better in every scenario.

Again, if you're playing against bad players, you can not buy any actives and beat them. That's not an argument for med or anything else.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 198
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 5, 2013 12:51am | Report
Umm If I see tyr going back I'm just going to 2 him to he doesn't back
also a person cannot clear waves when they are getting raped can they?

So they are forced to have help... thats how smite works most of the time

The person getting their *** beat has to get help from the jungler ganking.

In my case since I play one of the most gayest solo gods possible, yes hercules is so gay that he almost never dies to anyone in solo lane, he almost never loses. I am not talking about team fights, ect or getting ganked. I am talking about strait solo 1v1 hercules pretty much never loses and at the least will almost never lose his tower.

That being said, out of all the soloing games I have played with hercules I cannot legitly say that hercules will not be pushed back that easy and it will most likely be the other way around, it will probably be hercules taking hits laughing them off while you are under tower trying to clear waves then get out.

I bring this up because you are acting like people can clear waves against hercules with ease, ya it sounds good on the forum but when hercules smashes your skull open and puts you on low hp your not going to the balls to clear waves and get near him any more.

Therefor "people call for help"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 5, 2013 1:04am | Report
I don't really see how your Hercules skill has anything to do with meditation... If you stomp people with meditation Herc, try teleport Herc. Now you can stomp your lane better, and teleport to fights in the duo lane and stomp them!

Getting off topic, Hercules is a strong solo laner, but he's not the best at the moment. A Tyr of equal skill will probably beat, but at least just match a Herc. Tyr is a counter to Herc. It doesn't matter if you're good enough to beat whatever Tyrs you face, that's just the way it is.

You can't just stop an enemy from backing ad infinitum if that's your argument against teleport... He's going to walk behind his tower and start backing. If you walk in to his tower and try to 2 him, he'll dodge it, you'll eat a tower shot, and he'll just start backing again. You can't stop him again. If the Tyr is really good, he'll ult over you, Fearless you back into tower since his 1 has higher priority than your 1, and you'll die, Mitigate Wounds and all. Tyr has just as good of wave clear as Herc anyway, so you're not gonna be pushing him back to tower under pretty much any circumstance.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 198
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 5, 2013 1:35am | Report
but you think hercules is going to ALLOW a damn tyr to push waves and get away with it thats your problem with the whole idea of people clearing waves so they can back, you keep assuming they can just clear waves and back. Well if it was so easy to do then we would all back with ease and never lose a tower.. but thats not how it works in a real game, in a real game some is going to be tower hugging and going to be the loser of the lane therefor they won't be out pushing lanes and if they do it will be undertower wasting time while the other person has already backed.

And you make no sense, your saying mediation is bad and it waste a ****in active item slot but yet your saying instead of meditation get telaport??? Ummm... that waste a active slot you know this???
So what is it? Are you saying wasting and active slot on meditation is bad but wasting an active slot on telaport is better? no hell no. I will take meditation over telaport as an active any day.

What do I need telaport for when I will just use meditation to out lane my enemy and I can back before they can since I push waves with my more sustained spam from the extra mana? The only person who will be needing telaport is the person still clearing the wave too late and that person would be the tyr with NO MANA not the herc with full mana.

Anyways you make no sense correct me if I'm wrong you said :
- don't waste active slots on when beads/aegis are better options
- yet you say buy telaport which is wasting an active slot where you could have got beads/aegis

Yes that makes sense!

Best of all you say that Telaport can do everything that meditation can?
You are on some type of crack if you think telaport does everything meditation does.
Can telaport:
- give you all your mana back in and instant without having to back or leave a fight?????
- give you 30% hp instantly without leaving a fight???

In a fight, in a team fight, in a wave clear in anything that has value and in any situation where I need things done TELAPORT TAKES ME OUT THE FIGHT not keep me in it.

Meditation > Telaport all day everyday.
If I want to telaport I'll buy it as a consumable not waste a damn slot that gives me 30% instant hp and almost full mana back. Telaport is not needed whenever I get back to lane before its pushed

Tyr can trys to back behind his tower? Cool story bro I will throw a ult at him, oh he does it again? coolstory bro I have minigate wounds and can dive and get back all my hp and heal up even more than what I dived with.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » December 5, 2013 1:52am | Report
It's a great item in my opinion . In arena I'm only getting it for Hel and Chang'e and in game modes like assault or 1 vs 1 for each and every god I play (except Freya for which i'll grab beads and depending on the enemy CB).

Why is this item this great ?

- Mana heal which did saved my life or made me get a kill otherwise I would miss due to no mana .
- HP Heal (30%) + my heals usually bring my hp to 50% or higher late game .This can and DID changed the tide of battle in my favour many many times .Not to mention Thanatos & Freya ultimates troll .
- Last but not least the mp5 is great . Add the mp5 from Chronos' Pendant and later on Rod of Tahuti to this + occasionally mana buff .Sweet mother of skill spamming !

Since I'm playing Chang'e most of the time Meditation is my favourite active , but for other gods there are better actives , like Sprint/blink for Anubis , blink for Tyr or CB for any god against Odin + Zeus/ Agni combo .


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 5, 2013 2:00am | Report
ICEN wrote:

but you think hercules is going to ALLOW a damn tyr to push waves and get away with it thats your problem with the whole idea of people clearing waves so they can back, you keep assuming they can just clear waves and back. Well if it was so easy to do then we would all back with ease and never lose a tower.. but thats not how it works in a real game, in a real game some is going to be tower hugging and going to be the loser of the lane therefor they won't be out pushing lanes and if they do it will be undertower wasting time while the other person has already backed.

Herc can't do anything to Tyr when he 1s the wave. Tyr's dash has higher priority than Herc's. If you try to dash through him, you'll get pulled and take damage. He's immune to your 2's pull while he's using his 1 as well.

Also, it's really not hard to clear and disengage against a Herc. Herc has to use his 2 and 1 to clear, now you have 10 seconds to do whatever you want to the minions. He could ult you... but Tyr's heal probably heals more damage than your ult takes away if he's building right.

Tyr doesn't have to tower hug because he can clear in the middle of the lane and then walk back to tower, and there's nothing you can do about it. Tyr's kind of ridiculous.

ICEN wrote:

Anyways you make no sense correct me if I'm wrong you said :
- don't waste active slots on when beads/aegis are better options
- yet you say buy telaport which is wasting an active slot where you could have got beads/aegis

Yes that makes sense!

We're talking about two different scenarios here. On a mage/mid laner (the person most likely to get meditation,) beads are a must. There's really no arguing this at all. You're too squishy to survive without them, and there's no reason to not want them anyway. The real argument is between Combat Blink, Aegis Amulet, Teleport or whatever else in the second slot.

For a solo lane bruiser who doesn't need them, and Herc doesn't because he's tanky enough, the argument is between Teleport and med. Teleport gives you full mana and health regen on a 60 second cooldown, and it gives you global map presence. It's not about teleporting to towers, it's about TPing to wards behind a fight and at key spots in the jungle. A teleport scroll doesn't do that. If you think meditation is better than that because it happens instantly... well okay.

Also, I haven't mentioned it yet, but Teleport is a great escape on tanky characters, much better than meditation's health bonus. Pop, teleport, the enemy stunned you... pop it again. Now they have a couple seconds to kill you before you disappear.

There's just no reason to give up all that utility because you need the mana instantly, rather than in 8 seconds. Nobody's positioning/preparation is that bad.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 198

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