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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 3 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest!

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Forum » News » SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » January 20, 2025 1:49am | Report

Hey everyone and welcome to the first ever SMITE 2 Guide Contest! 🏆

Check out the details below to learn how to join and compete for the $2,000 USD prize pool! 💰

Season 0 Guide Contest (20 Winners)

Anyone can participate in the guide contest by creating one or more guides for any SMITE 2 God, as long as the minimum requirements listed below are fulfilled. Once the guide contest has finally concluded, the best 20 guides out of them all will win $100 USD each and a special badge.

How to participate?

Simply create or update a SMITE 2 Season 0 full guide before the end of the contest (March 3rd) and you're entered!

Full guides cover everything you need to know in order to properly play a specific god. To qualify as a full guide considered for the contest, it must fulfill the following requirements:
  • at least 5,000 characters (characters, not words, including BBCode)

  • a properly filled out build - skill order and items in the item purchase order (starting items and full build are a must)

  • must follow the guidelines provided in the judging section below

  • ideal full guide examples - example 1, example 2, example 3

  • make sure to select the Smite 2 version when creating your guide!

If you want feedback for your entry, don't forget to make use of the forums and our Discord server! The SMITEFire community will be happy to help by giving your guide feedback. Sounds good so far? Break the ice and be the first to join the guide contest! 😊

What Will The Entries Be Judged On?

Build Quality - everyone needs a good build

What would a God do without a good build? If you don't buy any items you probably aren't going to do very well! So first things first, tell us what to buy (under the Items tab) of your guide!

Guide purchase orders exist to tell your readers what to buy as well as the order in which they should buy their items, so make sure to make good use of them.

Depth of Information - teach us how to play!

What order do you level your skills in? Do you wait for a certain moment to use a skill? How do you play against this god or that god? All these little details should not only teach beginners the basics, but teach experienced players little tips and tricks they may not have known before. We've jotted down a list of common topics to touch on in a guide below.
  • Skill order
  • How to use your skills effectively
  • First purchase
  • Build order and how to counterbuild
  • Tips and tricks
  • Matchups and synergy
  • Other game concepts such as team fighting, jungling, pushing, map objectives, etc.

Formatting and Readability - add some polish

If your guide or build has typos everywhere and all the text is in bright blue it might be a little hard to read. We're not saying that a single typo will disqualify your guide, but take some time to proofread and add some formatting to your guide to help readers quickly find important information. Below are a few resources to help set you on your way; if you want any more help, feel free to ask for it on the forums or in our Discord server!

What Are The Rules?

  • Open to registered SMITEFire members only. Not a member? Register now and craft your entry!

  • Contest is worldwide.

  • After contest is closed there will be a 2-week judging period.

  • Winners may choose to receive their prize via PayPal, Bank Transfer or Amazon Gift Cards.

  • You must create or update your guides by the end of March 3rd PST.

  • Your guides and builds must meet the requirements listed in the rules.

  • You're allowed to make changes to your guides at any time.

  • Guides must be crafted to reflect the current state of the game.

  • Guides for any of SMITE 2's game modes are eligible to win.

  • Participants can only win one prize.

  • Depending on the number of quality and eligible entries, the number of winners might be adjusted.

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will automatically disqualify your guide.
    • NOTE: God builds and BBCode do not belong to any one writer and do not fall under plagiarism rules

Contest Judges

We have a hand-picked team of judges this year, including some prolific guide authors. Since judges can't win any category of the contest, it's your best chance to secure a spot in the standings while these guide giants are out of the running!

Thank you for creating guides and builds and good luck in the new year and in the guide contest! 😊
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