October 01, 2018

Zhong First Match

Views: 1769 xmysterionz
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Zhong kui  |  solo
I just wanna share my first match with Zhong Kui that can be found here.

I'm really surprised with this god. I always thought he was strong but no so much. I was against an Anubis in solo lane. I was lazy so didn't saw any build. I just built what came in my mind but I ate Anubis alive and become fed, so I guess whatever I built would be functional that match.

I'm really surprised. I always knew he is strong and can kill even without true damage items, but this is ridiculous.

That's it, just wanna share. If you have any tips to me, I'm accepting.
I'm just sad because I don't have any skin to him ;-; (that ghostbuster looks so awesome).
Also his voice pack sucks, one of (if not the worst) worse voice pack in the game.